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White House says Trump could act unilaterally to avoid U.S. airline layoffs

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump could take executive action to avoid massive layoffs at U.S. airlines, while the coronavirus pandemic weighs on air travel and talks on a new COVID-19 stimulus bill remain stall in Congress, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said on Wednesday. ( Más...

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rdzr1 26
Another aspect of air travel right now is there is just no place to go. Even if you feel safe on the planes and in the terminals, where can you go that is not locked down? Travel outside the U.S. is all but impossible. Nobody wants us. Travel within the country is limited to "must go" situations. Discretionary travel is pretty much off the table.
David Ehlert -1
I have to politely disagree that discretionary travel is off the table. My wife and I are within a week of completing a six week RV trip around the Country. Yes, we have had some inconveniences but we did stay at some hotels and had to wear masks at restaurants, but overall, the states that we visited welcomed us. Now, going back home to California will be another story as Governor Newsome has virtually the whole state on some sort of lockdown along with all of the large fires screwing with the air quality.

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Jaime Terrassa 2
well said steve I live in California and I have to agree with you the governor should go and a few others all they they talk to much bull. one thing that gets me is that they tell people to ware mask but they don't I guess when you are a governor one can do what they want
SkyAware123 0
balony. Staying in the US there is a lot open. People want to see the rest of the world when they haven't even seen their own back yard.

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Andy Cruickshank 49
Let's stick to aviation related issues and not vent or spew your political views. There are plenty of other places for that.
w2bsa 6
Thank you!!

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Ric Ben 21
Getting reluctant travelers to feel more comfortable about getting back into airline seats again through actions of airlines, airports and forward thinking state government officials will be speedier and more efficient than waiting for Congress to act.
darjr26 7
I write this as someone who has worked for six different airlines and have gone through furloughs, bankruptcies and mergers. I’ve started over, on the bottom of a seniority list, at least three times. Right now there are thousands of airline employees that are being paid to stay home but are still collecting a paycheck. For captains at major airlines that can be as much as $15,000 or more each month, for not flying. Some are taking early retirement and will be paid 50% of their base pay, plus full benefits, for up to three years. Things are different for lesser paid employees but as a tax payer I don’t think I should be paying for employees that stay home and never go to work.
SkyAware123 13
Years of big numbers from the airlines and now they need help ? Shouldn't have bought back those stocks. Screw them and their monopolies.
steve carter 1
You may be right !
geroldn 18
If demand for a product is not there, then spending money on supporting the product is wasted. If you want to help the worker that produces the product, then hand them money directly and cut out the middleman - managers, stock holders, CEOs, etc. Fill in the name of the product with whatever is your favorite industry hit by Covid-19; air travel, restaurants, bars, movies, entertainment, etc.
Michael Meyers 10
Wasn’t this the same guy who criticized his predecessor for excessive use of executive orders. I recall he said at the time executive orders reflect on a POTUS who has failed to influence and persuade a majority of Congress to support his agenda. My my my, funny how ones words can comeback to haunt you.
Larry Easton 3
All politicians words come back to haunt them sooner or later. especially ones that lie, exaggerate, promote themselves first before people and country
Michael Meyers 3
How is that MAGA thing working for you now Yanks?
SkyAware123 -6
outstanding if it wasn't for the demorats

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steve carter -1
I second That !
Dave Hahn 1
You might want to look at the numbers of EOs and even better pardons
SkyAware123 0
HE has no choice when half of congress is running on hate and not facts.
Larry Easton 0
You americans sure live up to the way the world thinks of you...not. especially republicans. your brainwashed easily, especially by a leader that has gone bankrupt how many times? many business failures, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, is racist, only started saying God bless the last 4 years, treated women like they are his personal play thing, how many marriages?,the list is too long for here. And anyway, this is not a forum for any political crap, but the attitude here makes people get political
Dave Hahn -4
And yet a huge portion of the world wants to come here as the other portion likes our checkbook. Trump is a choirboy compared to Bill Clinton but I see no negative comments in that area.
bentwing60 -3
"And anyway, this is not a forum for any political crap, but the attitude here makes people get political" BS!

One might gauge the current level of politics played here by the fact that virtually every conservative viewpoint posted on this aviation thread and site is roundly down voted by the current gang of lefties that cast those negative votes but 'never squawk or post!'

Go ahead, "make my day", and vote this comment off the thread!
Ed Crist -2
Not to worry, we will vote those Republicans out of office this November. Including the dear Leader.
Dave Hahn 1
And you will get more of this anarchy in the end. If you like flying you may be surprised fossil fuels keep the damn things in the air.
Larry Easton -1
your a sheep, being led by lil bo trump! mindless republicans
Jeff Booze -4
And then we will have a nation just like Venezuela or Cuba. What in over forty years has sleepy Joe actually accomplished ? I’ll wait
Trump missed a golden opportunity to win over millions of Democrats last night because he could have reprised is plan to stop the hurricane by dropping an A-bomb in the eye.
Dave Hahn -8
Would have been more effective dropping it on the DNC convention
Violent talk like that energizes people like Kyle Rittenhouse.
bentwing60 0
Who mentioned the A-bomb DS, that stands for dip sheite!

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James Driskell 5
This discussion has completely fallen off the tracks of what this site was designed for and I recommend FlighAware pull the plug on this thread.

bbabis 2
I'm doing it right after making this post. It's easy. Just click this link in your next squawk alert.
Phil Howry 3
When faced with a demanding problem(s), the right decision is the best answer, the wrong decision is the second best answer, no response is the absolute worst answer.

It's amazing the progress that can be achieved when concern over who gets the credit is removed. Since I've not read, or heard about, a perfect human being since Jesus Christ, not every problem will receive the best answer, but a timely response to a problem(s) remains critical.

When we focus on doing the right thing, for the right reasons, everyone can benefit.
sparkie624 4
The US Airlines are Vital to the US Military for moving personnel not only around the country, but around the world... It is imperative that he take care of the airlines as they are critical to the security of our nations.
steve carter 3
As a youngster I took my first airline ride on an American Airways DC3 . Was given complete access to cockpit and show and tell. Airline travel was a special event for most folks. Then it evolved in to moving the masses to promote air travel which led to more restrictions and personal privacy issues. Then someone blew down two/three buildings in NYC and we got more restrictions and privacy invasion. What were the right decisions that were made to “Make Us Safe” was the Patriot Act a good Right decision ? How is destroying freedom a right decision ? Are you more secure now ? I don’t think I am. Is this really progress ? Are the riots in our streets progress ?
James Driskell 3
Everything trump does is for show, not effect! If he'd had is act together in January or even February, we wouldn't have to worry about the impending layoff of thousands of workers.

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Jim Myers 15
"He has done more for the American People in 5 years than the Democrats in 40 years" You are correct THAT has to be the Dumbest statement that I have heard in a long time.
James Driskell 15
Under which rock do you live? Unemployment numbers are higher than they have been in years, except for the overinflated stock market the economy is heading south. It will take years for air travel to recover to anywhere near where it was prior to the arrival of the virus.
sparkie624 7
Yes, and I am one of those employees unemployed and want to go back to work....
bbabis 2
Become a glorified limo driver or attendant rather than a glorified bus driver or attendant. Demand for private air travel, charter, fractional, corporate, is booming as businesses that want to remain in business realize that airlines can no longer meet their on demand schedules and they need to do it themselves. The added security, comfort, and time savings is making it a no-brainer.
bentwing60 7
And lo and behold, the once again furloughed or retired 121 guys will once again flood the 91, 135 pilot community and kill the prospects for every Embry-Riddle, UND flight school graduate.

Seems, it was a short pilot shortage.
J B 1
Financial press mainly says big airlines have unusual huge leverage lobbying to compel a pre-election bail out, with thousands of employees in large hub states that are also likely election swing states.
DGR Rathborne 1
My take on the Airline Industry , in any nation you would like to pick , is that the passengers are Gone . Gov't around the world are being asked to basically pay airlines to keep employees on the payroll , while there actual duties are no longer needed . So the question becomes , how long and how much money keeps going to airlines with nothing for the staff to do ? At some point the cost is just too great . I recently heard an economist using the term , that while we are all trying to adjust to this new pandemic reality , he was more inclined to describe our financial situations as a Distorted Reality . We are all just winging it . That aside , there will come a point when Gov't will no longer be able to bail out airlines , and all the others who need the same help . Very dark days are ahead . We better get used to it ........DGR
This is something that "could" happen but probably wont because the airlines have already received their corona cash. I fear that the industry is headed for bankruptcy and consolidations due to lack of demand that may never recover to the level it was.
sparkie624 1
If Congress doesn't act... Trump will have to do something... The airlines are critical to our nation, and they are going to shut down critical area's if something doesn't happen soon.
jvdawsey 1
think it might be very enlightening if Congress and the President let both American Airlines and the N B A just ..... go away ... that's right, private enterprise can just go away in this country and most citizens will not lose sleep . nevermind all the extrapolations, we'd be just as poorly off without both of these dinosaurs.
steve carter 1
Kind of like the Airline industry huh
Tommy Boy 1
WHITE HOUSE SAYS..... Which usually means that Trump really CAN'T do whatever they say he can, or whatever he thinks he can.

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bbabis 3
Is it drugs, alcohol, or both that is causing this incessant ranting Robert? Please seek help. You have 100% control of your attitude and outlook. Try to get it out of the basement.
bentwing60 -1
Had it not been for the USA, all of europe would be speaking German and all of asia would be speaking Japanese! Your myopic grasp of history is only eclipsed by your self perceived grasp of the current state of the abysmal politics of the times and your oft downvoted contributions here! Anything else?
More than your wing is bent. Repeat after me, World War II ended 75 years ago, and what we did then has no relation to what is needed today. We fought the Nazi machine and the Imperial Japanese then, today, both Germany and Japan are allies and friends of the U.S., although the current president is trying to undo that. Perhaps, instead of thumping someone else, you might read a few history books.
bentwing60 0
cg., though not well centered, I've read many a Heinlein scifi, and the Hobbit and the Tolkien trilogy series several times. Ayn Rand was long but right and Joseph Mccarthy was right but for the wrong crowd, and bad timing. Couldn't do Solzhenitsyn because it was 'modern history', oh you know, that part of life that 'you lived' or relatives and ancestry knew to be true. And, it was long.

Ancient and modern history, on the other hand, are now being rewritten at the hands of an education system that hides how they got there, and, in the case of 'ancient history how they perceive it to be., Maybe your type, not mine.

I still know the authors of my favorite books, and history is slow. Readin' a good scifi was not, nor was flyin' Learjets. When you are 68, even you should be able to keep up.
Tommy Boy 1
All in all, the US contribution to the WWII effort, while appreciated by Europe, was comparatively small. You watch too many movies and read too few history books. The US lost less than 500,000 men in that war effort. The Russians lost over 12 million people and shut down the Eastern Front. Russia was the country that went ALL IN and took Berlin in the end.
bentwing60 3
Oh really! Another gaslight comment and strawman opinion?

Name a single allied country that was capable of, or did supply the volumes of military or humanitarian aid that "the lend lease act" provided before the US was even actually a combatant! The Russians got a load or two.

Name a single allied or axis country that drafted a "Marshall Plan", then implemented and, for the most part, funded it, upon the wars conclusion.

The fact that US leadership didn't share the 'scorched earth policies' of German and Russian combatants limited US casualties to the substantial number we incurred while participating in another Euro./Germanic dispute. The 'real reason' that there are still many pre. WW11 architectural jewels still standing on German soil. Bomber Command said, "We don't have to destroy it all"!

I eagerly await the downvotes of the current pseudo historians that disagree with my belief that "The winners write the history", and the losers make every effort to reinvent it.
James Driskell 2
Yep, yep, and yep! And the number of US deaths in Europe is about 215,000 (about the same number we'll see in December 2020 as a result of the virus).

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respectfully,president trump does NOT have the authority to tell the airlines they must keep thousands of people employed indefinitely,particularly when there is no demand for their services and the airline revenues are being drastically cut by the lack of paying/flying customers...what the president CAN do is sign another assist bill,saying the federal government will give another extended LOAN to the airlines,and state a requirement of the loan is to keep people employed for say,6 months more AFTER the expiration date given earlier of october..government regualatory rules apply only to the way crews are trained,approvela of routes and the upkeep and maintenance of aircraft..the u.s. government doe not OWN the airlines..they are independent large business with stockholders and management structure,and unions, and who and how many they employ for their purposes is not up to the president to decide...
Jim Myers -1
You did not even COMPREHEND the article. It states right in the article "assistance would require legislative action" You know WHY it says that? Because the president DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE THIS MOVE!

You claim to know about the US Governemnt, yet you are utterly clueless when it comes to how the three branches of government work. It's OKAY - you Trumpublicans know more about RUSSIA than the USA, so we Americans have to just laugh in your face when you pretend to be an actual American.
Dave Hahn -5
Considering the dems and rinos are selling this country to China you have no moral high ground on which to preach.
Tommy Boy 3
Every one of your ignorant, divisive post are getting down-voted right off the page, while the responses that tell you houwwrong you are are all getting up votes.

Doesn't that tell you something, Hahn? Doesn't that tell you maybe your commentary may be more appreciated by the minority over at Breightbart?
bentwing60 1
Pretty clear that you use e-banking cause' I don't think you could get out of the basement often enough to go to the mailbox and, then, go to the bank and cash your sorross checks.


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