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Gulf Air Skidded Due to Heavy Rainfall :

KOCHI (BNO NEWS) -- Several people were injured on early Monday morning when an Airbus 320 belonging to Gulf Air skidded off the runway at an airport in southwest India, the airline said. Heavy rainfall is believed to have caused the incident. ( Más...

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preacher1 0
I'll just FA armchair pilot for awhile and speculate but I see Airbus and I see India. Had to be some bad rain. My money's on the nose gear collapsing and causing the whole thing but we'll probably not hear anymore about it.
Horace Sinclair 0
@Wayne They seem to have more than their share of this type of accidents,earlier this year it was a B738 with lots of fatalities. Without proper approach aids, on some India's smaller airports flight crews will continue to be challenged in bad weather.
preacher1 0
I understand what you are saying. I noticed in the article it says they were cleared to land. So much for their
FedExCargoPilot 0
We re spoiled with our top notch approaches in the US LOL but the computer and ILS save lives and money.
Horace Sinclair 0
I was just about to post how fortunate we are, although we sometime take our system for granted, it's the best on earth, and worth every penny.
preacher1 0
I tell you one thing, I wouldn't want to fly in or out of a hub without it or pass through one of their control zones. Them folks don't get near enough praise, but as you say Horace, too often we take them for granted.
Don't get too used to our exemplary system, look at the budget forecasts:

**WHITE HOUSE BUDGET: Overall, the FAA would get $18.7 billion in 2012, an increase of 17 percent. FAA operations, including payments for staff and controller salaries, would grow to $9.82 billion or by 5 percent.

**GOP BUDGET: Per Rep. Mica: "This bill saves $4 billion, requiring FAA to find significant cost savings without negatively impacting safety."

Overall funding levels are set at the 2008 spending levels for the remainder of 2011 and beginning in full in fiscal year 2012, which begins Oct. 1.
Gene Nowak 0
Wayne - Can this also go back to our previous discussion on Air India's lack of experienced pilots and disregard for safety? Are we seeing the early onset of deteriorating service and reliability?
preacher1 0
Maybe I am wrong but I kinda think one reason that we are hearing so much gloom and doom out of the Republican leaders/right wing right now is that the spending and runaway budgets of the democrats/liberals is so far out of proportion to reality that the chain has to be yanked to get their attention. Obviously the uncontrolled spending can't go on, and obviously some of the cuts being talked about would take those things back into the dark ages, but without their being an extreme end on each side, there can be no middle ground. Hopefully enough common sense will prevail on both sides to get us there.

My point was not to praise the Dems. and criticize the Reps., nor criticize the Dems. and praise the Reps., it was to show that there is a wide, perhaps insurmountable difference between them, and given the dysfunctional nature of Congress of late, heaven only knows what the end result will be.
preacher1 0
Wesley: I agree with you. I don't think it is critcism. As you say, it just shows the gap, and it will be interesting toi see what comes out of it all.


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