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Airbus delays A321XLR to 2024 amid safety talks, sources

TOULOUSE, FRANCE (REUTERS) — Airbus is delaying the development of its A321XLR jet by several months, pushing its arrival to 2024, as regulators tighten the rules to prevent fire risks, some industry sources said. ( Más...

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Maxwell Johnson -1
Oh dear, this news has set the Boeing haters scrambling.
bartmiller 4
Both Boeing and Airbus are pushing their workhorse airframes, the 737 and A320, further and further. Clearly Boeing pushed too far with the MAX and here is a sign that the 320 (newer than the 737, of course) is being pushed to far.

Of course, it's easier (quicker and cheaper) to build on an existing frame than design a new one from scratch. Unless you push too hard without proper engineering oversights (like the MAX). Then it becomes really expensive.
SkyAware123 3
huh? what sign ? They're open about the design and the regulators said no. That's QUITE different than implementing a crappy system to overcome a terrible design and not tell anyone about it. Airbus is doing 10 times better than Boeing.
bartmiller 7
No arguments here about Boeing's mistakes, including technical ones and deceiving the public and regulators.

I was merely commenting on the airframes and the manufactures' desire to extend the missions that these airframes (and their derivatives) can handle.
21voyageur 8
Fair comment however I will take it to the next level if I may. Airbus has apparently chosen to date to not trump engineering with greedy aspirations and directives which, is what got Boeing to their current sad state (ie: self certification).
SkyAware123 2
exactly. See last weeks article about all the issues Boeing has.
21voyageur -9
Hmmm, sounds like Boeing may be fueling this "article" to divert attention from its serious woes. If so, sad and pathetic. My 2 cents.
Peter Fuller 3
Apparently Boeing submitted comments and concerns to EASA about Airbus’ conformal belly tank design concept. This could help Boeing by..
1) Delaying market entry by a competitor’s very capable aircraft
2) Getting a more thorough workout of this tank design through certification at Airbus’ expense, thereby making it easier/cheaper for Boeing to possibly include a similar tank in some possible future new Boeing airplane.

PETER Pittman -2
mbrews 7
Here are some facts from the article.

"...the delay stems from discussions with regulators about the certification of a novel fuel tank needed to boost its range in a battle for sales with Boeing

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is looking at significant rule changes that would force Airbus to redesign areas of the lower fuselage known as "underbelly fairings", two of the sources said.

These composite external structures would have to be lengthened and redesigned in heavier metal to help contain fire in the event of a belly-landing.

Such work could add 6-9 months to the timetable depending on the scope of the final rule, one of the sources said. "

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

21voyageur -1
Your meds are to be found in the bathroom cabinet, second shelf, left hand side.


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