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U.S. President Donald J. Trump suspends travel to Europe amid COVID-19

In a televised address on Wednesday, he said all travel from Europe would be suspended for the next 30 days. ( Más...

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Duane Mader 14
Dr Fauci has said there’s a lack of test kits. He also has said whether you’re tested or not doesn’t change your course of action. If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t travel unnecessarily and use good hygiene. Isolation is the only way to reduce the rate of infection and save lives.
Duane Mader 0
It’s a worry that testing would give people a false sense of security. You suspect you are exposed, you get tested, it comes back negative... Life’s good.
2 hours later you go to the store and breath in the virus.
Duane Mader 4
I understand people wanting to comment in this venue as I don’t do social media or comment on other news sites but it seems like we would have more folks talk about the implications to the airline industry on FlightAware. I’m a corporate pilot and have little knowledge of the airline business. I’d like to read some informed comments on that.
Kevin Keswick 37
With the exception of Italy I suspect most of the countries on the list have infection rates about the same or lower than the US. The fact is the US has not been testing people. Last I heard only about 5000 American's in total have been tested. Compare that to South Korea where they test 10,000 people A DAY! Or China where they test over a Million a week! If you don't test you don't get confirmed cases which is probably the strategy. Trump said he likes to "keep the numbers low" (was opposed to bringing the Grand Princess ashore for that reason). This is just a way for Trump to blame Europe "because they didn't take tough actions that he did" Trump did not announce any measures to stop transmission within the U.S. such as testing anyone and everyone who has a fever, shutting down large gatherings. He said people in high risk groups such as elderly have to take precautions but at age 74 Trump is in a high risk group and yet he continues to shake hands. Before Trump spoke Dow futures were down just -71 pts after the speech futures dropped like a rock to below 1000 pts! Tomorrow will be another rocky day
Wolfgang Prigge 14
The US was about 6 weeks late with test kits as the administration did not want to use tests that were developed elsewhere. The latest available numbers show a alarming difference in individuals tested per million inhabitants.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Greg Clanfield 7
Actually, Wikipedia can be extremely accurate. I was once involved in a court case where the attorney's brief for my side quoted Wikipedia and the Judge just had a fit talking trash about it. I later looked up the term that Wikipedia was used for in the brief and it was IDENTICAL to the Oxford dictionary.
Score one for Wikipedia, minus one for the judge.

BTW, Wikipedia has really tightened up controls on changes to items listed. Most are peer reviewed and all are documented.
Your hunch does seem to be true, the number of infected people in the US seems to be much higher than what the public is told. Just an example, out of the 17 new cases in Ontario, Canada yesterday, 8 were infected while travelling in the United States.
Dave Hahn -7
The govt has said for 20 plus years illegals in this country number about 11 million when it is really closer to 23 million. So when does the govt do anything for the public we can trust

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Paul Miller 25
Does anyone else think like I do ? and see this as shutting the gate AFTER horse got out !!!!
sharon bias 13
Horses out and running away. As are the cows, pigs, goats, sheep and any other hoofed animal. They know when to get out of Dodge.
Paul Miller 3
Sharon, I laughed myself right out of my seat after I read your words here.
Angel Colon 3
Let me ask you this if closing the border is too late because the virus is here, then why professional sports, public gatherings, activities, in general, are being canceled, suspended, delay, or close, etc.?
To slow the virus's spread. It's here, but not everyone has it yet. Slowing community transmission is a good thing.
Dale Ballok 4
No, it’s called being PROACTIVE.
As a former health care worker, you learn that when it comes to health care, you can’t be REACTIVE, because that’s “closing the gates after the horses get out”!
Apparently, a lot of people in this country place sports and other activities at a higher level than their health.
The inconvenience is a small price to pay, especially for the ill and the elderly and is temporary, not permanent.
skinutca 2
Of course it is Paul. As the Trump Regime’s social media director tweeted and Donnie himself retweeted, Typhoid Don was fiddling for months when he should have been marshaling resources and cutting red tape.
Dave Hahn 6
The old issue of dammed if you and and damned if you don’t. Every time Trump has tried to protect our borders he gets crucified. So nothing is changing. Could he have handled it better so far most likely but the hate coming his way isn’t going to change. No other person could have put up with what he and his family have endured. I get it- you don’t like him and I didn’t care for Obama but never considered acting against him,his family and administration as Trump has gotten. The left has the corner on the hate market.
Steve Green 1
So true... keep our borders open to let everyone in... wait, why didnt you close our borders sooner to protect US citizens from this virus? Wait, why are you closing the border to EU26? That is not fair... keep the borders open.

Left is very proficient at changing political positions.. and hate.
Dan Grelinger 2
No. Poor analogy.

A better analogy is that the pasture gate was left open and three wolves got in and have eaten a few cows and sheep. An idiot would continue to leave the gate open.
Randy Stillwell -2
very well said !
point well taken paul..unfortunately,although the u.s. had a "heads up" as to this upcoming and ongoing" event,it was basically trump disbanded and fired most of those who handle things like this back in 2018 as he saw no need for it..what he said last night has already been discredited a misinformation..remember that within the last week or so he said it was all a hoax??
Paul Miller 8
Mary, I agree with you on all that you said, It's sad that WE as a Nation seem to be way back behind the 8 ball in all of this matter.
I am not really into political matters, but maybe a change at the top is what our country might need right about now ? Confusion appears to be the order of the day and many are suffering because of it.
Duane Mader 7
Here’s your change:
January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”
Clarke Ramsey 3
I would go one step further by saying, a change as a whole is what is needed. We have to remember this virus and others like it don't care about borders.
Duane Mader 5
Stopping people at borders is how viruses are stopped.
Dan Grelinger 0
Viruses and others like it don’t care about borders, true. That is why barriers (not just borders) are needed.
Dale Ballok 0
Anybody remember the awful handling of Katrina by FEMA?
We’ve never experienced anything of this nature and magnitude AND it’s not confined to our country, but it’s international.
john kilcher -3
Yes, but, 5,000 died from Covid 19, 20 million have dies from the flu this season. Perhaps the hysteria isn't warranted.
Michael Osmers 4
It’s only just begun John. We don’t know what the mortality rate is for COVID19 but if it’s 1% (seems to be anywhere from .5-6% so far world wide) v typical flu rate of .1% that you are quoting and none of us has immunity to it, the implication is 200 million might die.
Where did you get that 20,000,000 number? From what I can see (CDC and WHO data) that is 20 to 40 times higher than a normal worldwide flu number. And the US number for this season is thought to be around 16,000 (excluding Covid-19, of course).
Dale Ballok 3
So it’s ok with you to let the death toll reach 20,000??? REALLY???

Randy Stillwell -3
you are WRONG again Mr. Miller
Greg Clanfield 0
Mary, I believe what the President said was the way the media was reporting about the way he has handled the virus issue was a hoax. Which, given the ration of hated he has endured for the last 3.5 years he is most likely right about.
It seems NOTHING he says is true in the eyes of the MSM, and he is most likely just giving them back what they've given him.
Randy Marco 2
No Greg... trumpf is FACTUALLY an idiot, conman and PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

MSM is under reporting, if anything, trumpf's gaffes.

Lots of IDIOTS on this forum including you!
you are a moron Marco
Randy, have you taken your meds lately?
Dan Grelinger -5
Randy, you really ought to reread your posts when you are off the hallucinogens. You’ll see why they are actually pushing people to vote conservatively.
Dan Grelinger -1
You’re reading the liberal mainstream media again without checking up on their bias. Never claimed that Coronavirus was a hoax. Only those that fear his re-election can’t be stopped with the truth resort to these types of lies.
Randy Marco 2
Dan you obviously are working as a Russian troll posting lies to try and get trumpf re-elected as you have filled this thread with posts filled with LIES...

Won't work this time, those with even a modicum of intelligence can see trumpf et al for the incompetent cons that they are. .

Trumpf ABSOLUTELY said Corona was a HOAX!
Dan Grelinger 2
Wow, just wow.

You obviously started your post with a lie and ended with a lie, why should anyone pay attention to whatever else you have to say?

If anyone wants to know who Randy really is, just click his name and read all of his prolific hate and insult filled posts.

Randy, you just keep spewing the hatred, insults, and lies, dude. It appears so ingrained in you that no one, let alone me, could help you. And, as what happened in 2016, your irrational hatred will drive the rational non-haters to voting for the man you hate on so much.

You can appease yourself and the Left with fake news all you want, Trump did not say that Coronavirus itself was a hoax! In fact, even CNN explained what Trump said, the Democrats are using Coronavirus for political attacks which is horrible. This is the hoax, now do you believe this fact, of course not...

Are you upset with what Biden said about banning flights from China:

"This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,” Biden continued."

Oh my, you must be very upset about what Biden said, right?
Roger Anderson -6
Too late now as far as I'm concerned. Infection is already in the US so the ban seems counter productive.
Dale Ballok 10 just let it go unchecked????
Duane Mader 6
Right. Dr Fauci has said we are moving up the bell curve on infection rates. Isolation will make the peak smaller.
Kevin Toovey -2
What exactly will banning folx from coming to the US do? All they need to do is come through the UK.
Dan Grelinger 1
You speak with ignorance. I you read the real travel restrictions, instead of wallowing in uninformed confusion, you will notice that the restriction is for any non US-national who was been in one of 15 countries for the previous 14 days before attempting to enter the U.S. This means that your suggestion of how to get around the restriction is totally bogus.
According to several scientists that have been interviewed here in Canada, this ban does make sense, except the fact that the UK is not included, which shows that there is a strong element of political gambit in the decision. It probably is used to get the spotlights off the fact that the administration dropped the ball before the arrival of the virus and with the first decisions right after its arrival.
Russ Brown -6
UK not included, home to three trump resorts.
And the UK just gave up the fight to control the spread, there are probably over 10000 cases now.
Lois Lettini 4
My first thoughts -- EXACTLY! Why hasn't the Media said anything about this? (Unless I missed it).In addition, the British PM is probably the only friend Trump has right now.
AAaviator 1
Dan Grelinger 0
“Counter-productive”????? Explain that one.
wrong Mr. Miller..
John Redding 9
The ban applies to the 26 member states of the Schengen area who allow free movement of their nationals across each other’s borders. The UK, Republic of Ireland and several Eastern European countries are not members of the Schengen area and are therefore exempt from the ban
B Schauerte 6
FROM EUROPE (not to)
Duane Mader 2
Right, suspect a simple mistake though by reposter.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Robert Cowling 0
I agree, but only because he's stupid, Jared Kushner is an idiot, and this was done to promote racism and hatred against 'Europe', and China/Asians.

It's not a 'China virus', it's an indictment of a society with a huge wage and class inequality. What started this is massive inequality between the 'rich' parts of China, and the poor parts, the rich eat caviar and Filet Mignon, and the poor parts eat road kill, and wild animals. Coronavirus is a zoonotic disease that crossed from animals to humans. If China didn't concentrate their riches in the politically connected areas, and spent money, and time, correcting the gaping levels of poverty, ignorance, and class, we wouldn't have coronavirus, and the various plague and other related viruses popping up.

We gave them out manufacturing core so the 1% could make insane profits, and deny the same things to wide swaths of this country. Ironic? America is turning into a 'shithole country' too. Full of pestilence, ignorance, hatred, racism, and an ultra rich ruling class that is able to delude and enrage the 'ignorant class' to their advantage. The GOP shipped jobs to China, Vietnam, Korea, and points beyond, and the damn working class in this country vote repeatedly to kill unions, and install GOP corporate minions into power. It's amazing. Like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.

So suspending travel from 'Europe' is like spending millions to lock the gate on the corral, and there isn't a damn thing in there. Everything has run away.

And in the meantime, physicians in California, and other state say there are 50 tests FOR THE WHOLE STATE!

Trump wants toe Fox News idiots to kick immigrants and hate on Europe and China to distract them from his malfeasance. If history is any judge, it'll be a complete success. Oh, and enjoy being dropped off food stamps, and other programs. (White people outnumber minorities on Food Stamps, so choke on that)
Dan Grelinger 0
Your words... “Full of pestilence, ignorance, hatred, racism”
“Jared Kushner is an idiot,”

Anyone else see the hypocrisy of this post?
Randy Marco 1
No, I do see YOUR incredible ignorance!
Dan Grelinger 0
Oh, very intelligent response. Way to go!
bazinga pilot 5
Allow me to clarify:

When the news broke following President Trump's speech, in a review by the British Broadcasting Corporation, that is what the president said at the time without any specifications. It was only after several corrections by the United States Department of State that we got the specifics of this suspension/restriction/ban or however you call it. It's not fake news if the President was not specific at the time of his address and then had to be clarified. That's literally what happened. This squawk wasn't a mistake, it's what the news outlets reported and I am simply reposting.

Please be safe and practice good hygiene.
Squawk 7500, turn channel to CNN...
Phil Howry 13
According to the CDC, back in 2009, the swine flu infected approximately 61 million people in the USA and caused 12,469 deaths! Where were all these "disease control experts" and follow on "armchair quarterbacking" criticism of the Obama/Biden administration back then?

Elisa J 6
Excellent question.
By the time this is over 12000 dead will be a good month.
Greg Clanfield 2
In the 2017-18 flu season we had 61,200 dead, per the CDC
Add a zero for this one.
Dan Grelinger 0
Well you sure are Mr. Sunshine, aren’t you...
If the “add a zero” outcome was the over-and-under, I’d take the over. Simple math: assume 1/3 of Americans infected. (That is NOT an aggressive assumption.) Assume a 1% fatality rate. (Again, a pretty favorable assumption.) What’s 1% of 110,000,000 people? This assumes we don’t go the route of Italy, where the death rate will probably be closer to 4%.
Dan Grelinger 2
The math is simple, but your assumptions are unreasonable, hence your conclusions will be as well. 1/3 of Americans infected? I question that assumption. The worst recent flu year, 1 of 6 Americans got it. In the best recent year, 1 in 30 Americans got it. I think you have an agenda (perhaps you are just an eternal pessimist) and your assumptions have been created to feed it. “Aggressive assumption”? I don’t know what an aggressive (vs. a passive) assumption is, but your assumption is not backed up with reason.
Merely told her people to assume 50-70% of their population will get it. It’s already widespread here, although for lack of testing we don’t how how widespread, exactly. I don’t want to be right about this but I don’t see what I have wrong.
Dan Grelinger 1
There is a difference between developing a worst-case scenario for preparation efforts, versus determining a more realistic estimate of what reality will bring. Markel was ‘worst-casing’ it.

Where is it ‘widespread’? Even in Italy, one of the epicenters, the infection rate is currently described as 0.03% of the population. If that is your standard for widespread, no wonder we disagree.
Recall that unlike the flu, this virus is encountering a population with zero natural immunity and no vaccine. With an R0 of 2-3 this will run through entire populations unless they take VERY aggressive measures to prevent spread. Happily, a few of those have been implemented: rules against large assemblies and the like. Those are a start. The travel bans don’t hurt but don’t help much either, since now we’re in the community transmission phase of this. (Ohio’s Dept of Health estimates Ohio has >100000 cases right now. This is bad.
Dan Grelinger 0
What? Who has natural immunity to a new flu virus? If we had natural immunity to the flu, why would so many people get it (up to 49 million in the U.S. in a single year?) If we had natural immunity to new flu strains, then why in the world would there be flu vaccines every year?

I do not disagree with you that aggressive measures are warranted. I just disagree with your assumptions concerning the real future that we face. Possible? Maybe. Probable? Probably not.
Dan Grelinger 0
Some information from an expert that does not support your assumptions...

“Harry Scholtz, vice president of infectious disease and infection prevention at BEAM Telemedicine and Healthcare, says that the estimated fatality rate is “likely an overestimate.”

“It disproportionately includes elderly patients with medical conditions and not anyone who was untested and recovered fully,” Scholtz, an infectious disease physician, said.

At the same time, the incubation period for coronavirus can be as long as 24 days, according to the largest study analyzing patients of the disease so far. This is another indication that the number of actual cases is likely higher than reported. Some patients are also testing positive for the virus while showing no symptoms at all, according to a letter published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

“Young people (under 15) had no severe illness whatsoever,” Scholtz said. “It could be that they already possess antibodies that provide protection against COVID-19, or their immune systems are better able to fight off the virus.””
Think about that 1 in 6 number. A lot of people get vaccinated for the flu, and there a very few novel flu strains, so there are factors that suppress that number. Those factors don’t apply here. So we’re bound to be higher than 1 in 6. So let’s say we go from 1 in 6 to 1 in 4, not a huge jump. Do the math: how many deaths?
Dan Grelinger -1
Never in recent history has there been this level of effort to prevent the spread of a contagious disease. If you assume that the U.S. is treating this disease as it always treats the flu, (basically as a non-urgent event) then your numbers become more realistic. But, that assumption is not rooted in reality. The efforts so far have been much more aggressive than in past years for the flu. There is also reason to believe that mortality rate is not near as high in the U.S. as in other countries. If you assume that it is, you’ll also be able to support your very high numbers, but the current data suggests differently.
Michael Osmers 2
Why do you think CDC and medical experts have been so concerned? It’s called ‘novel’ COVID because unlike the common flu or other corona viruses, no one has immunity to it and we don’t know the mortality rate accurately but it is significantly more than the flu. The estimate Merkel gave was taking that into account from the best minds she has at her disposal. Richard is right but he easily could have used 50% and been right on the low side as well. We ignore this information at our own peril I think.
Dan Grelinger -1
“No one has immunity to it.” I don’t think I have seen a single report, from reputable sources or not, that back up that claim.

SARS was novel. So have been several other viruses in recent history. We did not see the doomsday scenarios being put forth here.

I am not suggesting that we don’t do the best we can. I suggest that saying the worst WILL HAPPEN is very probably not correct.
SARS was novel but was much less transmissible. H1N1 wasn't novel (but hadn't been seen in quite a while) but was much less severe, with a fatality rate much like "regular" flu. What makes Covid-19 daunting is its transmissibility (R0 of 2.3 was the last best estimate I've seen), severity (fatality rate of between 1 and 4%, depending on your population and whether your health system gets overrun like Italy and Iran) and the fact that you can be asymptomatic and contagious for days.

Happily, the US is finally taking some measures to tamp down the spread. I'll be very happy if those work. We'll know in a few weeks. But we have so many infected but untested/diagnosed people that we really don't know how bad this has gotten.
Michael Osmers 1
See Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center link below for the explanation
Dan Grelinger -1
That article did not provide any support to your statement that “no one has immunity to it.” It actually seemed to support my position. “In collaboration with Dr. Scott Hensley at the University of Pennsylvania, Lee and Bloom also began investigating why the immunity of people may look so different”.

With such variation observed in natural human immunity to viruses, it seems pretty gutsy to claim that ‘no one’ has natural immunity to coronavirus. There have also been reports that not all carriers of the disease exhibit symptoms, i.e., their immune systems successfully keep the virus at bay. Wouldn’t that be an “immunity to it”?
Michael Osmers 2
I misunderstood the thrust of your confusion. My bad. From Yale Medicine, point 1, third paragraph.
Dan Grelinger 0
Thanks for the reference, it’s a score as far as addressing my point. However, reality seems to counter his assertions, and this is even from his own organization:

“Youth, in contrast, seems to be protective. The WHO mission reported a relatively low incidence in people under 18, who made up only 2.4% of all reported cases. In fact, through mid-January, zero children in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, had contracted Covid-19. It’s not clear whether that’s because children do not show signs of illness even if infected.

Even cases among children and teens aged 10 to 19 are rare. As of Feb. 11 there were 549 cases in that age group, 1.2% of the total, China CDC found. Only one had died.

One intriguing explanation for the apparent resilience of youth: in regions near Hubei province, young children seem especially likely to be exposed to other coronaviruses, scientists in China reported in 2018. That might have given them at least partial immunity to this one.”
Philip Lanum 0
According to the CDC, in the US, there have been 4,800 deaths due to the flu this year and 87,000 hospitalizations. As of March 6, 2020 there were 14 deaths from COVID-19.

Where is your outrage at the current Administration? Remember, the flu season is not over - yet.
Duane Mader 6
For all saying we ignored this for months, direct from CDC
“A: COVID-19 is a virus strain, first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, that has only spread in people since December 2019.”
Nige Lites 2
What about the good folks who drive the bus and serve the coffee.

When a US flight crew have bounced across the pond, and had a little lie down in a hotel in a country of concern before returning to the land of the free, do they have to immediately go home for the next couple of weeks, binge watching box sets before they can put their uniforms on again.

And what about European flight crew, are they locked in a box as soon as they land in the home of the brave, shuttled in a disinfected wagon to some remote hotel until they can return to the desolate wasteland they call home.
Are they even allowed in, or are the European firms desperately hiring US Passport holders to fly their planes,

With the no doubt intended reduction in transatlantic traffic, what about The Slots,
Are airlines searching their fleets for the smallest plane that can only just make it with full fuel and empty seats so they can hold their precious Gate at the appointed time.

I'm curious and interested in the aviation practicalities and consequences.
Yes, actually, the US airlines are using long range flight crews with their 777-300 ER planes flying domestic flights. These flights for mainland US are less than 4 hours, but good strategy keeping the crew and planes active.

Look, for every problem, lays an opportunity, the US Airlines have the advantage...
matt jensen 3
China stopped reporting cases last week so the figures are on the low side
Jim Welch 3
For pointing out that this administration has made some horrible mistakes regarding our preparations for this pandemic, I’ve been accused of “trolling” and being “hateful”.
When did historical FACTS become obsolete?!?
Whatever side of the isle you’re on, this should infuriate you.
Angel Colon 0
Where were you when the previous administration declared an emergency after 1000 adults and 100 children die due to the swine flu?

If this administration didn't take steps to stop flights from China and the like, we would be a lot worst. Just look at Italy; they didn't close their borders until thousands of ppl got sick.

It is a new virus, is not the first pandemic or global virus the US has attended. Implying that the US and the world had test kits before the virus was discovered, is ignorant. It is a new virus so, no one will have these kits ahead of time.
Duane Mader 0
Give criticism where it’s due. Yes we could have more test kits.
Do you give credit where it’s due?
Paul Anstett 2
...WHO let the dogs out!
Duane Mader 3
Michael Osterholm has said that they virologists are able to look at a virus and see when it mutated and was able to make the jump from animals to people. First record of that happening was in Wuhan in December 2019.
Greg Clanfield 1
And China's level 4 containment facility is located in Wuhan, not far from the market where this all supposedly originated. I personally don't believe the Chinese government is telling us the whole story.
Dommage.. il suffirait pourtant qu’il impose des contrôles, ce serait bien suffisant...
cbuckley 2
the news header: "U.S. President Donald J. Trump suspends travel to Europe amid COVID-19" is incorrect.
The word "to" should be corrected to "from".

[This poster has been suspended.]

Elisa J -2
Why should the "stable genius" need to save anyone? Personal responsibility, common sense and knowledge will save us. Looking to the government to solve our problems and save us is a futile exercise and has helped put the US in the condition it's in today. Time for all of us to grow up.
clarify 6
National security and the well-being of citizens is a key responsibility of government.
Duane Mader 1
One of the best airline commentators is pilot and all around renaissance man Blancolirio on YouTube
Luke M 1
What are the actual rules?
Kevin Keswick 7
Luke M 5
So it applies only to foreigners. Citizens and permanent residents can still fly without restriction. I'm sure the tourism board is loving that
Luke M 1
But thanks for the info. Haven't seen info anywhere else.
Thanks for the link, nice to read just facts these days...
WhiteKnight77 1
Travel from the UK will be suspended too. My SIL is in Germany with her sick mom (do not know if Covid-19 or what).
matt jensen 1
Veit Bilsing 1
Next week on Saturday I would like to fly to Puero Rico as scheduled. Am I affected by the sanction as a German? Does Puerto Rico count?
Lois Lettini 1
I suggest "tweeting" the President with this question.
Duane Mader 1
Thankfully we banned travel from China and Iran less than a month after this was identified. Unfortunately the Chinese would not allow US scientists in to start work on identifying the virus or we’d be a month ahead on creating a vaccine. AOPA ran an article showing the 4 quarantine containers used to load into planes and bring back 1100 Americans and 100 Canadians from Wuhan. Quarantining cruise ships also helped, also unprecedented.
This is painful but it helps. The only thing we can do at this point to reduce infections is to isolate populations as much as possible. A vaccine would be great but there is no way to hurry that any more than you can hurry a crop by adding more farmers.
Banning travel from China was also criticized (racist, xenophobic) but it bought time.
Alan Cordery 0
Perfect storm for the incompetent buffoon
AAaviator 3
T.D.S. appears to be more viral in this forum than corona!
Duane Mader 3
Yes, you mean Biden right?
January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”
So many other forums, where you can vent your hot steam, why here?
Jesse Carroll 1
Typical fake news!
Your headline “trump bans travel TO Europe”!
Real story is Trump bans trave from Europe!
BIG difference!
You got it, that was intentional, facts be damned...
a1brainiac 1
classic case of closing the barn door after the horse is gone
Duane Mader 2
At least it closed on China a month and a half ago:

January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”
Dan Grelinger 0
That is foolish statement. Perhaps it betrays some bias that you have...

What fool leaves the pasture gate open when 3 wolves have entered through it and eaten some of the herd? The wise person would have been monitoring the gate as normal practice. The learner would close the gate after seeing the problems caused by leaving it open. The true fool would look at the open gate, do nothing, and say “what the heck.’”

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

So, what does your personal hate have to do with travel news?

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

[This poster has been suspended.]

Oh come on now, when someone makes a hateful comment, they open the door for reciprocal response.

So many other forums where you can vent your steam, please keep this one out...
Dale Ballok 2
Well said!

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Jesse Carroll 0
Dutch prosecutors say Russia tried to thwart investigation of MH17 downing
Huh, must have been Trumps fault!
Yeah, blame Trump, he should have known to become president, thus not see the future, horrible isn't it?
Roger Anderson 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

President Trump Announces Temporary Ban On Travel From Europe To United States

U.S. President Donald Trump has announced a temporary suspension on all travel from Europe to the United States, with exception of flights coming from the United Kingdom.
Dan Grelinger 0
Read the actual travel restriction, not the headlines. The headlines deceive, possibly deliberately.
It was inevitable that something like this was bound to happen in China. When you have a country that has 1.435 Billion people in it and it is communist run. The USA offered to send our scientists from our country immediately after finding out about he virus outbreaks but were refused. It does amaze me how many people continue to hate our President. Our country has grown by leaps and bounds since he took office, from the economy to the 3.5 percent unemployment rate. Millions of people that were unemployed and on welfare have prospered and are now living well above the poverty line and providing for their families holding their heads up proud and with honor without government assistance. For those of you that think that this is worse than plain influenza you should take the time to check the facts. Last year in the United States alone we had 24 Million cases of Influenza, 180,000 hospitalizations and over 16,000 deaths. Where was the panic then, where were the politicians standing on their soap boxes screaming blame. Where were the Governors claiming STATES OF EMERGENCY! Open your eyes and ears do some real research on you own! Find out the real facts. QUIT trusting people that want to tax the life out of you and your families, that caused us to lose our health insurance, that fine people hundreds of dollars because now they have lost their insurance and can't afford the high costs that are now being charged, quit protecting people that want to take away our guns and our other rights of FREEDOM, quit believing the lies that they are telling you only to do everything but what they promised if they are elected. This COUNTRY needs to stand tall, this is the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! America has been the backbone of this world for centuries always helping others! GOD BLESS AMERICA! GOD BLESS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! GOD BLESSED THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
So many words, so much nonsense.
Just take each sentence per week, ask your family and friends to explain any words that challenges you.

Perhaps in about six months, it may make sense...
Such a great act of submission, to fly another man's flag so proudly. Is there no limit to the emasculation of the American male? I don't understand it myself. This far transcends simply liking or disliking the man.

Putting blind faith, even in someone you agree with, is a recipe for tyranny and is patently UNAMERICAN.
Duane Mader 3
January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”
Elisa J 1
Biden knows not what he says at any given moment.
Dale Ballok 1
William Griffis Thank you!
Elisa J -2
Thank you for a well stated post, William Griffins. Thank you for posting. The virus is just as important as any other pandemic/epidemic that has occurred in our history. The hysteria is unwarranted. Hopefully calmer heads and personal responsibility will prevail.
Elisa J 2
Griffis... I apologize for my spell check.
John Rumble -1
You lot will be all hoax until someone close to you gets infected and dies
Lynne FitzGerald -2
Well I'm glad I'm not working the check-in today. This person who is in charge of the USA has caused unbelievable turmoil for the travelling public. Look out UK they are all heading your way to get a connection to the USA
Dan Grelinger 0
Wrong. Read the actual travel restrictions before commenting.
Jim Welch -5
Do I believe restricting travel is the right thing to do?
I’m disgusted that trump conveniently excluded those areas of his European golf resorts however.
Can you please vent your hot steam somewhere else, this forum is a welcoming place for all...
Jesse Carroll -5
All you left wing democrats keep hating!
This president has done more for USA that Nobama could even dream about!
Sick of this board turning so political! Suppose to be aeronautical but you loud mouth dumbocrats just have to jump on pelosi’s train!
Blank off!
I hear you, went away, but got tired of seeing Fake News go rampant. My non-political friends are getting caught up into it, so some reality check without hate is good to have...
skinutca -8
It should be noted that Typhoid Don did not suspend travel to areas where has golf courses and that one of those areas, the U.K. has the most cases in Europe outside of Italy.
Dave Hahn 1
You are sure that was his reason ?. Get over the hate,
Randy Marco 4
Get over your ignorance.
Yikes, outbreak of T.D.S occurring here, grab the kids, dogs and whatever of personal importance and go on about life as usual...

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

ffrcobra1 18
Earlier this week he said everyone needed to stay calm and the virus would “go away”. That’s a “very good brain” in action. Maybe it’s an ostrich brain. That would explain a lot.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Michael Cole 0
Why don’t you take your pathetic trolling trolling somewhere else?
You should't be so hard on yourself, please vent your steam somewhere else...
bazinga pilot 0
Suit yourself.
skinutca -1
Andy is correct. Donnie did NOT suspend all travel from Europe with the exception of flights coming from the United Kingdom.
Michael Osmers 4
He certainly did, I heard the speech (you can read the transcript yourself). Whether he is capable of reading his script is another issue, we know now that what he said was not what he was supposed to say and the restrictions are not as severe as he originally let on.


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