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Will Southwest Airlines add international flights?

In October, the Orlando Business Journal, a sister publication of the Business Weekly, looked at the possibility of Southwest Airlines adding international flights in light of the Dallas-based domestic airline’s $1.4 billion plan to buy AirTran Airways.

Orlando-based AirTran has flights to three international destinations, including daily flights to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Now, it looks like the possibility of Southwest adding international flights may be one step closer.

News outlets, including the The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press, reported Dec. 15 that Gary Kelly, Southwest’s chief executive, said the airline is changing an order with The Boeing Co. for larger 737 aircraft. Twenty of the new jets will arrive in March 2012. He mentioned they could be used for busy congested airports.

But bigger planes also can be used to serve Central America and the Caribbean.

The American Antitrust Institute, an antitrust research and advocacy group, has said the merger could change the business model of low cost airlines and Southwest's pricing strategies.

Southwest is the busiest airline at the Albuquerque International Sunport.

Read more: Southwest Airlines, AirTran deal likely to close | New Mexico Business Weekly

Melanie Stawicki Azam of the Orlando Business Journal, an affiliated publication, compiled this report.