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Tatarstan Airlines Crash caught on video

The crash of Tatartstan Airlines B737 was caught by a surveillance camera showing it going down in a nose dive before disintegrating on impact. ( Más...

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Jerry Sterner 4
I think the flashes reflected on the tarmac were the planes strobe light.
antonio alaniz 1
Agreed, when I watch it slowly it seems to be the strobe. Now for some reason I don't see the additional flashes that some members see. Unless they are talking about slight wet lens flare.
tim mitchell 3
sad event.....RIP
antonio alaniz 2
From CNN
"It said the plane's two pilots had failed to make a proper landing approach on the first attempt and then began a second run.

They put the plane's engines on maximum power, raising the plane's nose up at a sharp angle, causing a quick loss of speed.

At an altitude of about 2,200 feet, the crew then tried to gain speed by taking the plane into a dive but it hit the ground at a near-vertical angle in a spectacular crash. "
Good grief. What was going on there?
preacher1 2
According to YaHoo, #1 was just a missed approach. It sounds like Murphy came into things and created a control problem, as I think they were starting another go around, and something went haywire
Tim Duggan 2
This certainly is reminiscent of United 585 ( and US Air 427 (

The rudder PCU actuator problem involved in those two previous accidents was considered fixed, years ago. Still, other than mentioned by others as a possible stall event, well. The FDR and CVR no doubt will provide many answers.
preacher1 4
It will be interesting as it was his 2nd or 3rd time and he told the tower he still wasn't ready to land. They said that both recorders were damaged. Hopefully, enough can be gleaned to identify the cause. Same thing happened to US Air 427. I really doubt it is the same issue though Tim, as those just happened and blooey, down they went; granted, this one kinda did the same thing but he was on his 2nd or 3rd attempt to land, so it was a sudden grab as the other 2 were.
allench1 2
Hey preach, saw 2 flashes that were reflected in the tarmack then the plane then a third explosion just before impact!
preacher1 1
You got sharp eyes for an old man this early in the morning. LOL. I went back and looked at it for about the 3rd time and probably still would not have paid attention to it if you hadn't mentioned it. That adds a whole new flavor to it. I expect most folks have missed that.
spatr 1
definitely the wingtip strobes reflecting off the ground. Just before impact you can see the actual strobe flash and its reflection.
The security camera doesn't show any rotation (as a PCU issue would have the plane almost nosing over (IIRC)and not in an extreme nose low attitude). I saw the lights reflecting off the wet tarmac the other day and blew off the idea of explosions. I believe the flashes come from the beacon. ( see westjet evening departure Has anyone seen what the wx was reported that day?
preacher1 1
Rain and wind I think
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
It was 2nd attempt. And she dived sharply.
Why ? For you aviators to figure possibilities !
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
3rd attempt , as per RT report on Youtube
preacher1 1
You might also note the comment below about the 2-3 explosions right before impact. I didn't see it either before Allen called it to my attention.
dg1941 2
In order to give a better understanding of the first ten years of Russian aviation, and the evolution that they are encountering, there is a really good documentary called Airplaneski! What this documentary doesn't show is the reforms since the 1990's.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:
randomguy 1
That is an awfully shaky surveillance cam. Windy?
PhotoFinish 1
Wonder if the Russian version of the NTSB will be as forthcoming with details in this crash?
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
No way my friend PhotoFinish. You (Americans) ought to know better than that !
Soviet block has been disintegrated , not the mindset of people or governance !

preacher1 1
I don't have it here but a friend told me this morning that a prelim was already on YaHoo. idk myself; have not been there
antonio alaniz 1
Well I did see that the NTSB sent a team over to the site, I don't know if that would translate into a transparent report. We shall see.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>NTSB sending team of three, led by Dennis Jones, as the accredited representative to Russia crash of Boeing 737.</p>&mdash; NTSB (@NTSB) <a href="">November 17, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
antonio alaniz 1
Crap, sorry that embed didn't work.
NTSB ‏@NTSB 17 Nov
NTSB sending team of three, led by Dennis Jones, as the accredited representative to Russia crash of Boeing 737.

[This poster has been suspended.]

dg1941 1
It's actually funny these kind of things, aviation in Russia I mean. Yes, it may be heavily under regulated, but many of their pilots go through more intense actual flight training than many western nations. Conscription played a huge factor as many of the airline pilots in Russia came from the Air Force and Navy. How many western pilots have the bragging rights to have landed a Sukhoi on the deck of an aircraft carrier in the Arctic Sea during a zero vis blizzard? If they can do these kind of things, I think I trust them with the Sochi- St. Petersburg flight in a 737.
Er.A.K. Mittal 2
All are not born equal.
And similarly,
All do not end up(die) equal !
Right dear friend Damien Gehler ?
dg1941 1
That is true.
dg1941 1
Simply placed, one cannot base the nation of an airlines locating, or the nationality, religion, or race of a pilot as none of these directly affect the skills and ability of a pilot. Although a Russian pilot is not guided by so many regulations, he is however taught more practical use of skills and in this fact, can use his plane in a more economical manor and can do more things with it. These kind of things are a balancing act between safety and affordability. Each region of the world has a generalised balance of the two, and whether we like it or not, some regions place regulatory standards aside to provide more open economic operations. This does mean that some regions could be considered "more dangerous", but if they were not to have started with flexible regulations, few airlines would be existent, as the cost to meet these safety regulations would be far more than the cost a pax would be willing to pay. Russian (true) commercial aviation started out 70 years behind countries like the United States,and they will have to follow generally the same path we followed, starting with loose and flexible regulations, moving slowly to more established aviation standards in the future.

[This poster has been suspended.]

dg1941 4
Name an accident in American aviation history and those passengers thought that they were protected too. One really good example is AA 191. They were likely fully confident in their pilot's skill to fly the aircraft on two engines, but alas, they also died. This was in Chicago may I remind you. Pilots make errors, whether American, Russian, Chinese, whatever it may be. Also may I remind you, we don't know what caused this accident, and facing the facts, that video doesn't tell us much.
preacher1 1
Yahoo report this morning that there were some control problems, causing a quick pullup leading to a stall????????? Who knows?????
spatr 1
Could be. They could have also been too busy trying to fix a problem and got distracted or disoriented and lost SA.
Galen Labady 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Video of Russian Plane Crash

Footage from a security camera shows the Boeing 737 - which belonged to Tatarstan Airlines - as it crashed at its home port of Kazan, about 520 miles east of Moscow on Sunday night. All 50 people on board were killed.

Read more:


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