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NTSB plans December hearing into Asiana Boeing 777 crash

The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) will hold a two-day investigative hearing in December on the crash of Asiana Airlines Flight 214. The hearing will be held Dec.10 and 11 in Washington, DC. NTSB said Friday the hearing will focus on pilot awareness in highly automated aircraft, emergency response, and cabin safety. ( Más...

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Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Wow! thanX my friend James Farnsworth.
Will prove to be great boon. For knowledge , as well as for sharing vies.
Keep up the good work.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Dear Experts, prepare your guns.
Keep them well oiled and powder dry.
Battle dates are announced !
"Pilot awareness in highly automated aircraft". That's funny.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Dear friend WALLACE24, you did not mention words there after. Was is deliberate or what ?
Without them, the totality of context is lost, meaning disappears !
Automation vis-a-vis emergency response etc. !
Correct me if I am wrong.
What's funny is the implication that automation is a culprit here. If you can't make a vfr approach with or without automation the focus should fall only one place. Only question is "did the pilot flying single handedly destroy the aircraft or was it a group effort"? Lol
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Dear friend WALLACE24, inspite of my limitations, I do understand what you stated and agree fully. But as I see it, automation is not a culprit BUT a context. A part of environment. Some thing not to be considered in isolation. But ALWAYS in conjunction with ground realities as prevailing at a given point of time. That is the meaning of environment, the total environment. IFR+VFR+CRM+FMS and many more factors not known to me so far !
And IMHO, that is precisely what the NTSB is going to say in their report using hard and accurate data.
And they will cover each and EVERY aspect of corporate management and culture, training and inter personal behaviour et al .
PhotoFinish 1
Yeah. They'll basically look into preventing pilots from getting their heads up their ass, when they are using autopilots, autothrottles an any other automation to help control the plane.

The key word is awareness... as in situation awareness.
preacher1 1
[email protected] This is the URL for the entire report and where the investigation has been so far.
PhotoFinish 2
That's a listserve email address. If you send an email to that address, they'll add you to the list serve that apparently sends out NTSB News email updates.

Think of it as decades old twitter-type updates (created decades before twitter even existed) that go into your email inbox.

Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Dear friend preacher1, will you please recheck the URL ?
I am unable to get any where ! The URL seems to be an email id !
preacher1 1
Well, I guess it is. That is the NTSB Email address. You log onto it and will receive periodic reports. I looked again and could not find and Internet URL
preacher1 1
BUT, in this case the Email from the NTSB does not seem to be much different than the story
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Seems it will be quite a while before the report is ready to be published(shared).
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
ThanX my friend preacher1.
But seemingly the main portal for registering seems to be at
And that's where I have given my email id.
Now, let's hope for the best.
preacher1 1
Yeah, you will just have to thread your way through the registration process as far as what you want to see. Seems like you will be getting a confirmation Email as well with a couple of things you have to do in order for it to be instituted.
We are all experts. We have been highly educated in the fact that if you mush/stall your aircraft into the ground short of the runway it is not and acceptable landing. And if you can't re-use the same plane it's actually a crash.
preacher1 1
Being as it was "sectioned out and removed to a secure facility", I say it can't be reused and hence it was a CRASH. LOL
bentwing60 1
It takes a certain kind of knack to destroy a perfectly good Triple 7 on a severe clear, no wind kinda day!
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Perfect Devils have the necessary " certain kind of knack " !
And those pilots were exactly that !
Right dear friend bentwing60 ?
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Perhaps in words of insurance company
Total loss !


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