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ZeroAvia Makes History with Largest Hydrogen-Electric Powered Aircraft

A California manufacturer named ZeroAvia has just paved a significantly bigger path toward the mass use of sustainable aviation fuel with a Dornier 228. ( Más...

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Does aviation learn from past mistakes? It has been proven that airframes and hydrogen don't go well together. Anyone remember the Hindenberg?
WTF is with the CONSTANT paywalls on EVERY article I try to read lately???
alan curtis 1
Yea, a pain. For this one I got around it by hitting <ctrl>P to "print" it to PDF before the paywall splash replaced the content...
Chuck Pergiel 1
Another Social Justice Warrior promoting some Tom fool idea and getting fools to contribute money to his 'cause'. A common career choice these days. Can't blame him for trying, I mean American loves a good confidence swindle.
jaggerfoo 3
Note that the company has 1500 orders in it's pipeline, with United Airlines ordering 50 engines to compete in 500 mi service areas. So economics and clean energy seem to be the benefit of this technology.

I like new ideas. Apparently so does the FAA and the customers that ordered 1500 engines.
Jackson Franco -7
For real? Aviation is 2.5% of carbon emissions? That is nothing. Most carbon emissions come from China burning coal. In any case, there is no proof that man is contributing to "warming" at all. There are only theories. Other reasons can be subterranean magma, changes in the sun, changes in the orbit of Earth. Stop the madness. Stop the fascist climate alarmism.
Stephen Leftly 1
The "only theories" argument show a total absolute zero understanding of science. Put simply science collects a whole bunch of facts and them works out a theory that best explain those facts. As more facts become known they either confirm the theory , show where it is invalid and improves it. Also a new theory has to be consistent with existent theories or show why existing theories are wrong.

We now have over thousands of man decades of research in to the climate and how it works. For climate scientists to be wrong now would require overturning just about every theory in science. It is just not rational to think that is in any way probable.

As for other causes such as changes in orbits etc.....they have been evaluated, by numerous groups over many decades, and have found not to fit the facts.

As someone said:" science is the process that stop use believing something that we wish was true but isn't and makes us believe something that is true that we wish it wasn't .

Climate change is clearly fits into the second part of that statement .
Craig Good 2
Denying that the climate is warming due to human activity is now as stupid as claiming that the Earth is flat. The evidence is that overwhelming.
FALSE! Al Hore and his crowd have underwhelming evidence. They play this game every decade or so. That's the Union of (un)Concerned Scientists in Cambridge, MA. You couldn't have been around for the 50's hurricanes!
Stephen Leftly 1
The actual facts say otherwise. When looked at over decades we are getting stronger hurricanes more often.

Even with signicantly better construction codes we, in the US, are still seeing more damage.

The only good news is that we are much better at predicting storm paths that allow people to get out of the way or to prepare themselves better.
Craig Good -2
Denying that the climate is warming due to human activity is now as stupid as claiming that the Earth is flat. The evidence is that ovoerwhelming.
Stephen Leftly 1
True, man centuries of work by seriously smart people can not be discounted.

Any yet for some perverse reason many seem to be incapable of dealing with the fact that the climate is changing and that human caused emission of greenhouse gases are the cause.
Gary Bain 0
Couldn't agree more Jackson. I also noted that the article made the statement that "aviation is one of the worst polluters". Totally untrue so I dismissed the entire article as BS.
Stephen Leftly 1
No matter how you look at it aviation is very energy intensive.

A 737 consumes about 750 gallons of fuel per hour and a 747 consumes about 3,000 gallons per hour (clearly these are rough numbers since shorter flights consume more fuel per flight hour, fully laden vs empty etc etc.). On a per passenger basis that is approximately 7 gallons per hour.

While on a mile travelled basis a commercial jet is way more efficient than say a regular car this is offset by the fact that one travels so much further in a jet. In a car for a 10 hour drive I am very lucky to travel 600 miles, in a 10 hour flight I can get to travel close to 6,000 miles.

It is unlikely that there is a solution to the carbon emissions of long haul flights, short haul flights may be different. We need to make progress where we can, aircraft that don't emit CO2, more efficient jets, more efficient routes and eventually probably such technologies such as direct air capture of CO2.

Clearly we have a problem as people( including me) like to travel but travel adds to climate change.

Sticking ones head in the sand and pretending the problem does not exist only works for a short time.
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that paywall I ran into was a blessing, lol.
Jackson Franco -4
For real? Aviation is 2.5% of carbon emissions? That is nothing. Most carbon emissions come from China burning coal. In any case, there is no proof that man is contributing to "warming" at all. There are only theories. Other reasons can be subterranean magma, changes in the sun, changes in the orbit of Earth. Stop the madness. Stop the fascist climate alarmists.

ToddBaldwin3 3
We have to strt
linbb 0
Ok so how much room and other items for it to actually be viable and hold enough pax to fly a decent distance. Electric AC doesnt have anything that will haul a payload and go a decent distance.
ToddBaldwin3 4
We have to start somewhere, and this is just that, a start.
Torsten Hoff 9
Hydrogen-electric aircraft will have the payload and range not only to compete with, but to outperform turbine-powered aircraft. Their propulsion systems are far more efficient. Don’t judge the technology by the configuration of the testbed.
dilkie 4
linbb is right... while H2 has high energy density, that only comes with either liquid (cryogenic) or under extremely high pressure (50+ bar).
Both of which incur high weight penalties that I'm not so sure makes it a suitable fuel for A/C.
linbb 2
Very true but the fuel is a huge problem and its going to continue to be. Thats where I am comong from there was a news article about that just a few weeks ago.


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