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Bob Smith 0
This is one more reason why women should not be allowed in government, the air, or the workforce.
preacher1 0
Bob, they going to call you an MCP if you don't be careful.LOL
Scott Keller 0
Have to disagree with you there. One of my best instructors is a female pilot. She pushed me harder than anyone other...and I've had some great ones. Also, I'm fairly certain my daughter will be a test pilot someday... She's more focused, determined and tougher at her young age than most pilots I know. I can't wait to see how she does. Every time I see a woman in the cockpit I get a little teary eyed just thinking about it.
David Sims 0
Only that idiot would think her and the government have the authority to require union labor. She should be the first one to get voted out next election.
canuck44 0
Undoubtedly this troll will be available to tell Boeing that it cannot open a plant in Mexico or China when it begins to shut down its Washington closed union shop operations.

It is interesting to note that the businesses run by Pelosi and her husband are non-union.
fef99 0
Someone married that?
Ev Butler 0
She should look in the mirror before she critiques Boeing. One more face lift and she will be a Michael Jackson, Jr. I'd hate to look at that face on Halloween.
zennermd 0
All I have to say is... only in America. Why do almost all politicians have to be so stupid.
sstuff 0
The woman is delusional; she should just quietly slink off into the primordial ooze from whence she arose.
Richard Judy 0
What an IDIOT! Is there a sniper that's feeling generous?
preacher1 0
"It is interesting to note that the businesses run by Pelosi and her husband are non-union" from John Donaldson here. Can we say HYPOCRISY??????????????
loudnprim 0
This administration will go donw in history as the one that destroyed America.
Tim Bray 0
Max Wei 0
Mr. Carter please steps aside! You are the second worst president in the history now.
joe milazzo 0
If she and her cronies on Capital Hill keep this up, in ten years all new airliners will be made only in France and Brazil.
Boatinman 0
Ohhhhh my gosh! I live in MN and I swear if this keeps up I might have to jump the fence into Canada. At least they recognize hockey a little more than us Stateside..somethings gotta change in 2012!
Aaron Barthol 0
I'll be right behind ya!
We will get past BO, maybe not the mantality that elected him!!!!!!same for Pelosi.
preacher1 0
That is the problem to watch for in the future but we have nobody to blame but ourselves. We raised them. Everybody will say I didn't raise mine that way but they didn't come out of thin air,
s2v8377 0
Why does everyone hate unions? I agree with her on this and believe me I'm NO support of hers. The only people that don't like unions are those who are jealous of union workers. It's nice to have a pension and collective bargaining.

preacher1 0
You are probably one of the ones responsible for this even being an issue in the first place. However, I did my time for this country that you and others would have the right to proffer this opinion without fear of reprisal. That being said, my opinion on this issue is exactly opposite yours. I don't really hate unions. I hate the fact that most have lost sight of the employees they were formed to represent to begin with and are self serving to line the pockets of those in charge of them, in it only to enrich themselves, not caring that the teat will run dry or not, bankrupting a company or forcing it to close and to hell with the workers it was supposed to represent and fight for to begin with!!
KC Hoover 0
Amen. Well said.
Lucio DiLoreto 0
We don't all hate unions we hate the requirement to join a union in order to get a job. Besides that the corruption in the unions is legendary. South Carolina is a Right to Work State. I am legally permitted to work in South Carolina without joining a union. What is wrong with that?
Boatinman 0
I don't have a problem with private sector unions. BUT for the government to tell a privately held company what to do is BS. This is not union bashing. Union bashing would be: ughhhh stupid unions greedy bastards! No. That's not it. No government should be able totell a privately held company what to do.
preacher1 0
In addition, these workers decertified or voted against the union, so it is not just the company. Workers should not have it forced down their throat.
richard weiss 0
Don't flatter yourself,
toovey. There is no jealousy of unions members. I pity the fools who put their faith in a few union bosses that use the rank and file to further their power and wealth. This whole fight is not about the rights of the workers, it's about the kingdom building and wealth building of the union bosses. They act similar to a mafia family. And yes, I was a union member and saw it for what it was.
This administration claims to be friend to unions and working class, but sports the rich and sends our jobs (union and non) out of the country. Unions have a place but they don't run the company. Workers should all have a choice.
Tim Bray 0
The right of the American worker to unionize is their right and choice. The Government needs to stay out of the issue, and not influence nor demand certain work issues. Although the biggest fed troublemakers are backed by the unions. Neither Orville, nor Wilbur were members of any unions, nor was Henry Ford. And some people wonder why American companies are trying to move jobs overseas, here is the reason, inflated worker costs benefitting none but the PAID POLITICIANS!
NANCY>>> Give it up, quit with the tired party(socialist)line. You lost!
Leo Roy 0
Since when does our government tell an employer he can't operate if he does not have a union. Everyone who is running for office is saying he or she will create jobs. Boeing is trying to create jobs. I belonged to the machinist union for 20 years and when I retired from Pratt & Whitney I didn't receive anything from that worthless union. Other unions had pension and or medical plans such as the auto workers. LET BOEING CREATE JOBS.
brent penny 0
This woman is a babbling bafboon.
canuck44 0
Early in the last century the unions did perform a very useful function. However, they have now become little more than a money laundering scheme for the Democrats and a self-perpetuating, self-enriching cabal for the leaders. The GM and Chrysler bailout took from the legitimate bond holders and gave those assets to the unions, ruining forever the ability of unionized companies to raise capital through the sale of bonds.

If the NLRB prevails at the next level (an Administrative judge type Kangaroo court), Boeing needs to announce plans to relocate its Washington State operations to Canada, Mexico or China just before the election while the Republicans need to completely defund the NLRB in the House.
preacher1 0
Curious: "“Do you think it’s right that Boeing has to close down that plant in South Carolina because it’s non union?” asked host Maria Bartiromo. Pelosi’s reply: “Yes.”

Just in looking at the way the Host asked this question, have they ruled that Boeing HAS to close it????? I haven't followed this thing blow by blow.
canuck44 0
The next step is an Administrative Law Judge...the Kangaroo Court for Labor...which can be appealed within the organization back to the same group that imposed it. After that the case can be taken to the real justice system where it will likely be thrown out. Congress and a new Administration can pull the plug on the NLRB.

We are looking at a process of years which is the whole point. The message was really sent to all companies in the union states: "Don't be moving to right to work states or we will bankrupt you with this type of action". This is why it is important to clean out the NLRB and to require Congressional approval of all actions by regulatory agencies, EPA, FCC, FDA, etc.

Fortunately, after January first the temporary appointments expire and the NLRB will not be able to make any rulings. The SCOTUS has already ruled there must be three members and Obama will not be allowed to make recess appointments to augment the two remaining.
mark tufts 0
idiot is not the proper term for prlosi she is worse than an idiot as it says in print the people who work at the south carolnia decieded by vote to DEUNIONIZE the plant and the democrats need to find real jobs and start at the very bottom of the ladder and i would like to see the democrats do what the people at boeing do
John Mabry 0
A government control freak + just an IDIOT
markdickinson 0
Princess Nancy strikes again!!!
linbb 0
She doesnt have one she is one of them from out in space that they sent here to show how stupid they are and we have only them to fear. Her and the others from So Cal the other left wingers need to go to China and see how things really work if they dont like it here go ruin another country and take the Sierra Club with you too.
Ken McIntyre 0
I sure wish someone would stuff a sock in her mouth.
DeKevin Thornton 0
Maybe the government should force her husbands bank to unionize!
Tom Bushover 0
Roy Troughton 0
and you wonder why more and more US companies are moving manufacturing overseas. Perhaps Boeing should move it to more business friendly country like Canada, Mexico or even China. No wonder we have high unemploment in this country with the Democrat anti business and pro union policies.
Roy Troughton 0
and you wonder why US companies are not hiring in America and are building production facilities in more business friendly countries like Canada, China and Mexico. Can you blame them with this administrations anti buiness policies. Get used to high unemployment if the Democrats are relected next year. With elected officials like Ms Pelosi in Washingto who needs enemies. The Canadians, Mexicans and Chinese must be rubbing their hands with glee.
Max Wei 0
Carter steps aside! You are the second worst president in the history now.
Lucio DiLoreto 0
Moron. This woman is a moron. Pelosi and her ilk will destroy our country.
preacher1 0
I don't think that in all the time since OBAMA and Dems took office, that I have seen one or 2 comments in all the various stories listed here that mentioned him, that were favorable. That being said, are we aviation nuts that much in the minority????
Scott Keller 0
It's in our DNA... An optimism that no matter how tough things look, hard work and determination will pull us through. Whether it's flying an approach to minimums or living through a tough economic time, we inherently believe that we'll eventually break out, that things will get better. Our beliefs have been forged together by a common experience known as flight....we are the ultimate freedom loving people. The folks you reference don't seem to value freedom as much as we do. (unless you're talking about a few very specific freedoms that is)
preacher1 0
Sad part is, all 3 of you guys are right, but that still puts us in the minority, apparently. We are free thinkers, right or wrong, we are pretty much conservative, at least to the point of using common sense, and I guess to a degree, it is in our DNA and/or sharing that common experience, which requires all of the above. What scares the hell out of me though is that there are people on the street and in leadership positions that that can't see another side to things. Some would say that about us but we at least have history on our side to prove them wrong.
Ken McIntyre 0
Pelosi is pandering to the "freebie" crowd, and posturing like this looks good to those types of people. Lowlifes, druggies, welfare queens, shirkers, etc. Unions kind of fit on the edge of the "freebie" crowd. Expecting someone to give them something for nothing. Or the union negotiators to win concessions that give the union members more money. Even if the business is in financial trouble. Of course there are responsible union employees, but they had better keep their mouths shut. Otherwise, bad consequences. Too bad it's come down to this in our great country.
Ken McIntyre 0
Good point, Wayne. I wonder why this would be so? My guess is that Obama/Pelosi liking types of people would wash out in the aviation business, unless a union was protecting them.
richard weiss 0
To be successful in transport flying, the pilot must be conservative by nature. Must be it naturally flows in to other aspects of our lives. As Churchill once said,"if you are not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, but if you are not a conservative by 40, you have no brain.
Nigel Hutchings 0
Well the "Country" voted them in, now we have to make sure the "Country" votes them out.
So much for a Right to Work state, obviously with her party the law does not apply.....
What happened to MADE IN AMERICA ??? or are we happy to have everything made in China
Gene spanos 0
Does dipstick come to mind?
Brian Smith 0
MY GOD, the word IDIOT doesn't even begin to scratch the shallow surface of this woman's brain....
Scott Keller 0
Here's the entire 14 minute interview. (ignore the part about her plastic surgery...the clip is at the bottome)
now i see why in the animal kingdom so eat their young.
Chris Bryant 0
*Boeing* should unionize? *Boeing*?? Really?
Since when it is the company's responsibility to make sure the union gets in? Last I knew, it was up to the workers to decided whether to unionize or not.
preacher1 0
Well Chris, that seems to have been conveniently forgotten in all this mess. Earlier in this comment string it was noted that the WORKERS voted to decertify the union 2 years ago. Hence comes all this card check crap to shove it down everybody's throat. It looks to me like if they had wanted a Union they could have had one, but since the Union couldn't sell themselves as a needful thing they are trying to force their way in.
KC Hoover 0
Well the Democrats need those union dues to keep funding their destruction of the American way, so of course they are going to force mandatory union participation.
Sorry for the shouting thing. I'm new to this blogging thing. I don't dance very well either!
agg1930 0
that woman is incredible! At least she has made one big mistake and that is she has shown her true colors! They HAVE to be booted out in the next election or we a
agg1930 0
Sorry I hit thw wrong key!
The rest of my message is: or we are ALL in big trouble!
Rick Davenport 0
It'd serve this dope right if Boeing said, you know what? You're right, Nancy. We're going to close the new SC plant along with our plants in Washington state and move the whole thing to China. As it is she has presided over more destruction of the nation than we can imagine.

eagle5719 0
Would it be safe to say that Nancy is trying to get on, or stay on the Union preferred candidate list?
andy streit 0
I don't beleive the administration should be buddies with any labor organization. Why is there even an NLRB? Its sole job is to protect Unions. When Government starts favoring one form of employment over the other you have serious problems. Ie: Boeing in South Carolina.
preacher1 0
There are federal labor laws that it enforces and a company can place a work rule and benefit package out there for workers in lieu of a union and the NLRB can certify and monitor it.
jhakunti 0
My word. This woman needs to shut her mouth. People need to stop electing her, and she needs to fade away into non elected civilian status.


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