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Nearly 70 helped off American Airlines flight landing at O'Hare after smell of smoke

A smoky smell in the cabin of an American Airlines flight caused its evacuation Wednesday afternoon at O’Hare International Airport. No one was injured, said Leslie Scott, an airline spokeswoman. Flight 3470 from Columbus, Ohio, was scheduled to land in Chicago about the time it actually landed, at 3:31 p.m., Scott said. But as they were landing, passengers smelled smoke in the cabin, causing 64 passengers and four crew members to deplane onto the taxiway, Scott said. From there they were bused… ( Más...

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Haran Rashes 16
I was on board the flight. Evacuation was very orderly. According to the Captain, smoke started coming out of an air conditioner vent on descent at about 500 feet. We landed hard, took an immediate left turn onto a taxi way and came to a rather abrupt stop. They did not use the slides and we all left via the front door. The crew was very professional and calm. According to the captain, in 20 years of flying this was his first emergency landing.
Well then his training, including the staff on-board, paid off. At least it turned out to be no more than a minor inconvenience to all concerned.
Larry Toler 2
I'm guessing you were on a RJ. No slides or arming of doors on most RJ's.
But you called a lawyer for all of the damages this has done to your psychological well being right?

KIDDING of course....there are a few Chicago lawyers who will be putting you on speed dial.

Glad it all worked out well.
Haran Rashes 7
I am a Chicago lawyer. I did bot hand out my card to others from the flight and i have no intentions of suing.

btweston 1
And now someone feels silly.
Naaaa....we left Illinois due to the lawyers (cost of MedMal and litigation in the out of control state). I said "some" lawyers! Shame really, most medical professionals who can leave Illinois do leave Illinois. I sure do not miss being at a Trauma center where no one pays their bills and most see a trip to the ER as a potential financial windfall.
Randy Marco -2
The way you always refer to Lawyers in a negative light, you are obviously unethical, ignorant or both. Your lack of appreciation for the rule of law and those that work to fight for remedies says volumes about your lack of intellect.

As to MOST medical professionals leaving Illinois.... really.... that's why Northwestern is one of the top Medical facilities in the U.S.

Of course you don't feel silly, based on all the drivel I've seen you post on this site, it's apparent YOU couldn't make it in Illinois.

Glad to see ilk of your kind leaving Illinois and of course you went to the land of little to no regulation so you can blend in with the other ignoramuses!
No, I got sick of working at a L1 center for people who are nothing more than a burden on society. Also, I was at NW a is an academic environment as is Rush. Ask them what their student retention is. Far below 10%. It is also in a different demographic than UIC (who has their primary center in Rockford, not Chicago). Dont let reality get into the way. Oh, and speaking of Rockford, their primary L1 is closing and moving to a better area and not offering the same level of care...pesky facts (I understand it is because they are racist and do not want to operate in the gang land the facility is currently in).
Coalora 2
Darn those pesky facts. You try and smear them with the same old "racist" (or whatever -ist the Party calls for today) brush again and again, but they just keep on poking through. Don't worry though, the sad and tattered remnants of what was once journalism are all (well 95%) under the control of one group and boy are they dedicated to their infotainment product.
The fact is that the biggest problem IL has is lawyers. No limits on compensatory damages in cases, no ability in the state for a waiver that is worth the ink it is printed on and medmal costs higher than any other state by a huge margin. There is one particular county in IL that is national infamous for being where you start class action and tort cases. Rather than be in a system I left that state. Many co-workers went to Oregon, Nevada and one who is an adrenaline junky who lives on the edge went to Baltimore. No less than 100 providers from one hospital left the state in the past five years. All in all, most of us blaming the legal systems that are in place.
The state of MA is run by lawyers. I rest my case ...
CAVUMark 2
I can't recall a time I was relieved to be hiring a lawyer...
scott8733 3
Seems to me the bigger story is an A/C actually landed on time at ORD (here endeth the sarcasm).....

Glad everyone safely evac'd.
shrudini 1


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