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Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun to Step Down; Board Chair and Commercial Airplane Head Replaced in Wake of 737 MAX Crisis

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun will step down at the end of 2024 in part of a broad management shakeup for the embattled aerospace giant. ( Más...

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patrick baker 23
dave calhoon is still giving all of us with a conscience the middle finger. The company does not need his thoUghts and ideas.. KIndly go home and never come back. But if you must, show up and someone will give y0ur own pan and brooom. Sweep up and go home finally having made a difference to the boeing company.
Greg S 22
Boeing's been making a habit lately of rotating the bald tires every year or two. This company has been rebuilt over the past 25 years according to the vision and dictates of the Board of Directors (BoD). They appoint the CEOs to execute their vision, and it is the BoD's vision that is flawed. The result has been debacle after debacle, the non-stop gradual but continuous loss of market share, and the capture of all significant markets by Airbus. Now Boeing is approaching a do-or-die point. Can they change direction and move back to being an engineering-first company that is universally admired? I fervently hope so but I'm also skeptical.
robin cooper 5
it is no coincidence that France and Germany are known for their excellence in engineering
boughbw 4
To quote the Magliozzi Brothers, "There is a reason no one in the world builds cars like the French do."
Joe Keifer 3
The Swiss would disagree.
Bill Overdue -4
Pfft, France is known for the newspaper caricature of a maitre de who's proudly saying "Table for 300,000" as Nazis march thru the Arch de Triomphe!
Rpger Jones 29
This does not go far enough. Should also include Stephanie Pope, William Ampofo, Mike Fleming, Elizabeth Lund, and Kimberly Pastega. All have had their hands in the Commercial Aircraft Division or supply chain management.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Bill Overdue -9
I'd say its more of a "who did you expect" situation! A few of them are engineers, but the majority are likely DEI recipients. Calhoun, as bad as he was, isn't the root cause of Boeings demise!
Greg S 9
Groyper idiot Education Overdue says Boeing's problems are the result of DEI! This is based on zero evidence and zero critical thought.

Even a dumb groyper can understand that these problems are the culmination of a couple of decades of disastrous, short-sighted mismanagement.
Nooge 5
Bill doesn't think for himself.... he parrots his Cult leaders

Ken Paxton an honorable guy is feeding Billy boy DEI nonsense to regurgitate

You cant be to smart to fall for this wedge strategy

USA Today

DALLAS (AP) — The Texas attorney general has opened an investigation into a key Boeing supplier that is already facing scrutiny from federal regulators over quality of parts that it provides to the aircraft maker.

Paxton asked the Wichita, Kansas-based supplier to turn over documents produced since the start of 2022 about communication with investors and Boeing about flaws in parts and corrective steps the company took.

The request goes into detail in seeking internal discussions around Spirit’s efforts to create a diverse workforce “and whether those commitments are unlawful or are compromising the company’s manufacturing processes.” Paxton asked for a breakdown of Spirit's workforce by race, sexual orientation and other factors, and whether the makeup has changed over time.
dkenna 7
Greg, I don’t think there is an issue in corporate America that Mr Overdue for an education doesn’t blame on DEI. At this point, I think he just does it because he really has nothing better to do than try and stir the pot. One of those people who gets their kicks out of chaos.
Bill Overdue -9
Well boys, I'll break it to you gently! If a company took Covid money, they implemented DEI! Now thats simple enough for even the dimmest individual.
Nooge 0
Took COVID money from Trump ? Like the Neanderthal Woman MTG?
btweston 2
Oh it’s you again. Who do you work for?

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Nooge 1
Wendys offer was higher than BK
tcavin -4
women can be just as incompetent as men...only worse
Bill Overdue -3
Yep! No doubt about that!
Dan Nelson 13
Boing has suffered a typical business model, it has been Price Optimized, a previously quality product that has been reengineered and downgraded to reduce costs resulting in a much lower quality product. Many quality companies have suffered by this process. Many companies have not been able to recover from this business model. They are typically sold off to another company.
Corporate America - Nickel and Diming the world since they assumed responsibility from the British.
Alan Macdonald 17
Why wait 9 months
Bill Eger 7
So Calhoun is going to stay on in order to continue his destruction and then he gets millions as a reward?
And just like Calhoun, his selected replacement ihas a degree in accounting.
Accountants are bean counters who know nothing about engineering and don’t care to learn.
George Dinius 1
The local understanding is that he stays until a replacement is named.
Steven Chaney 6
The death of a whistleblower probably didn’t help things.
Nooge -1
Murdered by the same guy as Epstein and Vince Foster
aurodoc 18
Personally, I think Boeing needs to be broken into 2 companies; Boeing commercial, based in Seattle headed by a CEO with an engineering backround and Boeing Aerospace and Defense with HQ remaining in Virginia. Moving different chess pieces around to take leadership roles are not solving any of the long term problems associated with Boeing.
Colin Seftel 2
@aurodoc, that would never work because Aerospace and Defense subsidizes Commercial. Commercial is not profitable on its own.
Merell Matlock 4
I was a .gov production controller for C-17's at the depot in Robins AFB. I used to royally piss off the Boeing tech-reps...whenever they would come up and say "we need to increase the equipment allowance for such-and-such", my first comments would invariably be "Oh, the 787 is still having problems, eh?" or "Late fees to JAL eating up some profits, huh?"

Shady fscking company...
godutch 2
Excellent suggestion.
As long as you don’t heritage christen the Defence company McDonnell Douglas ….
George Dinius 1
They are separate divisions, same company.
Jon Duncan 5
This from the Wall Street Journal dated 3/26/24 in the Opinion section titled The C-Suite Cleanup at Boeing. "The good news is that market discipline is imposing its will on the company. This would seem to refute the narrative, popular in the press, that Boeing has faltered because it has put profits above engineering. No company can ignore profitability, and excellence in engineering is critical in commercial success-and thus to profits and the stock price." Translation. Airbus has executed for decades far better than Boeing and this is the fallout for Boeing's failures.
George Dinius 3
IMO, Boeing has put profits above engineering. That strategy fails long term, and Boeing has reached that point.
jeff slack 14
Headquarters need to be in Seattle where the planes are built, and not in Chicago where it is an out-of-touch corporate headquarters ...........
Peter Fuller 11
Boeing headquarters moved in 2022 from Chicago to Arlington VA.
George Dinius 2
Boeing Commercial is headquartered in Renton.
Are DEI programs, as some have suggested, really a major factor in Boeing's current difficulties?

Airbus operates DEI programs and initatives with a workforce from more than 140 nations and more than 20 languages accross their sites worldwide without any apparent problems.

Weak and missdirected management, coupled with almost non existant quality control procedures, are the prime cause of Boeing's problems and only a top down (now started) complete reappraisal of their
operations can rectify the situation. Only the return to sound engineering practices will save Boeing and, to an extent, all other arguments are superfluous.
boughbw 2
You have to understand how hard it is for white guys like Bill Overdue. With all these minorities taking his job, he is at-risk of being replaced just like right-wing media says. The Biden will take his gun, drag queens will turn him gay, and the next thing you know he'll be hauled before an Obama death panel.
Bill Overdue -2
Please, stop snorting glue! It's embarrassing.
Steven Chaney 1
DEI per se aren’t. The mindset that includes DEI, which doesn’t prioritize engineering excellence and safety and then cost effectiveness absolutely is the cause.
Nooge -1
Lets think about this

I say what is obvious

What Steve and Overdue are saying without evidence is that hiring women and non white people is the reason Boing is failing

Same reason crime in Blue State City's is up ....forced police hiring women and non white people

THey suffer from old white man grievance
Bill Overdue -4
US slang. noun.
1. an irritating person who persistently nags and whines
Nooge 0
old unsuccessful white man grievance
Bill Overdue -5
Wgile most DEI policies are nothing more than a very expensive dog and pony show, and so Airbus, while it's on the DEI train, isn't as dug in as many others. In so far as AirBus is "without any apparent problems", keep in mind DEI was borne and bred in the US by Progessuve lobbyists during the Obama Administration and has only been a "global" initiative for a few years now. Specifically Airbus, only since late 2021. Perhaps they are learning from their own competition to not embrace a losing and very dangerous cause. I believe DEI is a passing fad, as companies are dropping it faster than it took to have it implemented. When the likes of Google, Meta, Telsa, Home Depot and other Silicone Valley companies are eliminating it, you know it doesn't pay the ROI. As u mentioned in a different post, DEI hiring practices are illegal, because it has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence and aptitude! It's about race, skin color, gender. Totally absurd!
btweston 6
Haven’t you met your quota for the month? How many pats of the head do you think you need?
Or could it be that Airbus management are just more diligent in their application of DEI and recognise that sound engineering principles have to take precedence over all other considerations??
What a load of racist, homophobic and misogynistic leaning horseshit.
dkenna 4
Correct. But nevermind Bill, it is his mission to ensure the world knows how against DEI he is and he lets us know in every squawk, everyday.
Jose R Gonzalez -3
Are you looking at yourself in the mirror? Is that the excrement you see?
Nooge 0
According to Overdoing his white grievance is that electing Obama a man of color or hiring women and people of color are the reason America Is Not Great Anymore

THe answer is to buy a Bible and vote for the Orange Jesus
Nooge -1
Are DEI programs, as some have suggested, really a major factor in Boeing's current difficulties?

Kens gonna make you think it does Kind of like Jimmy Comer and Gym Jordan

USA Today

DALLAS (AP) — The Texas attorney general has opened an investigation into a key Boeing supplier that is already facing scrutiny from federal regulators over quality of parts that it provides to the aircraft maker.

Paxton asked the Wichita, Kansas-based supplier to turn over documents produced since the start of 2022 about communication with investors and Boeing about flaws in parts and corrective steps the company took.

The request goes into detail in seeking internal discussions around Spirit’s efforts to create a diverse workforce “and whether those commitments are unlawful or are compromising the company’s manufacturing processes.” Paxton asked for a breakdown of Spirit's workforce by race, sexual orientation and other factors, and whether the makeup has changed over time.
siriusloon 7
I think the chances of Boeing either selling off major divisions, merging, or being taken over outright continue to increase and it's accelerating. Beancounters, not engineers, run the board and the company and have done so for too long. They have a vested and overriding interest in maximizing profits from their investment in Boeing shares. The engineers and management who gave us the B-17, B-52, 707, and 747 must be spinning in their graves. We're witnessing the end of a once-magnificent company. There's no reason to be optimistic about its future any more.
Peter Fuller 4
Re selling off major divisions: it will be interesting to see, in the wake of this upper management reshuffle, whether the possibility of buying back a former major division, Spirit AeroSystems (the former Boeing Wichita), goes forward.
Charles Henry 2
How much will they pay him to leave? Any guesses?

Joe Keifer 1
A golden parachute the size of which will never allow his feet to touch the ground.
WD Rseven 2
What about the rest of the board of directors? All of them should get the boot.
Andrew Hunter 1
DEI.... Destroying Excellence Incrementally.
btweston 3
How many accounts does one person really need on one website?
Ken McIntyre 2
DEI...Didn't Earn It
Bill Overdue 0
Straight, and to the point! Well said, well spoken.
Nooge -1
Ken Paxton a pillar of integrity is filling your brsin with nonsense ...

USA Today

DALLAS (AP) — The Texas attorney general has opened an investigation into a key Boeing supplier that is already facing scrutiny from federal regulators over quality of parts that it provides to the aircraft maker.

Paxton asked the Wichita, Kansas-based supplier to turn over documents produced since the start of 2022 about communication with investors and Boeing about flaws in parts and corrective steps the company took.

The request goes into detail in seeking internal discussions around Spirit’s efforts to create a diverse workforce “and whether those commitments are unlawful or are compromising the company’s manufacturing processes.” Paxton asked for a breakdown of Spirit's workforce by race, sexual orientation and other factors, and whether the makeup has changed over time.
Bill Overdue -1
That's about right!
Jaime Terrassa 1
he should and his cronies should have that when things started to going downhill. they are hanging around collecting their pay checks and laughing all the way to the bank.
Joe Keifer 1
He could be in line for a top spot at the USDOT.
Ed Sherlock 1
Fifteen years or so ago, every time the walls were painted and the floors were washed in the manufacturing buildings at Raytheon Tucson, rumors flew around that Boeing was looking into buying Raytheon. Good thing it was only rumors!!
Now we’re talkin. But waiting till the end of the year is dumber than dumb. Get the chump out NOW. And move back to Seattle where they make Airplanes.
I only flights to and from Europe now that are on A350s.
Sheldon Lang 1
Good ridents to this ultimate corporate hack who most likely brown nosed his way into the executive suite. Clearly he had no interest in building safe and reliable products. His main and possibly only goal was to return as much profit as possible to the board. He's fortunate that to date there has not been any inquiry into possible criminal responsibility for loss of life, nor liability to damages nor loss of multi million dollar equipment. He should be prosecuted and convicted.
Joe Keifer 1
Engineering/Safety should hold 51% of the vote before doing anything safety related.
Joe Keifer 1
A post should not result in an instant +1 count. Is that a participation trophy of sorts?
Peter Fuller 0
Starting at +1 just indicates that a poster approves of his or her own post. Is it possible for posters to downvote their own posts if they wish to start at 0?
Joe Keifer -1
Thanks for that Mr. Fuller. Let me secret mine,
tcavin 1
go woke....go broke
Nooge -1
Woke Brain Virus Victim
Bill Overdue -6
I wonder if his DEI policy is going with him? Probably not, they're dug in too deep now. Planes falling apart is acceptable collateral damage.

We hired approximately 23,000 employees in 2022 with equitable hiring practices helping ensure team members reflected the diversity of the communities where we operate.
Women and U.S. racial and ethnic minorities are now more represented at nearly every level, including in executive, manager, engineering, professional and factory positions. While we meet and sometimes exceed industry averages in those areas, we are setting the bar higher.
As part of our commitment to building a diverse talent pipeline, we continue to support our veteran population, LGBTQIA+ community, and those within our workforce who have a disability.
Our Seek, Speak & Listen habits are helping teammates seek out and solve issues before they become problems, speak up to share ideas or concerns, and listen intently to take action when necessary.
HeissZephyr 4
I suspect the DEI stuff is coming from Blackrock and State Street. It seams to be consistent among their holdings. Now, the question is, who is giving them the direction?
Bill Overdue 4
Blackrock was/is one the primary standard bearers for DEI. The good news is many have abandoned DEI initiatives like Google and Meta, and others like Walmart and 100's other have cut funding for DEI by 90%. All the while, DEI hiring remains illegal!

According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, it's illegal to consider any single candidate's or employee's race — even with the intention of creating a more diverse, equitable, or inclusive workforce — in any employment decision.Jul 24, 2023.
HeissZephyr 2
Sorry, should have been "seems."
btweston -1
You have written the same thing three times now. You still sound like an idiot. Go play outside.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Cleffer 5
If you trolled just a bit less, it would be believable. You're trying way too hard.

godutch 8
It's not about whiteness, I think he's probably concerned that a commercial aircraft manufacturing company may be more concerned about hiring less than qualified employees simply to meet self-imposed (or investor-imposed???) race or gender quotas over ensuring safety and quality case you haven't heard, airplanes happen to be shedding parts in flight or falling out of the skies in the not too distant past.

...since he, you, and the rest of us will probably FLY on those same planes.

Congrats on you race card dealing...
Bill Overdue -2
As you can see for yourself, there's plenty of racebaiters here, some more absurd than others, and likely reliant on their company's "forced evaluations of success" to enable and maintain their employment!
sparkie624 -2
Are you putting me into this??? I fail to see the relevance to your message!
Joe Keifer 1
Hire a safety professional to fill the top spot this time and not a profiteer.
Joe Keifer 1
Like shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. The end result will be the same.
Joe Keifer 0
Changing a corporation’s figurehead does nothing to change the direction of a company.

Boeing needs to reach out to Airbus for some guidance.
John Arena -1
Wokness (DEI) destroys companies, and in the case of Boeing, will end up being deadly.
Nooge 0
Old White Man grievence sufferer

Condition compounded by lack of success in life and severe Woke Brain Virus syndrome
Jose R Gonzalez -1
Boeing is in intensive care. Let's see if one the these DEI socialites can come up with something better. They have already ruined MIT, Harvard. Penn State, ivy league schools etc etc. Prepare your arse; America will be a colony of China in less than twenty years. Don't go home to mama to cry about what you did not have the testicles to defend.
Bill Overdue -9
This is the meaning of "Heads need to roll" gain back public sentiment!
flyenlo1 -2
Paperwork is the critical missing element for success.

Boeing needs more lawyers and bookkeepers-and make sure they are DEI qualified.

Don't hire engineers or mechanics to do assembly of airplanes.
Nooge 0
Sometimes, White men don’t think they are included in DEI efforts, and many see DEI initiatives as taking away their opportunities or status.
Bill Overdue -1
I think you are talking about Mexicans taking away Blacks job opportunities. You just changed the race to fit your narrative as you haven't a clue what you're talking about. That's why most of your asanine posts are just cut & paste diatribes. I will tell you this though, most "all" people who fail, blame others for their failures! And just becuase they are "non Causican" or minority are told every day they are automatically entitled becuase "whitey" is obviously born with a silver spoon. Hence, DEI was created! Most all of those businesses are losing business or flat out rejecting the premise of DEI and defunding it or ending it altogether! What's your excuse?


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