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Ted Stevens Airport - Takeoffs in the snow.

Video posted by a Liveleak user from 12/19. Amazing footage of some snow operations. ( Más...

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Christian Fardel 5
wong information
This is Santa's own airport, based in the norh Pole.
Everything else and anything else which you hear is true bull..
Merry christmas to everyone
David Bartel 5
Had to wonder how long it takes before the snow settles and they can accept the next inbound flight? Brings a whole new meaning to "Caution Wake Turbulence" ya think?
Reidar Tennesen 4
Anchorage is indeed, a BIG gas station for the heavies that come an go to Asia. That's the way our Uncle Ted (Sen. Ted Stevens) set it up to help pay for his airport. I fly the Dreamlifter, and the Polar birds( no, that wasn't me in Witicha). We here in Anchorage just kind of get used to the snow, and we take the necessary precaution for that. My compliments to the videographer, I never get to see the picture from this angle.
unitcharlie 4
Wish he'd rolled on the Gooney Bird take off.... love round engines on classic aircraft....
Richard Judy 3
That would have made the video complete...maybe even get a shot of the classic C-46
Kevin Ford 2
Oh no it IS Federal Express express. I stand corrected.
joel wiley 1
Was that a DC-3 on taxi as the Dreamliner went off at 0:50?
Alberto Ortiz 1
Great footage.
Art Farver 1
Nice video
Kaye Hall 1
Great video. David, I was wondering the same thing about the snow settling???
David Cohen 1
Very cool thanks Ted
peter tomlinson 1
I am curious as to why so many cargo aircraft in Anchorage . Is it a hub for Asian airlines , are they picking up seafood , does anyone have an explanation ?
Sidney Smith 1
Anchorage is used to refuel, re crew, and re block cargo. OUTSTANDING videography, the light was fantastic.
Yvonne Kelly 1
A BIG thanks to all the aircraft and ground crews who work in less than prime conditions to see that our 'stuff' gets delivered to us -- and they keep the engines of prosperity humming around the globe.
Love the video....thanks for taking and posting for us to enjoy.
ray mcnab 1
Nice footage from a cosy cockpit. Great work.
Kevin Ford 1
Great footage. By the way its FedEx or Federal Express...not FedEx Express. That would be federal express express, lol.
Ron Roessel 9
Actually, it is FedEx Express as opposed to FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, FedEx Home, etc. :) If you look at the FedEx trucks that drive around, they could be FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, etc.
AWAAlum 1
That reminds me of when people ask for your car's VIN number - which translates to:
Vehicle Identification Number number.

Ron Roessel 1
Hi Kevin, well, yeah, sort of, lol. Federal Express was the original name of the company when it was founded in 1971. In 1994 the name FedEx was adopted; the name Federal Express isn't used anymore. Today FedEx Corporation is the parent company with the individual companies FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, etc. all part of FedEx Corporation. Great video by the way :)
Richard Judy 1
Awesome video...thanks for sharing!
Lee Stauber 1
love it ! Thanks for sharing !
Katie Barker 1
Great video of the big birds! Thank you for the interesting Sunday night family entertainment!
hey, this is a good page really its wonderful, thanks flightaware
werner rummens 1
All those queens of the skies,fantastic pictures; my respect to the groundcrews to work and load in such bad conditions.
fw, its really nice because I'm informed about airplane, I LOVE IT
BigDaddy Blue 1
Amazing how on a CAVU day, snow removal ops continue non-stop. I bet those guys can tell you where to get some warm boots!
Henry Bruneau Jr 1
It's not so much as wake turbulence as it is jet thrust from the "Fan". The core engine
drives the fan & the "Fan" is where most of your takeoff thrust comes from. Average thrust
@ takeoff power (Full Thrust) is in the neighborhood of 45,000 to 55,000 pounds of thrust (per engine) @ full power not using derated thrust. Add that up & you have about 200,000 lbs of thrust available be it from a GE CF6 or P&W 4000.
Henry Bruneau Jr 0
It's not so much as wake turbulence as it is jet thrust from the "Fan". The core engine
drives the fan & the "Fan" is where most of your takeoff thrust comes from. Average thrust
@ takeoff power (Full Thrust) is in the neighborhood of 45,000 to 55,000 pounds of thrust (per engine) @ full power not using derated thrust. Add that up & you have about 200,000 lbs of thrust available be it from a GE CF6 or P&W 4000. Beautiful shots!!


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