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Taiwanese man faces 5-year prison sentence for live-streaming jet takeoff

CAA launched an investigation and found that the man had indeed violated the law in operating his mobile device during takeoff and has forwarded the case to the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office. ( Más...

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Robert Cowling 1
Michael Hope 1
I was on a recent Egypt Air flight, and a gentleman ahead of me was talking on his phone all the way from the gate and will on take off, with multiple calls, until he lost the signal. There was no cabin crew around to inform. After take off, I informed the a crew member, and they would not respond in English to me. It appears that this gentleman was well known to the male cabin crew and everyone of them during the flight came and greeted him.

Jimmy Robinson 1
Interesting. On one hand, someone would think that there's little to be concerned about since U.S. airlines have decided that there is not much risk when mobile devices are used in takeoff and landing and are permitting them to be used. However, they do have to be airplane mode (no pun intended) to use them. There are a different set of rules with the CAA in Taiwan and the man clearly knew the rules, live streaming anyway and making light of the rules to concerned followers. I think he was extremely arrogant and is probably one of those that parks anywhere he wants to at a department store, parking space or not. I don't have much sympathy for him and agree that his flagrant violation of air safety rules deserves to be punished. I don't he'll be so cocky after his fine and sentence. What's sad is that he could have always recorded it and uploaded it later. He just had to do it his way though.


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