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Air marshal accused of taking upskirt pictures of passengers

A federal air marshal was arrested Thursday morning at Nashville International Airport after being caught taking multiple upskirt pictures of female passengers boarding a plane, police said. A witness spotted 28-year-old Adam Bartsch, who was on duty, taking pictures with his cell phone underneath women's dresses, police said. The witness grabbed Bartsch's phone and notified a Southwest Airlines flight attendant, a police report said. Airport police removed Bartsch from the flight and… ( Más...

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Unclear story. Says witness grabbed "his" cell phone. Who's? The witness' or the perp's? Doesn't explain how the guy was doing it. Not much info except another bad employee.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
I guess it was Flight/Sky Marshal and NOT an Air Marshal, who is a very senior ranking officer(3 star) of any Air Force.
To my mind such a conduct is comparable to a Police man committing a crime.
And so on.

Er.A.K. Mittal 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Air marshal takes upskirt photos, held

Nashville: A federal air marshal has been arrested and accused of taking cell phone photos underneath women’s skirts as they boarded a plane at Nashville International Airport.
Nashville police said that Adam Bartsch was on duty on Southwest Airline Flight 3132 on Thursday when a witness noticed he was taking the photos and grabbed his cell phone.
The Police said that the witness notified a flight attendant and Bartsch was taken off the flight and charged with disorderly conduct. The agency is in the process of terminating Bartsch’s employment. AFP
mfbutzin 1
Now they will seize his computer and find out exactly how many more people he took photos of and the charges will increase.
matt jensen 1
Creeps exist everywhere.
Story is really twisted. Does anyone else sense some sort of Set-Up here? I'm also wondering if this is isolated to a single marshall?
Kevin Wang? Tampa? Adam Bartsch: Historical Art and print making. Charged with Unlawful photography? Rey Colazzo assaults an air marshall? WTF!
matt jensen -1
In another story - two air marshals were arrested, but escaped from Brasil
sparkie624 1
This article is not related, and is now 3 years old.
PhotoFinish 3
"Does anyone else sense some sort of Set-Up here?"
Yeah, someone made him stick his hand out under ladies' skirts and take indecent upskirt photos of female passengers' private areas. I sense the conspiracy. He couldn't just be a slimeball.
Chip Hermes 3
Just defending us against another underwear bomber!
sparkie624 1
I wonder if he found anything.... Explosive that is... LOL
joel wiley 1
Well, this certainly blew up in his face.
As Walt Kelly wrote "We have met the enemy and he is us"
vanbess 1
That will be his defense for sure. The whole idea of the TSA is a waste of money to begin with I still say offer all carry permit holders the option of carrying frangibles and the TSA can be disbanded


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