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Transnorthern DC-3 makes emergency gear up landing, video

Transnorthern DC-3 makes emergency gear up landing at Anchorage's Merrill Field after loss of engine powered ( Más...

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Dan Boss 2
I can't believe the misinformed comments here about this being a turboprop. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet! This is a radial (piston) engine plane. See this video for absolute proof, starting at 1:25...

And some possible causes for an engine failure are detailed here:
bentwing60 1
Perfect response and proves the right engine was feathered, the left was tryin' and the wing was clean, ergo no flap damage. Textbook save and major Kudos to a couple of guys who can say "been there, done that"!
I don't know which to chide more: the lack of homework from the article's reporter or the lack of homework from all the "expert" commenters. Heck, data on N28TN was not all that difficult to find on Google. Two clicks at most.
Wayne Fox 1
I've never seen a "Low Rider" DC 3 before! I thought is was a great landing considering... Loved hearing the sweet sound of the one working radial engine in the background.
Wayne Fox 1
I guess I didn't hear a radial engine as someone stated it had been converted to a turboprop.
Wayne Fox 1
Well shoot. I just read the Wiki about the plane and it is a radial. I have flown on both commercial DC3's and Military C47's Low and slow/
bkintzele 1

Pretty good result, considering…
Doug Zalud 3
Looks like they took her straight down the center of the runway. Awesome job.
rbt schaffer 2
They walked away from it....
Fred B Rillo 1
So which engine drives the hydraulic pump? Manual deployment takes forever and a lot of pumping the hand pump. as I recall
Both engine have hydraulic pumps plus there is a emergency manually operated pump.
KatzyBaby 4
The video shows a beautifully controlled belly-slide landing. The wings didn't even quiver. Glad to see a successful emergency landing with no deaths.
Indeed! Planes can be repaired. People...not always.
Phil Caron 3
On some turboprop conversions, the main landing gear is fully enclosed. For the negative armchair pilots out there, if you can't fly, don't comment.
Well said, a shame there are so many "non-pilot" critics questioning a pro's decisions! They should all go as well as this one did. Well done guys, "any landing one walks away from is a good landing!"
Ted Reesor 1
As a non-pilot myself, there's no way one can comment on the pilot's actions unless you're a pilot yourself. I can picture however, them leaning through the cockpit door during the approach and announcing, "I got this".
tcavin 2
Impressive landing....
Charles Baker 8
Beautiful work. Throwing the gear out would have been a huge mistake.
deanteam 5
9080 (MSN 10207) ex USAAF 42-24345. to US Marine Corps Sep 8, 1943 - VMR 153 Aug 1944 - MAW-3 Oct 5, 1945 -
HDN MAG-15 Oct 1945 - M Fair West Nov 9, 1945 - Corpus Christi Dec 1945 - Jacksonville Jun 1946 -
Stored Litchfield Park Nov 1946 - Cherry Pt Aug 1948 - Converted to R4D-8 with new MSN 43354.
Noted at August 23, 1961 active with NAS Rota, Spain. To C-117D Sep 18, 1972. WFU Aug 3, 1977 at MASDC.
To N2071X Jan 19, 1983. To C-GGKG Oct 1984.
To N28TN May 30, 2007. Noted at Anchorage International Airport, 09June2016, wearing N28TN, and
TransNorthern titles
selmer40 1
Converted: DC 4 engines and tail??
Fred B Rillo 2
No, it's a Super DC3 with a bigger tail, bigger wings and bigger engines.
And with two fuselage plugs, 6 and a half feet longer.
Fred B Rillo 1
very good and lucky pilots, thanks to God no injuries
Ron Fletcher 6
Congratulations to the pilots

If already flying just above or at VMC, then putting the gear down could cause speed to drop below VMC and then the outcome will be negative.
padrooga23 19
ATC is incorrect. He did not make a bad landing. That was beautiful!

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Wayne Riley 3
What is the difference between Turbojet and Turboprop?
Larry A. Similey -2
Turbo Prop and "turbo propeller" are the same thing. Go back to tech school before making snide statements.
No, Larry, Turboprop and Turbo Propellers are NOT the same thing. Here's a bit of advice for you: It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.
Scott Campbell 3
Yea Larry ! what did you walk in the first day and know it all - Home Schooled ?
Well Mr Johnson, I don’t know where you learned that they “are not the same” because the exact definition of the Garret TPE-731 engine is: TURBOPROPELLER and/or TURBOPROP!” The Fairchild Metro Liner for instance is listed by FAA as Turboprop yet the POH lists it as as a TURBOPROPELLER! So, I’ll yield to both Fairchild and FAA! ATP Multi-engine / CV-580 and B-737
Scott Campbell 3
Are you a member of the Cap and grammar police too?
Wayne Riley 0
What does Turboprop mean, is it short for TurboPropulsion?
A turboprop engine is a turbine engine that drives an aircraft propeller.
Wayne Riley 3
So Turbine-Propeller?
David Baldwin 16
NOT pilot error! The aircraft was fully loaded, and barely mede it, as we understand they even clipped trees they were struggling to clear on final. Putting out the gear would have created too much drag and less likely to have made it.
In the following YouTube video note that when they pass by the office window they are north bound and about 1.3 miles shy of Merrill Field RWY 7, which is the runway they landed on, and are a scant 350-400' AGL.
Great job nursing it that last leg to the runway!
padrooga23 5
Did he forget or is that a better way to land on a snowy/icy runway? landing could snag in deep snow I would think.
Peter Fuller 4
I recall reading somewhere that the DC-3 was designed so it could be landed engines-off and gear-up without breaking anything: main gear wheels partly exposed, 3-blade props stopped in a position where blades wouldn’t touch the runway. Maybe that’s a myth; in any case it might not be the case for the Super DC-3 with, to quote the squawked article, “turbo propellers”.
Sort of a myth. The propellers get hosed. 3 blade, 11' 6 1/4" disc diameter, Hamilton Standard Hydromatic, fully feathering, NO reverse. They don't clear the ground by much even when the gear is fully extended and even less when in takeoff or landing, when the fuselage is essentially parallel to the runway surface . If you look at this YouTube video, you can see and hear the props slapping the runway, even the fully feathered right propeller.
Jack Holt 2
This was not a turbine conversion, article was wrong. And the Super DC-3 does not have the wheels exposed when retracted, covered to reduce drag.
More to the point, MOST DC-3S have main wheel gear doors, and like the DC-3 "Round Tail" the wheels DO protrude below the engine nacelles for about 40% of their diameter. That they do is simply cloaked by the closed gear doors. The protrusion is sufficient to preclude the bottom of the fuselage from touching the surface of the runway. Unlike the DC-3 "Round Tail" the tail wheel of a DC-3S DOES retract leaving about 25% of it diameter protruding which is sufficient to keep the rear lower fuselage from touching the surface of the runway. However, while the wheel protrusions are good for the fuselage, it will NOT save the propellers. Look at still photo in this YouTube video. or search TransNorthern in YouTube.
Yes, Jack is correct. NO DC-3S (Super) has been converted to turbine engines. Only the DC-3 "Round Tails" have. The DC-3S is powered by Wright 1820 nine cylinder radial engines. MOST DC-3 "Round Tails" are powered by Pratt and Whitney 1830 14 cylinder, double row, radial engines. A few were converted to the Wrights primarily for the extra HP.
linbb 3
Think it was a turbine conversion Basler comes to mind. Big takeaway is pilot was doing his thing and so was the other guy in the right seat. Listen close as all transmissions were done real well last was a bit hurried only due to they were right there and had no choice except immediate landing.
Roy Thomas 7
The route to Kodiak, My home, includes miles of open water. They were fortunate this happened in airspace with an available runway. Once a flight to Kodiak passes Homer there are 140 miles with no suitable terrain or airfields for an emergency landing.
I completely agree. The Barren Islands are aptly named.
Super DC-3. Great A/C. She'll fly again.
bentwing60 14
That'll buff right out! But seriously folks, snowy slick runway, voila, no sparks and notice the slide was on the cowls and tailwheel. Excellent job Captain and I bet it will be flyin' again in less than a month.
Colin Seftel 4
It's not visible in the video, but even with the main gear retracted, the tires are below the cowls on a DC3 and exposed. The tailwheel can't retract, so in fact the wheels must have hit the runway first.
bentwing60 2
The tailwheel does 'indeed retract', sir.
This "Super DC-3 has TFE-731 turbo-prop (propeller) engines!
NYET! It has Wright Cyclone, R1820 9 cylinder, single row, single speed superchargers, air cooled radial engines, developing 1475 HP at 2800 RPM and 54.5" MP. METO is 1275 HP at 2500 RPM and 45" MP and typical cruise power is 650 HP at 2000 RPM and 30" MP, which is sufficient to lope along at about 145-150 KIAS. They ain't a speed queen but are a workhorse.
Jack Holt 2
This is a Super DC-3, wheels are covered.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Em Fairley 2
The biggest troll on here calling someone else a troll is laughable


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