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Aircraft off Runway at TEB

Report of a LearJet that ran off the runway @ TEB. Airport is currently experiencing significant delays. ( Más...

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bbabis 1
Hummm, You have either a mechanical or pilot issue that causes the aircraft to depart the side of the runway. You pull it out of the mud. Everybody says it looks ok to me, you load back up, and off you go just a little late. Something tells me we haven't heard the last of this story.
flyboymiddleton 1
Chuck Me 1

Odd the last flight using it's N number was 4 month ago. Has it been sitting at TEB the whole time? Or flying under a different flight number?
Chuck Me 1
Sorry about that. I had the destination and departure backwards. It last LEFT TEB.
flyboymiddleton 1
try ELJ862
Chuck Me 2
sparkie624 0
This is a long way from being new to this airport. It has been in the news many times for some not so good items.... This one just adds to the list.

Just about every accident/incident there in the past 5 years or so was pilot error...e.g., about 5 or 6 overruns, improper circling leading to stalls, etc.
sparkie624 1
Just like all the incidences at alot of airports, but being so many at this airport, maybe there is something in the policies or charts that is misleading the crews. Maybe this needs to be looked at. True Pilot Error, but for all the runway overruns, one or 2 fine... 5 or 6.... That is one or better per year.. Maybe it is time for a notam or something to assist the pilot in better decision making.
Nothing wrong with policies or charts. I have very good info. on some of the incidents/accident. I have to be blunt, just suck ass pilots!!!
sparkie624 1
That is Blunt ok... I remember once working Maint Control for an airline flying in there, we had a plane on final, screwed and we had to devert because the closed the field. That was about 3 years ago. I do not remember the event, but it was not one of over running the runway...
Yeah, the last G4 that overran about a year ago, Meridian's, touched down more than 3000 ft. down a 6000 ft. runway. The emass worked. The basic stick and rudder skills in today's pilots are getting less...


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