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Flight 232 Memorial Boulder Will Be Replaced

One of the quartzite boulders leading down the path to the Spirit of Siouxland Memorial will not be in its usual place Thursday. Thursday is the 23rd anniversary of the crash of Flight 232 at Sioux Gateway Airport. The memorial was built along the Sioux City riverfront in honor of the 112 who died in the crash, and to remember the 184 who survived and those who helped the aftermath. ( Más...

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Wally Colbert 4
Now those souls can once again rest in peace!
Hope those who did the damage to the memorial are in jail, and on the chain gang!!
Have no pitty warden!
editorialphotos 1
I lost a dear friend on United 232. When I read the article about the two teenagers pleading in court I had to comment on the article. Today was also the 23rd anniversary of the tragic crash. Anyone interested, there is a link here and also one on my blog and one on my twitter account.
editorialphotos 1
For the boys who destroyed the memorial of United 232

Though the cause of evil proper,Yet the truth alone is stong;
Though her portion be the scaffold, And upon the throne be wrong,
Yet that scaffold sways the future, And,behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow Keeping watch above His own.

-James R. Lowell, 1845 based on Joshua 24:15 Choose you this day whom ye will serve.

editorialphotos 1 click on the blog tab.
@dallaspaparazzo on Twitter.
The article has been rewritten to mention that the aircraft was a DC-10 and to report the actual day of the crash in the article.


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