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Southwest tells woman, mother they are 'too fat to fly'

Tiggeman and her mom, Joan Charpentier, said the 45 minute conversation, which included questions about their weight and what size clothing they wear, in front of more than 100 people, was anything but discreet. The worker then tried to strike a deal. Tiggeman, Charpentier and a third overweight woman could fly, if they would sit together. ( Más...

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it is you lacking knowledge oh ostrich one. i have lived among many of the peoples of the world, and the truth is probably 80% will agree with me, mostly here in Asia. they understand living within the natural human condition. in Europe, they never complain about overcrowding or being close to their fellow man. it is just part of the human condition. so while you live in your american tunnel-vision selfish mode. we humans will live and enjoy our human condition. an d i pray, i get to sit next to you some day! i will eat chili first. to make sure you get the full treatment. now,quit crying over your 4 square feet, get a real life, which you obviously lack, travel the real world, and use the three or four cells you have between your ears to learn. as for you, the 2 cents worth of electricity to run my computer is the last energy i will waste on your pittance of intelligence!
Bash Beard 0
Are airlines greedy? Yes. Are seats smaller? Yes. Does keeping your head in the sand and refusing to adapt to that change make you correct? No. Just stupid. You are in no position to lecture others on humanity, which you clearly sorely lack yourself.
and i have had to endure sitting on my side for a trans Atlantic flight. which hospitalized me for 3 months with permanent spine damage. the problem is not my size, it is that the seats have been narrowed by over 25%. complain to the airline about their greed, i pay for transit, you pay for transit. end of story. if you are to inane or obtuse to understand it, it is your problem, hope to sit on you in the future!!! to quote Hamlet "Thou doth protest too much, methinks." even though correctly phrased it is "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." i know you are not a lady. it would give you far to much credit!
Bash Beard 0
If a person of size won't pay for the space they need, we should send them the bill for the medical issues they cause others. They'd quickly learn that buying the second seat is cheaper!

I had to have 6 weeks of PT on my lower back after a transcon flight where I barely had half the seat I bought. In addition, my left ribs and bust were severely bruised because the large passenger was having trouble with everything, from seat belt to food cutting to snack bag opening, etc. I was repeatedly elbowed, sharply, for almost 5 hours, regardless of my polite then not-so-polite requests for her to be mindful of me. NO ONE has the right to subject another passenger to either the crowding or the beating I took. The notion that I should just be happy I had a partial seat and came out alive is a load of CRAP.

I applaud the folks here who have adapted to their reality and purchase two seats because they take up two seats. If all other persons of size would follow suit, I think there would be a noticeable drop in negative attitudes towards them. The "I'm large, so I get mine and most of yours, too, and you can just suffer" attitude doesn't deserve an ounce of respect, because it SHOWS no respect to others.
to Ralph W, truth is even if my eyes were to tear, i would never hold it against you, as it is part of the human condition, I don't complain about people wearing super sweet perfumes, or kids that scream or snore loudly, or even those that just can't stop talking when i want to sleep. all are part of our circumstance, as is a "fat person" in fringing on your seat. I again repeat, you should go to China, Japan Africa, India or any other country where you find people jammed together in trains and happy for it, since they have transportation. or to see a small motorcycle with 22 people hanging off it here in the Philippines. you need to get over being a spoiled american (I HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT, I'M FROM COLORADO)and understand that your space exists only in the space you occupy, not in the size of an pre-alloted space. airlines have reduced seat size from 30 inches down to as little as 20 inches per seat, done to add passenger capacity, without consideration of safety, or comfort, it is for extra profit only. they whine and cry about being broke, it is only because of mis-management, not that it costs to much for fuel, they overpay many employees many who under perform. if you are angry, complain to the airlines about seat size, not to the person who bought the same ticket you did, which isn't rent on a 4 sq foot block, but for passage from point a to point b. many of you have parents, or grand parents that came by boat from Europe to the USA. ask them about life in steerage class. Get over your selfish attitudes, quit discriminating, become human beings.
Clint Burns 0
This is a great time to practice compromise, since everybody can't be 100% happy 100% of the time. Airlines- increase seat sizes by, I don't know, say, four or five inches. Then charge for passengers who are over a reasonable size. (I know... 'reasonable' is debatable, but not my point here.) Passengers- Be okay with paying a little more for your extra weight. Think of it as one more incentive to get into shape. (For those who have a doctor's note stating that you can't help it, I'm not talking to you.)
Ralph Wigzell 0
If a person takes up more than one seat, they should pay for more than one seat and not compromise the comfort of the person next to them who has the right to every inch that they paid for.
Jane Howarth 0
How disgusting some of the comments on here are about overweight people not all big people sit there all day and eat cakes, i am overweight and i do not sit all day eating, i work 12 hour shifts eat irregular due to these shifts, i am constantly battling with my weight , never been unemployed or claimed benifits if you have comments about overweight people, then bare in mind we are not all lazy and eat all day thank you very much and i pay taxes have all my life so if i wanna fly then thats my right, disgusting society we live in. Plus i am not that big to fill two seats. People in this country need to start having some respect for bigger person instead of bullying them, you would not get away with it if you called a foreign person of a different creed.
Ralph Wigzell 0
I hate sitting next to fat people who overflow into my seat. Would they like it if I continually passed gas during the flight?
Homer Brinlee 0
As A COS, I feel that SWA has one of the best policies.
I always get two seats, and if the aircraft is not full they refund me the second ticket. If the flight turns out to be full I don't make my neighbors struggle to breathe. (Besides, My saxophone won't fit in the overhead...)
John Ross 0
What most people don't know is the fact that passenger seats are designed and tested based on a 170 pound person, not 240 or 300 pounds. This is per FAA regulations. So what happens in an emergency (crash) landing and the g forces (9g design on most inservice airline aircraft-16g on newer like 787) can cause the seat to fail with this additional weight. What happens when it fails? It goes forward possibly taking out the row in front of it and so on, causing serious injury or death to more than the overweight person. If the overweight person purchases 2 seats then the load is distributed better and will have a better chance of staying attached to the aircraft structure.
ken young 0
Since everything has physical limitations, it is only logical that a person who is obese, having overcome the limits of one seat be required to purchase two seats. A "customer of size" as SWA puts it, has a right to fly but does not have the right to encroach on the space of others.
I agree with SWA's policy.
Garth Clark 0
Unfortunately those who have problems fitting into a regular sized seat should have to make alternative plans to get on board. It makes no sense for the airlines to have to sell a regular ticket fare to someone(s) who is well over the normal weight/size.

All airlines tell those who cannot fit in the seats to purchase two seats and rise up the arm.

I sure wouldn't want to be sitting next to someone who invades my seat space and so forth. I wouldn't want to cozy up to someone for their benefit either. If you are a large person, you have to deal with your large issues and forget about the public or companies having to accommodate over sized persons. Airlines function based on weight so, it only makes sense that those who are heavy and cannot fit into a typical seat should have to figure another way even if it means buying two seats to get the problem corrected. I'm 6'2" and 240 lbs and have no problem with any of the seats with most airlines. It's a little cramped but I figure that's just an issue I have to deal with because I'm over weight and I know it. Regarding leg room, being tall is and has been an issue for me all the time so, planning ahead and dealing with what I must to be comfortable is something I need to be prepared to deal with. Normally, it's not a problem but sometimes, there's not enough room for a tall person.

Airlines do their best with plenty of margin in my opinion so, I don't believe they should have to comp seats for those who are just too big.
Kathie Nunes 0
Two individuals in my family are obese. I can understand the issue and how two seats may be purchased for safety and for comfort. That is appropriate. However, the stigma that obese people have to put up with is wrong. My daughter has a severe illness that means she must take many medications daily. These medications have caused her to gain a great deal of weight. Just because an individual is obese does not give the right to call names or make unkind remarks. A little understanding and kindness goes a long way.
wtravlr1 0
Ron: good one
Ronald Padgett 0
Safety tip: Sit behind people 'of size'. More cushioning in case of emergency.
sylkman 0
YES! I just got off a two hour flight on a Canada Regional Jet (700) sitting next to a large individual that felt he had the right to use half of my seat too. It was a problem opening up the service tray because it was a bulkhead seat and it was in the armrest. I hope United/Skywest gets with the program too. A CRJ isn't all that comfortable to begin with, then you reduce the elbow room a tad more. Hail Southwest!
jose figueroa 0
If you dont another even rhymes
Manny Amorin 0
I got it. Why don't we create an airline just for haevy people. you know get a C130 and just let them sit whereever they can fit!!!! Are you people for real. People flying is not a luxury, its a means of transportation. Get real. Mr.GEOFFREY CUKRO pointed out and acurately regarding seat sizes. The glamour of flying has been over for a while. Get in Get there and get out.
Pete Schecter 0
about time! take the grey dog next time. large people blocking an exit are a huge concern in the event of a required emerg egress. i love it whern they are alolowed in an exit row (HELLO NTSB?)
wtravlr1 0
Your rights end where my seat starts....
bifq4 0
Try sitting IN FRONT of a fatty. You cannot put your seat in the reclining position as the person behind will sharply push it into the upright if it is their right! I also had a fatty in front. They had their seat in the reclining position so I could not lower the food tray as they were so fat they needed all their room and everyone elses that sat around them. I noticed that most fatties are rude and expect everyone else to accommodate their ghastly behaviour.
Mr Tommy,i pray you get stuck between 2 "fat people, with gas problems" your feeling you are special, or special is inane. you should go to NYC or Japan or China, or Hong Kong anywhere in Asia. here in Asia i have even seen passengers "pushed in" to close the doors. there people never complain how much their space is infringed. God gave everybody the same rights, REGARDLESS of size, Race, Creed, Color, orientation, or intelligence. if it means things are tight, gee thats the price of life. you have no right to more space, nor must the large person ("fat" or tall" be forced to sit in torture) have less. Airlines need to make provisions.

UAL United Continental Holdings, parent of merger partners United Airlines and Continental Airlines, reported pro forma 2010 net income of $854 million, reversed from a combined UA/CO loss of $718 million in 2009. A 15% rise in pro forma fourth quarter revenue to $8.43 billion poor in comparison, 1/5th the size:

For the year, US Airways posted a profit of USD502 million for the year, representing a USD946 million net profit swing from 2009
by the way I am a 154 lb 5'7" person. but i do understand their situation. Airlines should make considerations, but when i have seen people forced to sit sideways in a seat, because the airline(VIRGIN ATLANTIC) as many airlines do, they put him in a "bulkhead seat" these are almost 4 inches narrower than yours. at the time it happened i worked for a primary broadcaster in NYC, we followed and reported on the story. the person was hospitalized with a compression fracture in his 7th vertebrae. so while you whine about your discomfort, think about yourself forced to sit in a seat 3/4 the size of one in the early 90's and less than 2/3 the size of a seat in the 70's when flying became mainstay. you would piss scream and whine even louder. but you never hear them complain, nor do you consider how bad they feel being forced to sit next to someone, and making that person feel uncomfortable. if you want to have All the space in the world, i say we should charge every passenger the additional 50 usd, and use that to compensate the airline for putting the "fatty" in first class, where, by the way, they still don't fit well, but the cost is 5 times what you pay.

William Herron 0
I'm a POS, and I purchase the extra seat on Southwest as well as other airlines. Southwest is the only airline that refunds my extra-seat purchase after I travel. (The policy is that if the flight is not overbooked, your extra seat will be refunded on request. I've never had a request denied.) The other airlines say "if you purchased two seats, you got two seats". My extra seat even has its own frequent flyer miles at a couple of airlines.

I'm too big for one coach seat and I know it. A shame others "of size" can't get the message.
SkyWolfAlpha 0
I don't agree with the way these particular SWA employees handled the situation, but I still agree with the policy. If a "person of size's" rights are being violated by asking them to buy another seat, then my rights as a person not of size (ie, a typical, fare-paying passenger) are being violated when they're not only taking up my armrest, but a portion of the seat -I- paid for. And how ruined is the experience if I spent 5 hours trying to lean away from someone taking up part of my seat? Trying to move past them, or have them move past me? Do you think I'm going to want to fly that airline again?

For those saying they have a cousin/uncle/mother/father/whatever with a real, legitimate medical condition, then the extra seat should be free. No one charges a pet fee for service animals to ride, you can't charge for checking a wheelchair, and if you have some other reason you need whatever accomodation, bring a letter from your doctor and they'll accomodate you.

The whole "airlines should have seen this problem coming" doesn't hold any water with me. Just because a bad habit or trend is present doesn't meant anyone should make accomodations for it. If anything, refusing to conform to it hopefully overall encourages people to break the habit.

And just to say:
stop acting so butthurt about your weight. They know their weight, they know the problems it brings. Stop turning internalizing it and making it an emotional redicule situation. It's become a disgusting trend in this country for any large group of people with someone seen as "bad" in common to band together and start crying "discrimination", without realizing there's legitimate reasons for not allowing them to do something. Posing a safety risk to other passengers and flight crew in the event of an emergency is a legitimate concern. (and seriously, if you know your weight has presented a problem in other situations, call ahead and ask.)

Let me give an example:
I'm rather short. You know how roller coasters have those "you must be this tall to ride" signs? I'm over that height, but if there were one I was under, I wouldn't stand there and argue with the staff, saying they're discrimination against me because I'm short. No, that standard is there for a reason, and it's most likely safety.

Perhaps a better idea would be to subtly educate people on WHY there are restrictions. The impression that's given to passengers seems to be "we don't like fat people. Pay up or gtfo." Maybe if they knew WHY they were asked to pay extra, sit in a particular spot, NOT sit in a particular spot, etc, they'd take it less personally and realize it's not against them, it's a matter of safety.
Manny Amorin 0
Why don't we apply those ideas to all our other means of transportation... Buses, trains, automobiles. Simply the airlines has to cater to human beings. Like I said a few wider setas in each cabin. If you do not need to use them give them as upgrades to older or physically challenage people or people carrying infants. (THAT PAYED THERE FARE) Remember they do not fly free in your lap.
wow, how about we sell tickets price by intellect, many here would get one hell of a cheap Ticket
Wingscrubber 0
Selling ticket prices by weight would be fairer based on fuel usage; for instance, if I buy an extra seat for my 1 year old son, I expect to have to pay full fair, and yet a fatty who spills over their seat pays the same price, but has a greater impact on fuel burn and fellow passengers physical discomfort. It's not a case of discrimination, just use of resources; space & fuel, also not to mention a safety hazard, based on previous posters comments, if a fatty is wedged into the seat and can't remove themselves then they are also unable to evacuate in an emergency, or could block the evacuation path of those more able to escape.
Manny Amorin 0
I believe that some comments made here are totally out of either ignorace, stupidity, or both. Once I pay my ticket, I am awarded a seat on that aircraft. I PERSONALLY DO NOT CARE IF I TAKE MORE SPACE THAN THE AIRLINE BELIEVES I SHOULD TAKE. After all no eone asked mefor my weight when I purchased the ticket... Does a seat in coach have the same dimention as a seat in First or business class? Usually I can fit another person in mine. So, instead of telling people how much they should weight, what you should be doing is letting the airlines know there should be availabity of a couple of wider seats for larger people. I am not one but, people are people.
mario miliani 0
one ticket one place no matter the size, if you want´s to be in the bussiness you have to serve to the costumer, you have to care about the costumer, to human been, the luggage is a complete diferent matter. Of course all pax most fly in a comfortable way.
MrTommy 0
I think, simply put, if you TAKE up two seats (or close TO it), you should PAY for two seats. Fat folks DO NOT have a right to infringe on those sitting next to them.
Alberto Martinez 0
8 years ago, I had the discomfort of flying a Lufthansa plane from Newark to Frankfurt next to a woman weighting more than 350 pounds. The armrest between the tow seats had to remain lifted for the 8-hour flight to accomodate her, and the space in my own seat was so much reduced that I arrived suffering from back pain as a result. As an additional side-effect I couldn't go to the lavatory for the whole flight because I was in the window seat and the lady wasn't able to move so I could go (On arriving to Frankfurt, two flight attendants had to help the woman out of the seat). Nevertheless, I am against discriminating against people on grounds of race, color, religion, weight, height or age, and my experience moved me to send a letter to Lufthansa so they could modify slightly the configuration of seats in order to accomodate people with special needs without being a danger or a source of important discomfort for other passangers. I'm sorry to write here that I didn't even get an answer.
swflyer 0
Anyone who has ever traveled in an airplane next to someone who takes up their seat and a quarter to a half of yours, someone who is essentially wedged into their seat, someone who takes several minutes to get into their seat and longer to get out, will support some sort of reasonable limitations with respect to "too large to fly," at least in that seat. I have observed the problem and experienced the problem first hand. Try a trip to Frankfurt, Germany leaning over into the next seat for 7 hours because you could not sit straight in yours because your very large neighbor was bulging over into yours; essentially trapped because getting out of your seat necessitated a major logistics operation for your very large neighbor. Blame the airlines, blame medical reasons, blame life style, blame political correctness but how much of my rights as a paid ticket customer should be sacrificed? And oh by the way on that flight to Europe it was the seat I had or no seat. Yes the flight attendant was very sympathetic but tough luck. Some would have responded "take another flight if you don't like it." Most know that "wont fly." No question seats in coach are too narrow on many commercial aircraft but my experience with Southwest has been that the seats are generally roomier than others so if someone is overflowing that seat then they are really overflowing. And yes I have seen some very large very healthy people who also have seat size problems. If you look around the aircraft there are more than a few passengers that would have trouble rapidly evacuating, not just the very obese. In talking to a passenger on U.S. Airways 1549 he attributes their extraordinary survival in no small part to the fact the passengers were all physically able to rapidly evacuate the airplane. But people taking up your seat and theirs is in some instances no less a problem than kids kicking and pulling on the back of your seat as well as other rude and thoughtless behaviour on the part of one's fellow travelers.
ed lang 0
What's really pathetic is that MSNBC's coverage starts with the comment, "..but some people only look skin deep..." I mean come on, if a person is fat (not "of size, come on..) and their butt is spilling over into my seat, then yeah, they should have to buy a second ticket. Our country is getting way too PC and afraid to, God forbid, offend someone.....

Way to go, Southwest!!!!
mzk49o1 0
I love how all of the people screaming "OMG DISCRIMINATION!!!" are completely missing the point that if a 300 pound behemoth is incapacitated in an emergency, that they pose as a boulder sized obstacle for EVERYONE else trying to escape. trying to haul your fat-derrieres off the plane would take too much time as well.

how about, instead of thinking about how hurt your feelings are, you get off the couch and do something about YOURSELF. it's YOUR lifestyle choice, NOT MINE, so why should it have to effect me and my safety? That's not right- it's not as though someone being skinny or leading a healthy lifestyle effects you.
Sandra Wimer 0
The problem is the size of the seats that airlines insist on making all of us endure during these flights. Some allocation should be made for those of us who are taller or wider without having to pay extra. We are packed into these planes like sardines and even "regular" sized people are pushed into a sort of confinement. My brothers who are 6'4" have difficulty as well and they are thin people.
toolguy105 0
It is a fact that word is facing an obesity problem. Yet the size of the coach seat keeps getting smaller and the per-passenger weight factor hasn't changed in over 40 years. Southwest way of addressing the problem is more of a revenue factor than a comfort factor as a passenger is charged for the extra seat even if the flight is full and the extra seat is used for a revenue passenger.
SORRY FOR RANTING but FYI the reason they got rid of luggage, is they want that space for cargo. what most people don't realize is that flying the people has rarely been profitable, it is the cargo they carry. what got commercial flight in place, with so much rural service was the Good ole' US MAIL. u know CARGO. if it came down to cost of flying, Ill give you a clue. I own a Gulfstream G550 corporate Jet. even full, which is 14 people the fuel, maintenance, insurance and crew costs are about 10,000 each PER HOUR OF FLIGHT. the same plane, in commercial service would be a 22 seat plane. it carries in edition to passengers 2400 lb of cargo. so you calculate what you would pay for a 2 hour hop like Grand Junction Colorado, to Denver Colorado, which currently goes for 6-700 dollars RT.

their profits are from cargo, it had little to nothing with cabin safety, or even load/unload time.most times, if you look, you wait for people exiting the plane, not for people getting their carry on, or luggage.
Furthermore, fat people do not make the flight unsafe, in fact, you will find that they pose far less risk than the person that insists on turning on their cellphone before the plane is at a full stop, engines off, or the people that feel their time is so critical, they must unbutton their seat belts prior to stopping at the gate, or even my favorite one, people that get up to go to the bathroom, when the seatbelt light is lit while inflight. I actually say a person killed when our flight took a 3000 foot drop in altitude because of dead air. the seat belts are pressure rated at 3000 lbs, and by FAA requirements must meet the 26G force requirement for safe restraint.

Next time, Before opening your trap, try educating yourself!
seatbelt specs:

Overall Extender Length: 25" (63.5 cm)
Extender Weight: 6.3 oz. (179 gm)
Buckle Color: Brushed aluminum
Buckle Material: Aluminum frame; steel internal components
Clasp color: Chrome
Clasp material: Steel
Belt width: 2" (5.1 cm)
Belt material: Woven nylon webbing
Belt color: Satin black
Proof strength: 3,000 lb. (1,364 kg)
Reference Specification: FAA Technical Standard Order (TSO) C22g
so, what some of you are saying, about they should be kicked off, or should be forced to buy a separate seat, do you realize how prejudiced and discriminatory, i have a cousin, with a severe medical condition, requiring heavy steroid usage, in his situation, the drugs are life saving, but they also force a lot of weight gain, not because he eats too much, but simply because the nature of steroids, causes this. or how about cancer sufferers that require massive doses of certain steroids to keep their cancer at bay. SHAME on all of you. the airlines have reduced airline seat width over 30% on all seats, simply for greater profits. they make flying unsafe and uncomfortable. because you may not be of large size is no reason to discriminate. the airline should be required by law as this IS a discriminatory practice, to provide the "extra " seat, at no cost. they truly can afford it. as for you, have some compassion instead of being so selfish.
Paul Cline 0
HUA to SW Airlines....

If you've ever sat next to a fat --ck, you'd be damned happy to see the airline take this stance...!
Robert Fleming 0
I'm sorry but from my point of view this is a HUGE case of DISCRIMINATION! The women talked about in the article should sue Southwest Airlines, if they haven't already.
What's next? Kick a disabled person off the plane because their wheelchair blocks the aisle when they transfer from the wheelchair to their seat?

Airlines have gone absolutely NUTS lately, from charging waaaaaaaaaaaay too much money for things as basic as peanuts, to charging a heavy person 2 seats? I'm really glad I don't fly on a regular basis.
meeverett 0
I just want to add something first: I'm fat, not a "person of size." Words don't hurt my feelings. I am what/who I am. Just like I don't care that your kid was on the honor roll, I don't expect you to care that I'm meeting my weight-loss goals. All that crap is inconsequential to this topic.

I'm all for whatever procedure/policy airlines want to implement. Whether an all out ban, pay by weight (I'm a pilot too, I know how this works), whatever. I don't care how they word it either. What I care about is that they are clear about how it works. There should be no room for doubt what you need to do.

Unfortunately airlines are currently in this state of PC limbo with a "Person of Size" policy that is too vague and randomly enforced and so this is the end result. The fact is, there is no question whether your bags are within spec. Why can't they just grow a pair and state for the record where the line is drawn for passengers? It can't be any worse then yelling "Hey fatty you won't fit!" at passengers when they check in.
mario miliani 0
Oh come on! what´s next: Please nigros this way, chinese in this lines, catholic in this other? We are all human been. And so if you do not meet the standars? what? a chamber of gas?
SF Johannsen 0
Airliners arent stupid. They are in a very lucrative and successful industry. Did the seats get smaller, or are we still talking about the same size for the A330's? It's bad enough as it is being in a seat when you can barely put the tray down, but when you have to sit next to someone who let's just call it a "thyroid" issue, well it's something that can be managed. W/ right procedures intact imberassment for both passenger and airline can be avoided. If your going to speak of issues, what about the passenger who smells really bad? What are you going to do than? Move to another seat? Your lucky if you can get up any more just to use the lavatory without having someone tell you you have to sit back down. And let's face it, America is known for its eateries, restaurants, and fast foods. What can you expect? Airlines have always had this issue, but in turn will make the seats smaller so they can cram us in more, so we inturn buy an upgrade, and they are the ones who win, not the customer. But we will still fly because of convenience and they know it already.
mario miliani 0
I have a easy and quick solution: RIVIVE ADOLF HITLER
Charles Collins 0
Charging passengers to fly by weight is a good idea and completely fair. Plus, it encourages people to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I fully agree with putting a scale at the gate and passengers paying by weight as opposed to by single seat. Things are out of control and peoples' feeling are worried about more than the safety of flights or the comfort of the vast majority. Flying on an airliner is not a God given right. If you want to travel, you are more than welcome to go via Amtrak or Greyhound or drive your own car.
Wingscrubber 0
Its time to introduce payload-based ticket pricing and bench seats with re-configurable seatbelts.
enriquedillon 0
I think the policy is not enforced often enough.
Matt Comerford 0
hopefully people understand i meant "person of size" and not "piece of sht" i'm not that heartless :)
Rick Barton 0
Why don't these hogs just charter
James Dunn 0
My wife weighs 120 pounds and complains about the very heavy folks spilling over into her space. If her luggage is 5 pounds overweight she gets charged for the extra weight. Yet, if another person weighs 300 pounds and has a carry-on, there is no extra charge. I feel that my wife is discriminated against for packing heavy but in reality brings a lot less baggage to the plane. Have these really overweight folks ever thought of the discomfort they put their seat "buddies" through with taking more than their fair share of space? Probably not.
Elfyn Hanks 0
I don't think there is anything wrong with the policy just the way some of the employees are enforcing it.
Troy Raiteri 0
This is not right any person should fly and Sophia are you saying that if I see one fat person on a flight that it's not safe? Their is alot more weight on that plane than the person itself.
mobilken 0
Oh how does one be the best without be under the thumb of the public. Its only an issues when the fights are full. Should ask at the time of the reservation, oops not very customer service friendly.
Sophia Canelli 0
Why can't obese people see that it is not about their feelings...It is about the safety of other passengers. Really big people can pose a "Really Big" problem during an inflight emergency. Many obese people have made the decision to restrict "their" quality of life. It is not acceptable however when it restricts "My" quality of life or even more importantly "My" safety.
Philip de Bruyn 0
about time...should have seen the guy on my flight today!
southwest125 0
If I have to pay $50 for an extra bag, they should have to pay for another seat to fit their other butt cheek.
Omeed Alaverdi 0
This should be standard practice at all airlines. If you spill over the seat, then purchase two seats.
mark tufts 0
now thats a first for southwest as the flights i have been on nothing was said about"fat" people as there were acouple who took up two seats and were not told to leave and that was out of D I A
Matt Comerford 0
darn POS's


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