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Beechcraft Makes Emergency Landing in Overland Park, KS

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. -- Emergency crews were called to 175th Street and Quivira Road Friday afternoon after the pilot of a Beechcraft Bonanza made an emergency landing. ( Más...

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matt leo 0
is everyone ok?
Ryan Costello 0
"Three people were on board. No injuries were reported."
Viper Tonic 0
Well done, gear up for rough terrain. All is well.
Louis Romestant 0
At last, a pilot who knew how to handle an emergency. Lately there have been too many crashes that evidence shows could have been avoided.
steven meyer 0
Looks like the plane hit and stopped. There is no impact point or even grass trails, so he must have been very slow. Too bad he could not get the gear down in time.
Many years ago-while flying traffic watch in a C-172SP in Texas, at 1030pm on July 4th, I had an engine out at 1500 feet. The runway was 3 miles off the right wing, and a city road beneath me. I set up and landed on the road-no damage.(Turned out to be a clogged fuel line) A week later I took the same aircraft up and cut power at the same altitude and location. I turned towards the airport and in two minutes had my answer-I made the correct decision-I would not have made the airport!

James Scarff 0
Give some guidance to a student pilot here. Steven, is your point that having time to put the gear down would have given the pilot more landing options? Or that gear down would have been the best choice for this terrain? I would have thought that, as Viper said, gear up on rough grass would have been the choice.


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