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American unveils 777-300ER with Sky Interior elements

With its 1,000th unit coming down the line for Emirates, Boeing's 777 continues to evolve from its earliest incarnations. The latest interior catalog offerings, now selected by American Airlines, include a 787 and 737-style Sky Interior LED-lit entryway for its 777-300ERs, which enter the fleet in December. Long-time Boeing interior design firm Teague was believed to have been working on this feature for a while now. ( Más...

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Pileits 0
How can American even think about buying or taking on NEW jets when it's in BANKRUPTCY. How about funding the employee pensions instead, after all those employees earned and paid for that benefit already!
Or is this just another example of American business trying to take a free ride on the backs of employees again.
Brian Bishop 1
Since this is an article about Aircraft interiors, and not about the financial details of a bankruptcy filing, I'll stay out of that mud for now. But to answer your question, the only way AA can stay viable as a going concern is to continue with the plans already in place to modernize the fleet with more fuel efficient equipment and more CONSUMER FRIENDLY interiors.

Or, it could be another example of a company trying despeartely to stay in business despite the demands made by big labor and the legacy costs that came with them which made the business model unworkable in today's economy. (just couldn't help myself)
btweston 0
D Mo 0
I'm certain AA is leasing, not buying.
Chris Donawho 0
I think I too will file for bankruptcy, buy a new house (to stay viable in) and a new car (to safely take me to my viable new house).

Oh wait, I dont get those types of bail-outs. My govt expects me to be responsible while they, or AA for that matter, are not.
Stuart Paulson 0
You just haven't got the right goverment, or maybe you're just not right with the government. Come to Obama ! It's the age of crony captialism.
Chris Donawho 1
Ahhh the 22nd Amendment.... Limits that rotten bastard to two terms. Hopefully time will pass quickly for the second half of our nation's biggest blunder.
Jack Ciesinski 0
he (obama) wont need a second term
he (obama) is a fool and bastard
RayMadron 0
You also don't provide for a away so that others can provide for there family. You are probably just another over paid union worker sucking a companies assets dry
Chris Donawho 0
btw, while your are sucking off the government tit, take some time to pick up a grammar class or two at night. It's "A WAY," not "AWAY" and it's "THEIR" family, not "THERE" and it's a "COMPANY'S" assets, not "COMPANIES."
Robert Curley 0
And it's "YOU'RE" not "YOUR ARE". Kinda sucks when you lecture someone else on their grammar and you butcher it yourself.
Chris Donawho 0
LOL - Touche.... Always happens when I do that too.
Chris Donawho 0
You mean... I don't provide for their families. No thank you, I provide for my family and I donate to three different charities each year. I live in an area that has been runneth over by the 1st and 15th crowd. Every time I get paid I see deductions that are taken for my neighbors to buy their next round of meth. I talk to people who have a job lined up, but are considering passing on that job because they can make a buck or two on the side while the govt sends the rest on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Hopefully Ray I didnt just pay for your pathetic post either.
JD345 0, how bout that interior, folks...
Chris Donawho 0
huh? interior? Oh yeah... looks fine. lol
btweston 0
Bankruptcy doesn't necessarily mean that an entity doesn't have any money. Even if you capitalize it.
Noah Rice 0
I think this is a good move by American and Boeing, hopefully AA will create an in flight product on par with the rest of what OneWorld offers.

eagle5719 0
Taking a break from the negative - forget the pretty sky interior - instead, spend the money on a Google street view style wide angle camera, (as small & light as possible inside a minimum drag transparent housing), in the nose of the 777 and rig it up so passengers can view it's video real time by looking at their back of the seat monitors if they wish to access it. Provide a laptop style mouse pad so viewing angles can changed. Alternatively, have a wifi version so the camera signal can be viewed on passengers laptops.
MultiComm 1
Sounds cool but tell me again what this would accomplish? Are you trying to access where you are in the world while you fly in a Google type interface? Confused....
eagle5719 1
Basically, a video camera in the nose of an airliner would give passengers a great view forward - better than even the pilots view. I would certainly enjoy it. Your side window view is not that great - especially if your seat is not next to a window.
MultiComm 1
Oh...yeah...I was totally think of something like Google Maps not the images ... yeah that makes sense. In flight would be pretty boring but takeoff and landing would be AWESOME!


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