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Did You Ever Fly (or Fly for) Pan Am?

I came across this youtube of the BBC presentation 'Come Fly with Me -- the Story of Pan Am. It's fascinating and entertaining on many levels, but it shows how marvelous air travel once was.Any comments are appreciated. ( Más...

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Michael Laue 3
My aunt worked for Pan Am in Munich, Western Germany. But because I was born in East Germany and my father was a member of the socialist party of the former GDR, it wasn't allowed for us to have any relatives in the West. But my grandma brought me many toys of Pan Am from their visits in West Germany =)
Derek Thomas 2
Amazing list of airlines that are no longer with us. Had a chat with a parking lot shuttle driver a few weeks ago at KSTL, and we listed off a bunch - all of which I flew (PAX) numerous times - Braniff, TWA, PSA, Western, Eastern, National, Ozark, the great Pan Am - and the old Frontier, who gave me an experience I'll NEVER forget.

After a late Greyhound bus trip from military academy to Kansas City, and rushed taxi to MKC, I arrived at the check-in just as the Frontier Convair 580 was departing the gate. The agent said, "wait a minute" and went back through the door to the back offices. She came back a minute later and said, "Come with me," at which point I went over the luggage scales, through the door, and out onto the ramps behind. A truck was waiting for me, which drove me out to the end of the taxiway where my flight was waiting (at the runway hold line, no less), and rolling out their stairway.

Up the stairs, onto the aircraft and on our way to DAL. Most other PAX didn't give me a second look - just another day in the world of customer service. Those days I miss...

I remember white gloves on Pan Am, Gucci uniforms on Braniff FAs, real glasses and silverware in economy class - actually dressing up for a flight...

Just returned from a DAL round trip STL, MSP, SEA this Thursday. Not even close to what it was - but this won't be news to anyone... R.I.P. Pan Am and all the others.
Yvonne Kelly 1
Just found a Convair 580 youtube. I had never seen one before -- Let's bring it back....
preacher1 2
Used to fly on them all the time as a pax on the old Frontier. They were the CRJ's of their day for the short and intermediate stuff.
preacher1 1
I'll never forget a pax trip out of FSM to DAL one time when I was in USAF. Frontier had their OnLine Baggage transfer going. our 580 was late getting into DAL and a 737 about 2 gates down had already boarded for ABQ and points West. I made the transfer Ok but figured my bags would be later. FA came back and proudly told me that my bags transferred and not walk by the carousel.
Yvonne Kelly 1
What great memories! I vaguely remember first Pan Am flight when I was very little. Mom dressed me in my 'Easter outfit', complete with hat, white gloves and all.

Another long gone airline is People Express which I often took from EWR-LAX. One could run onto the flight at the last minute, jump in a seat and the FA's would come down the aisle with an old style machine to swipe your credit card. So much for reservations and all the other BS we suffer with now.
Derek Thomas 1
BOAC VC10 - JFK, PIK - 17 years old, full suit and tie - sneaking smokes when I thought the family was asleep - ah, the memories...
Yvonne Kelly 1
Yvonne Kelly 1
Nice aircraft: the Dress code was valid for the time.

preacher1 2
Talked to a retired PanAm driver the other day. He told a story of going to give blood in Miami one day. He had to fill out a questionnaire and on it was a listing of countries, that if you had been to in the last 30 days, you couldn't give blood. He listed them all and they asked him what he did. He told them as he was going out the door.LOL
Yvonne Kelly 1
Ha! good one...thanks.


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