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Hawaiian Airlines to Offer Nonstop Flights from Boston to Honolulu

Hawaii promises paradise to vacationers. Getting there? That’s far from blissful. But Hawaiian Airlines is about to make that difficult slog — often lasting 15 hours or more — much easier for New Englanders. The company on Friday plans to unveil a roughly 10-hour nonstop flight covering nearly 5,100 miles from Boston to Honolulu. Billed as the longest domestic fight in US history, the five-day-a-week service will connect Logan International Airport with Honolulu’s Daniel K. Inouye International… ( Más...

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patrick baker 3
nevermind... airbus 330 does quite well in this case
Kevin O'Connor 1
Have a upvote. Preciance is to be rewarded.
patrick baker 1
this is another example of the possibilities of Airbus 321 and 737 max aircraft which will right-size aircraft to the markets served.
chiefaviator 3
I think 10 hours packed into a cramped narrow body is a bit much.

Especially when they are configured for high capacity short flights.
I knew that they would fly from Boston

william baker 3
And whom told you lol. Are you a mind reader? If so I have some undercover work for you to do lol. Watch this get flagged negatively lol
idgie57 0
"Billed as the longest domestic fight in US history..." Well, 10 hours on an airplane does tend to make one rather testy.


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