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United considers Boeing 737 MAX 7 as replacement for its aging 737-700s

The statement came from the chief financial officer Gerry Laderman while Speaking in a hangar at Newark’s Liberty International airport. On June 29, the airline announced a massive new airplane order for 200 Boeing 737 MAXs, along with 70 Airbus A321neos. ( Más...

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George Pepe 0
I think that the 737 700 looks the worst of them all. It seems to short
mbrews 8
The article basically says "MAYBE United will consider 737 MAX 7 " I believe the MAX 7 variant is still undergoing FAA certification ? It's been taking a long while due to Covid and other Boeing priorities.

Some articles have described the greater possible pitch forces on the MAX 7 series, due to placement and thrust angle of the larger engines. Because it is shorter and stubbier, the MAX 7 would experience higher pitch forces from a sudden thrust increase (higher than than the original 737-700 would see).

Will stability considerations cause a need for an MCAS-like circuit to deal with pitch-up forces ? The FAA reviewers have probably been asking that question.
Peter Fuller 3
I’m recalling that much if not most of the flight testing of the revised MAX MCAS system was done with a 737-7 test aircraft. If I’m correct it seems that both Boeing and the FAA would be well aware of any pitch control issues specific to the -7.

Since the -7 is somewhat lighter than the longer MAX versions, it’s likely fitted with a lower-thrust version of the CFM Leap-1B engine, so relatively lower pitch-up effect from going to full power.

bentwing60 4
Ever seen a Lake amphib.? Now there is an airplane that exudes pitch force with power change consequences. And they are universally loved by their competent pilot operators. Who are also, by necessity, boaters. "The Lake’s tendency to nose down when power is added and to rise when power is reduced because the engine is mounted high above the CG requires a good initial checkout, in our opinion." Not 'simple flyin'.

IMHO, uber modern commercial transport aircraft are now designed not to separate the 'wheat from the chafe' pilot wise, but to automate everything to enable the chafe to be employable due to the shortage of Wheat! Might work till the EICAS, TCAS everything cas lights up and thus the gremlins come out to play, and they simply don't have the skills to properly assess the situation.

A competent pilot in a familiar airframe knows what the result of non-gender specific inputs will be, the other, not so much.

I've said it before, it ain't the golf clubs that render the score!


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