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Photos: Delta Showcases Its First Airbus A220 in Atlanta

Delta Air Lines showcased its first Airbus A220-100 to the media on Monday at its Atlanta headquarters. The aircraft, formerly known as the Bombardier CSeries, is the first of 75 A220 aircraft Delta has on order. See all photos related to the unveiling of Delta's newest jet. ( Más...

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scott8733 5
I doubt there's little coincidence that all of the initial routes are either into/ out of AA & UAL hubs.
Jack Jouett 3
Didn't catch that at first but good call!
siriusloon 9
So how did that silly little tantrum work out for you, Boeing? "Existential threat to the entire 737 program" my ass. So far in 2018, their net order book for 737s of all variants is 448 and the overall 737 backlog currently stands at 4,654. That'll keep the line busy for more than eight years even if they never get another order for any more.
Kevin Keswick 3
Beautiful cabin - hands down the best single isle airliner in terms of passenger space and comfort. It's nice to see the "C Series" plate on the door sill. I hope they keep that as a reminder of the A220's proud legacy and the amazing work of the Bombardier employees in Mirabel.
Frank Albert 3
The engine cowl looks to be almost as large as the fuselage.
ADXbear 3
Nice, is the Lav bigger or is that a optical illusion.. Looks like a really nice aircraft..

It is bigger.
Kevin Keswick 3
It is larger in fact is is wheelchair accessible - the largest lavatory in a single isle
It must break every caring Canadian's heart to see the Bombardier C100/C300 series breaking out in success after it had been given away virtually gratis to Airbus at the first sign of any controversy. Bombardier should have hung on and sat out the storm with Boeing as the aircraft's innate goodness becomes increasingly more recognized and acknowledged to the benefit of the struggling Canadian aircraft industry and the citizens/taxpayers who invested and supported it.
Tom burke 2
The Bombardier and now A 200 is quite an airplane. WE flew on Swiss from Venice to Zurich last week on one in business class. The lavs were well sized. The interior was well designed and the seating was extremely comfortable/ No wonder Boeing was worried about the competition from it.
Cansojr 2
This is the first "Green aircraft" in the world. It's noise and carbon emissions have drastically been reduced. With the geared turbofans sip fuel judiciously. It's a win win for passengers and the airlines already operating them.


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