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3,000 United Airlines Employees Have Coronavirus, But Zero Are Hospitalized

United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby has sent a noteworthy memo to employees about the vaccination situation at the airline, and it contains some interesting statistics. As you may remember, United became the first major US airline to mandate that employees be vaccinated. There’s some bad news, and there’s also some very good news. ( Más...

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boughbw 5
Amazing how virulent the response from the right is, casting doubt on the whole story. You just need to find one United employee hospitalized with COVID-19 to prove Kirby wrong. I can't help noticing that none of you do that.
boughbw 6
I love how in stating facts my comment is getting voted down. I must have touched a nerve. Oh well.
srobak -5
you don't actually think they are going to publicly announce that, do ya? Look - the reality is all you have to do is look at their cancellation numbers over the holidays. They had the 2nd highest number of them of all the airlines in the US. That speaks volumes. The vax isn't. End of story.
boughbw 4
The standard is abysmally low: Just one case. You might think that a United employee hearing the boss championing no hospitalizations while in the hospital might be sore enough to make public a contradiction. And yet, there are no such instances and your side has abundantly failed to prove otherwise.

But I get it -- your side is all about the con. It sounds plausible, so in the spirit of anti-authoritarianism in service to authoritarianism, you choose to believe the lie.
srobak -8
Ok - really think about this..... the airline told them get jabbed or get fired. The ones that got jabbed - do you honestly think that if the airline told them "shut up about being sick or hospitalized, or get fired," that they would not continue on their with their lemming-like behaviour? Cmon man.... you cannot be this thin.
boughbw 4
So… no actual evidence to back your claim again?
bbabis 4
I remember when you had to really be sick to take off work.
srobak 1
Pepperidge Farm remembers, too.
Nathan Cox 2
Just scanning the comments here as I knew this news that a 100% “vaccinated” pilot group calling out sick in droves would likely trigger the pro vaxxers since it doesn’t go with their thinking and the narrative they’ve been told. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. It’s not a vaccine. When was the last time you went to the doctor to get “retested” for mumps or rubella? I rest my case.
I also have a certain bridge in Brooklyn which I own and I’m selling.
SkyAware123 2
Can we do a 2-for-1 with my beech property in arizona?
Rico van Dijk -4
That is because the corona virus is a mild virus and all the global pandemic panic is unjustified.
Jeffrey Woodhead -1
Lol. Come on Rico. It’s at least a medium virus.
Rico van Dijk -7
Yes, just like the flu :) stay at home if you have symptoms and stay fit in the gym, should be enough to keep you out of hospital :)
Jeffrey Woodhead 12
Thanks for your concern. Because I care about more than just myself I’m going with what the doctors I know say though.
Steve Barnett 7
Hey Rico, didn't know you were a doctor as well. Good to see you have a multifaceted career.
srobak 0
does not take a doctor to know to stay home when sick, or to try and eat & keep yourself healthy rather than be a blob who spills over into the seat next to you on the plane.
Steve Barnett 3
Perfectly healthy people are dying from the virus as well. Many people don't ask to be born with Asthma and other breathing conditions, but here we are.
srobak -6
those are not perfectly healthy people. and in case you missed the news - the cdc has admitted gross errors in their death counts - and that the overwhelming majority of those dying are with 4 or more co-morbidites. Read: NOT healthy.
boughbw 3
My neighbor is a health nut, and I think he used to be a bodybuilder. When my family moved in next door to his last fall, I introduced us. When finding out that my wife was from Brazil he asked me about Ivermectin being used for coronavirus treatment there. I said that it was widely available over the counter and cheap. In fact, it was plentiful because nobody wanted it now that vaccines are available. He tut-tutted my response. He's in the hospital with COVID-19 now. He's been there the at least the last two weeks. I hope he will be fine.
bobfiegel 4
Neighbor had 2 vax last year plus newer booster. A few days ago he finished his quarantine after having COVID and spending 3 days in the hospital -- was so weak he could not walk and had to be assisted to the car to be taken to the hospital. Vax may help, but it is no guarantee.
boughbw 5
Correct. I'm not sure where people thought the "guarantee" came from, but having a profoundly reduced chance of dying has previously sufficed to get people to take the vaccine. Your neighbor is lucky he/she was vaccinated. My wife and I caught COVID-19 last October after having been vaccinated. I did quite fine with it, she had a bit more illness. She felt sick after the second vaccine does. It is lucky the vaccine was available and she took it before getting exposed to the live virus.
srobak -8
The guarantee came from brandon, fauci, cdc and the rest of their ilk. All lies.
boughbw 5
It did not. At no point did Dr. Fauci or anyone at the CDC guarantee you would not be sick from COVID-19 if you were vaccinated. It is up to you to PROVE otherwise and your evidence is prominently absent.
bobfiegel 3
Nope. No guarantee. "Among adults aged 65–74 years, effectiveness of full vaccination for preventing hospitalization was 96% for Pfizer-BioNTech, 96% for Moderna, and 84% for Janssen COVID-19 vaccines; among adults aged ≥75 years, effectiveness of full vaccination for preventing hospitalization was 91% for Pfizer-BioNTech, 96% for Moderna, and 85% for Janssen COVID-19 vaccines." CDC August last year. My neighbor is in 65-74. Firend's uncle died of COVID, same group. Numbers are what they are. but they don't mean much when those around us are hospitalized or deceased.
avionik99 0
In 2020 Biden stated if you get vaxed you will not get the flu. I think he was on CNN at the time
srobak 0
he even said it on more than 1 national address in both 2020 and 2021.
srobak -7
Lies. It was plastered all over the TV for eons.... with those who were vaxxed still getting sick being labelled as "breakthrough" cases. Except - now they are the norm.
SkyAware123 -3
blame roids, not a lack of vaccines.
Greg S 2
And stay young too, don't forget that. People that don't stay young don't deserve our sympathy or concern.
DonDengler -2
And they let you fly airplanes?
Great job United!! A reason I search their schedule first when booking my travel.
srobak -2
because you enjoy having canceled flights?
srobak 0
Math time!

USPOP: 332,433,209 ( as of this morning)
USCOVID: 64,100,000 ( as of this morning - up 13.3 million from last month - a 25% increase)

19.28% of population is infected. 19 in every 100 people. (18% increase from last month)

USCOVDEAD: 846,000 ( as of this morning)

1.31% of infected die. 98.69% of those infected survive (up 0.23% since last month). 2.6 of every 200 infected die (0.4 fewer than last month)
0.26% of USPOP die. 99.74% of all people in the US survive. 1 out of every 500 people die.

These numbers are in line with the rates prior to vaccinations being available, +/- 0.03%

Simple. Basic. Math.

The reality is that despite a massive jump in infections - the death rate is falling.

It has been over 700 days since the start of this mess. You have been exposed by now. Live your life.
Dave P 5
Got it, so you’re comparing a whole set against a subset of the whole while ignoring changes over time (LOL) all to imply.. what?

What does “live your life” mean to you? Are you saying that no more vaccines be administered, throw away all the masks, cancel all the testing and just ignore COVID?

You’ve made, maybe a dozen posts on this thread (probably hundreds of others,) but haven’t articulated what your plan instead is. So kindly explain what that is if you don’t mind? Thanks!
Ken Lane 2
He's implying that Omicron is barely more than a mild cold for most people. And, those it affects the most almost always have been proven to have one or more comorbidities.

Or, just like Biden's CDC witch stated recently, 75% of the deaths from COVID-19 had six or more comorbidities. I'm sure he didn't like her saying that truth which most intelligent people already knew.

And, given this is another case of pushing case counts where NO deaths are ever discussed, why is that? How many deaths from Omicron have taken place? Where's that in the news? The left and even a couple idiot justices stated only the gross number of deaths over two years. Nothing more.

You're letting yourself be lied to.
srobak -2
appreciate the support - but not really implying it specifically about omicron - but about covid from the get-go. It has had a 98% survivability rate for those infected, and a 99% survivability rate for all the population since the jump. It's beyond the point of ridiculous - and the co-morbidity thing along with the mis-counting of the deaths has been known for a long, long time - but of course dismissed because it didn't fit the narrative.

People believe narratives more than reality. This is a huge problem.
Ken Lane 4
I've been saying the same thing about COVID-19 since the original. It was 98.7% survivable from the start and that included the older population which suffered the greatest loss at 96% of all deaths.

With Delta it was not even remotely close. With Omicron, it's virtually non-existent.
SkyAware123 0
uh, he is actually showing the changes made no difference. vaccine or not, same death rate. That says it all.
Ken Lane 3
IT's more like, case count goes up, the death rate goes down.
srobak 0
You need to read again. Since I started posting these numbers every month in various covid related threads here on FA - I have indeed been showing the changes over time.

I am saying what I wrote: Less than 1/5 of the USPOP is infected. From both angles there is a ~99% survival rate. It's been just shy of 2 years, this is not the black plague it was promised to be and you have most likely already been exposed.

My plan? For people to stop living in fear. Live your life. There are MANY things which you are FAR more likely to die from than this - including heart disease (preventable) and cancer (preventable). Here are those other numbers (per USDoH & CDC)

[2.4% COVID Risk Age 80+]
1.1% chance of dying by suicide
1% chance of dying of an opioid overdose
0.9% chance of tripping over and dying
0.9% chance of dying in a motor vehicle crash
[0.6% COVID Risk Age 70-79]
0.3% chance of dying in a gun-crime shooting
[0.07% COVID Risk Age 50-59]
0.06% chance of dying in a fire
0.04% chance of choking to death
[0.02% COVID Risk Age 40-49]
0.01% chance of dying of sunstroke
0.01% chance of dying in an accidental gun discharge
[0.007% COVID Risk Age 30-49]
0.007% chance of dying due to electrocution, radiation, extreme temperatures, and pressure
[0.002% COVID Risk Age 20-29]
0.001% chance of dying in a cataclysmic storm
0.001% chance of being mauled to death by a dog
0.001% chance of being stung to death by wasps and bees
[0.0005% COVID Risk Age 10-19]
0.0007% chance of being killed by lightning
[0.0001% COVID Risk Age 5-9]
Dave P 3
So your thesis is that people are living in fear and that is by far and away the biggest problem. In other words, you think that people should feel differently than you do about the virus.

Sounds like you have some strong feelings on this since you’ve admittedly, been posting about it for months. Do you have any numbers on how pervasive the issue you point out is? How many people should, “stop living in fear,” as you said?

I mean it must be a big problem since you wouldn’t change a thing other than people’s feelings.

Also, you’ve glossed over the difference between the relative and absolute death rate. Your “99% survival” is a relative rate as you know. Turns out the absolute death rate is up 50% in just the last two weeks. 1800 Americans dying of COVID every day.
SkyAware123 2
50% of very very little is still very very little. How many die of the flu in a normal year?
Ken Lane 2
Dave, During about June 2020 when the death count was quite high, they had already done a study that determined the actual case count was between six and twenty times the confirmed case count. While that's a wide margin, it put the actual cases to as many as 200 million. Oddly, I cannot get the gross case count from a given period. Data sources only state new cases on a given day.

When I calculated the numbers I had that month, the death rate was about 98% and that was including the group, age sixty and above which accounted for 96% of all deaths. And, the lower the age group the fewer the deaths. This is all from memory but if I recall, the death count was like 450 under age 24 and about 25 under age 14. There were no tender age deaths until later in the year and they were indicated as largely immunodeficient from cancer treatment, diabetes or similar.

So, why would I get a vaccine that's 94.7% efficient against a virus that's 98.3% survivable?

Never mind the physical ailments some have suffered as a result of this clearly experimental vaccine.

Lastly, the FDA fought hard against release of the Pfizer testing data under FOIA. They issued a license for the vaccine after 104 days of reviewing 329,000 pages of data which has since grown to nearly 400,000 pages. Instead of a full release, they asked the court to allow release at a rate of 500 pages per month which would take about 55 years. The court came back and ordered a full release and gave them less than a year to complete it.

Why would they want that if there's nothing to hide? It's like Pelosi saying they had to pass ObamaCare to find out what's in it.

I am looking forward to a review of that data to find out what's going on with that vaccine and their testing.
srobak 1
And last year at this time daily deaths were supposedly more than 4000 a day - and that went on for a month. Masks did nothing. Distance did nothing. Fear did nothing. Wanna take a guess what it is gonna do this time around? Shall I give you a drumroll for the answer? You know what it is. And I know that you do know the definition of insanity is, right? Ok then.

There is nothing relative about the numbers - they are exactly what they are. If you wish to dispute them - you can look them up on cdc yourself, as I did before I published them here. Your dispute lies with them - not me.

Strong feelings? You bet.

I'm tired of the lies from the politicians and the media. I am tired of the squelchings and the coverups of cold, hard facts and truths and actual numbers, in favor for openly admitted heavily manipulated numbers and statistics just to push an agenda. I'm tired of being blamed for being healthy. I'm tired of being told that the virus is racist - as well as the treatments. I'm tired of the vax being pushed as a vax - when it actually isn't, when it has a significantly higher complication rate than ANY actual vaccine ever released upon the public and yet is still being mandated in many respects - ignoring long-standing federal laws, civil and constitutional rights and protections. I'm tired of the fact that people do not realize that there is a massive financial driver behind pushing this effort to vax everyone multiple times in such a short period of time - because the fed has spent a ridiculous amount of money paying the pharma industry for it - and wont let itself get caught with egg on it's face after how ineffective it has been. I am tired of being threatened with fines or arrest because I went out to go eat a fucking hamburger at a locally owned restaurant I have been patronizing for over a decade. I am tired of walking through the airport - with social distancing signs and markers being plastered everywhere on the walls and floor, being shouted at by people without an ounce of sense to space further apart - only to be literally sardined into a metal tube, a mere 18 inches away from 200 of my closest strangers for 3 hours. I am tired of being told I need to stay in my house rather than go outside to enjoy fresh, CLEAN air and sunlight, sounds of nature and children screaming and playing in the park down the street. I am tired of being told by some random, parroting dipshidiot who knows absolutely squat about me, my lifestyle, my health, my life and world - how I am to live my own damn life. I'm tired that all this and a million more things that have turned life in this country completely inside out and upside for something that quite very literally has hurt 0.26% of the people in this nation. I am tired of the gullible still falling for all this bs - and trying to propagandize it further.

In case you missed it: I'm. Fucking. Tired. Of all of this shit.

Aren't you?

How DON'T *YOU* have strong feelings about it?

Well - many of us are just plain done with it - ALL of it... and have been done with it for a while. We choose to live life over living in fear and under erratic, scatterbrained and tyrannical control over our lives. If the fed doesn't like it - they can try to come and do something about it. If the local gov doesn't like it - they too can try to come and do something about it. If my neighbor doesn't like it - they are welcome to try to do the same. If Random.David.On.FlightAware doesn't like it - then he too is welcome to come and try to do something about it.

I am openly standing up to and against any and everyone who opposes my ability to exercise my rights to live my life and enjoy my liberty and freedom. If need be I am even ready to fight with force or even die to protect those rights. Are those who oppose that ready to die in their efforts to try to exercise that kind of control to take those rights from me?
Dave P -1
Couple things:
I’m not here to tell you the validity of your feelings (that’s the second thing). You describe your pandemic experience as being difficult for you. Quite frankly, you are overwhelmed processing things you cannot control, right down to the stickers on the floor at the airport.

I hope you have a good group or person to chat with about these feelings. Therapy can be a magnificent tool in assisting, especially so given the uncertainty of the pandemic. Give it a shot! Please don’t mistake my clarity for being patronizing.

Second thing goes back to what I mentioned above. We all learned this in one form or another as small children. Sometimes in the heat of frustration - especially nearly two years into a pandemic - it is misplaced.

You can feel whatever you’d like to feel. But you can’t always do whatever you’d like to do.

I mention this as it took some uncovering, but you have some strong thoughts on how other people should both act and feel at this stage of the pandemic. You can feel what you want to feel, that the rules are just silly for instance. But you can’t break the rules in your favorite restaurant, even if you’ve been a customer for a decade. You can feel that numbers are invalid or that not that many people have died as actually have. But you can’t force others to adopt your inaccurately held beliefs.

I challenge you to have an open mind to what I’ve written. Especially that on feeling your own feelings but not always acting on those feelings. Recognizing this can assist in improving one’s quality of life and bring a more positive outlook.
Best wishes for a happier 2022!
srobak 1
Ok - clearly you are not paying attention. Let's give this one more go.

I am describing my pandemic experience as being difficult for me, yes - but I am also describing the difficulties surrounding it for others, as well - which many have voiced, both directly to me, and indirectly to the millions of communications outlets we have available to us in this generation. If you have not heard those difficulties - or likely more accurately - CHOSEN not to hear them, then that is on you.

I am not overwhelmed in processing these things.... I am annoyed with _having_ to process these things, as are the majority of other people. I ask again: Aren't you? Further - these ARE things we can and SHOULD be controlling.... because those who have been controlling it for us have asserted levels of control that they have never been granted and that nobody ever wanted them to have. This has been exhaustively demonstrated by court case after court case re-affirming that those who have assumed this control have no legal ground to do so, and further by the endless amounts of people who have told them to knock it off, or who have protested silently or by their action in not letting others control their lives.

There is no mistake - you are indeed being beyond patronizing, and not only is it unnecessary and unwelcome - but it is glaringly obvious that you have become a poster-child for the kool-aid machine.

Yes, I can feel whatever the hell I want - as can millions of others, and SO CAN YOU. You really do not have to think, feel, say and do what others are telling you to. I promise - it is ok - you ARE allowed to think and yes, even act for yourself, and at your own bar of ethics and responsibility. It's ok - I promise.... give it a go - you might find you actually like thinking for yourself.

That being said - my feelings, and even my frustrations are not at all misplaced. For you to think or believe that only shows exactly how lost you have become to the lies, social justice machine, and the media mayhem that forced it's way into governing your life. Here's a tip - it has only been successful because you let it. You refuse to think for yourself, and to let your eyes tell the truths for you. Again - everyone is tired of this whole thing. Aren't you? WHY aren't you? Speaking of seeking therapy - if you are not sick of this, then you absolutely should seek it. And no - I am not being patronizing... I am hoping you attain some clarity in your own thoughts.

And yes - as long as I am not hurting others - I can indeed, always have and will always continue to do whatever I'd like to do. Again - just because Random.David.On.FlightAware doesn't like it, disagrees with it, doesn't want me to, or thinks he has some sort of control or other moral superiority over my exercise in doing PRECISELY that - he is welcome to come and try to take it from me.

Now, my thoughts on how others should act any feel at (any stage) of the pandemic... you have completely misinterpreted. No surprise, as it seems you like to try to read in between the lines. Man - I wish people would just try reading the ACTUAL lines instead of in between them. So let me make this REAL CLEAR: I don't care how anyone should think or act - so long as they do not think they have the ability or right to impose any level of control over me. They can think, say, do and act however they wish.... but they need to leave me the hell alone. I am not messing with them, so they'd best not fuck with me. Simple as that.

I will always act upon my feelings as having been generated from the facts... and I am not going to curtail that for Random.David.On.FlightAware - or for anyone else. Recognizing that you can think for yourself and not under the oppressive thumb of others will go many many miles to improving the quality of one's life - and bring positive results.... rather than empty hopes and dreams under the guise of outlook.
SkyAware123 3
IF you had trouble with this experience what are you going to do when something really bad happens ? Like a virus that kills you 100% of the time you get infected? A war breaks out and people are fighting and getting killed in your street ? You don't know where/if tomorrows food is ? please, people. this is nothing. These generations know NOTHING about suffering. You need to chill the f out. This was NOTHING. Get over it and consider yourself very very lucky you have food on the table and a roof over your head with electricity and internet. To me it was nothing more than a slight inconvenience. slight.
srobak 2
I agree with you that in the SHTF situation - this is indeed nothing. It has only become what it has because The People have allowed it to be.

Thankfully in this age - there aren't highly contagious viruses that kill you 100% of the time you get infected. The media and the government are still trying to push Rona as being that, and as being the black plague of this millenia - but the reality is that it was all a lie, that it has a lower mortality rate than most other things in the list I posted, most of which are preventable - yet the government and society don't do a damn thing about.

I didn't say I was suffering. I said I was tired, and well past annoyed at the BS. Big difference.

Yes, it was all a lie - and this was all about control and the stripping of rights and freedoms. And people let it happen. But finally people are getting fed up, are standing up and are pushing back. And if things do not change with this control regime - then the brink of war is exactly where we will be.

And for that - I'm ready, and have been for quite a while. Plenty of guns in the safe, and ammo in stacked, rolling cases. Go-kits/bags/cases are at the ready, and about 6 months of emergency cases - not to mention stacks of dried and canned goods, and 2 planes at the ready to go wherever I need to be.

When it's time - I'm ready... and at this point I almost welcome it. It's been LONG overdue, is sorely needed, and we get past it already and get to fixing things.
SkyAware123 2
I hear you. Tired of the BS here too.
SkyAware123 -2
the left only applies science when it suits them. This doesn't.
avionik99 -6
No symptoms? Then get to work. Testing positive for the Omicron is nothing like the other two versions and we need to act like it! Testing positive is nothing without symptoms and we need to stop tracking it. Just like the flu's before covid that killed 68,000 in the US we did nothing because that was the correct action to take!
avionik99 -2
Being vaxxed only reduces symptoms at the very best. It does zero to stop the spread or getting the flu. It is nothing like a real vaccine that ends its virus like polio and smallpox etc. Therefore should never ever been forced on anyone.
DonDengler -1
No it does not!
DonDengler -5
Minus zero on truth inoculations prevent COVID. Lies to make those pharms richer. Scotty is in bed with. You Libs are dumb and can be sold any bill of goods. Peeps
Are getting new strain left n righ. If you are fat and have other health ailments your immune system is already weak. bah humbug to all you weak n infirmed.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Tom Sentowski 2
I know a person that wasnt vaxxed. His family buried him in November.
On another note, have you taken your meds this morning?
srobak 1
I know... knew.... several people who were vaxxed. Their families buried them over the past 9 months. On another note, have you had your reality checked this morning?
SkyAware123 1
I know tons of hospitals full of IC patients with covid who ARE vaxed twice and boosted.
DonDengler -1
He was prolly fat & diabetic and had other health problems
Tom Sentowski 1
You ARE nuts
srobak -1
you misspelled honest.
srobak 1
I know personally, firsthand.
DonDengler -1
No vaccine but still got
Mild C-word?
srobak 1
srobak 0
being down-voted for having had covid. now that's a new one.... even for flightaware. such a sad state we live in....
DonDengler -2
I am done. I will not waste my God given day on ignorant human beings. Have a fun day shooting -up. Ps SFO will give you a clean needle.
Randy Marco -1
Obviously you are ignorant believing in mythology ie a god!
Ken Lane -3
And, the odds of anyone dying.... zip.

The left is pushing this as the biggest threat ever. The lazy are using it to not work. The socialists are using it to keep their plebeians under control.

And, there have been what? Not even a dozen deaths around the world?
DonDengler -7
Scotty in bed with Joe. The worst CEO has ever had in 100 years. Almost as bad as Ferris

DonDengler -5
How do you know it reduces anything. ? From what Creepy Joe Brandon told you ? Have a nice day


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