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In the Cockpit Lockheed L-1011 Tristar to Las Vegas (25 years ago!)

In the Cockpit Lockheed L-1011 Tristar to Las Vegas (25 years ago!) ( Más...

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linbb -1
Post on You Tube instead of here those people like this stuff.

justplanes 1
You're under no obligation to watch the video but perhaps someone else likes it since the topic here is aviation however I do appreciate your recommendation. Have a lovely weekend
Steve Bishop 1
Jeez what a sourpuss
Steve Bishop 2
I mean linbb, not justplanes :-)
justplanes 1
hahaha... ya he makes the exact same post every single time we share a video, little does he know its actually an encouragement for me to come back ;) but I've had a chat with someone at flightaware and this is totally fine... if not they would have told me and I would have stopped.


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