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Will Southwest Airlines add international flights?

In October, the Orlando Business Journal, a sister publication of the Business Weekly, looked at the possibility of Southwest Airlines adding international flights in light of the Dallas-based domestic airline’s $1.4 billion plan to buy AirTran Airways. Orlando-based AirTran has flights to three international destinations, including daily flights to San Juan, Puerto Rico. ( Más...

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Brad Littlejohn 0
TRS' Caribbean routes would be the jewel here, as well as their MMUN route. Those would be the only international routes they would gain.

And Ric is absolutely correct. No passport required to go to Puerto Rico.

adambear8 0
Well they could get Airtran's Caribbean routes. I do have to agree with Ric Wernicke on this one that you do not need a passport to get to Puerto Rico.
Ric Wernicke 0
This is the first I've heard that Puerto Rico is an international destination. I never need a passport to go there, they have US post offices, and they conduct transactions in dollars. I think this publication needs a fact checker.


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