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Sino-Russian CR929 to be larger than A330-900

Beijing - The Sino-Russian CR929 that was announced by CRAIC (China-Russia Commercial Aircraft International Corporation) in May 2017 will be much larger than planned in the conceptual design. Its new size now exceeds that of the Airbus A330-900. ( Más...

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Shenghao Han 7
So entering service mid-2028... not being pessimistic, but it sounds like it is 10 years too late just like C919... A330-900 is expected to enter service THIS YEAR, and its capacity is also competing with A350 and Boeing 787 both are already. I guess the main buyer of C929 would most likely consists of medium to small Chinese/Russian/North Korean airlines...
Stefan Sobol 3
The Chinese are not so much interested in selling this plane as much as developing the technology and manufacturing base to do it in the first place. In 20-30 years the Chinese plan to have the most developed technology and infrastructure in the world. The Chinese government take a very long term view of what they want to do with their country and then set about doing it. The monolithic Chinese culture also helps them accomplish their goals.

The Western world needs to watch out!
bartmiller 2
Absolutely. China is willing to take the long term view to develop their own technologies. They don't want to be dependent on foreign technologies in areas of strategic need.

You just have to look at the supercomputer field to see a recent example. This field was dominated by the U.S., with companies like Cray and IBM, and processors from Intel and nVidia.

Now, in only the last few years, the fastest computers in the world area built in China. And the most recent ones are using Chinese design and made processor chips. Standing up a million-core supercomputer, and design a billion-gate processor chip are enormous engineering feats. They've mastered these key technology areas.

(And this is a critical technology: you need it compete in science and engineering, such as nuclear simulation, aircraft and spacecraft simulation, chemical simulation, disease research, drug design, among others.

Whether it's aircraft or supercomputers or other hi-tech domains, if the U.S. and Europe pause or stumble, there will be others to take over the marketplace.
Stefan Sobol 2
Chinese culture has been around for about 3000 years. America a couple hundred. Even European culture is only about 1000 years old.

The American government changes course in its planning every 2-4 years. The Chinese think nothing of making 20 year plans and then following them through.

There are a number of areas where China already outshines the rest of the world. It would be wonderful if the US passenger rail service was even half as good as it is in China.

Dave Mills 1
Good points, particularly on potential launch customers. But I think "too late" may be relative, particularly for government-backed entities and considering expected growth in the Chinese market as the A339s reach the end of their service life.

Long term, could they be trying to extricate themselves from reliance on western manufacturers? GE and Rolls are mentioned for the power plants, ostensibly for their products' worldwide serviceability (despite Rolls' current problems servicing the Trent).

I was interested that the higher density layout was mentioned. I wonder if, despite CRIAC's press and considering the aircraft's increasing preliminary size/weight estimates would tax western offerings, if they're ultimately looking to limit its utilization to the Sino-Russian sphere of influence where "worldwide support" would become irrelevant. I'll be interested to see what direction any CRIAC partners take to develop their own engines for the CR929, perhaps sacrificing range for density.
Kobe Hunte 3
And Airbus is reliable..

Airlines will not know how reliable the CR929 is.
They know the A339s are though. Thats the difference


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