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Boeing 727 Fleeing Sudan Conflict Overruns Runway

On Friday, April 28, an aircraft carrying Sudanese refugees overran the runway landing at Juba International Airport. The aircraft was overloaded with refugees. Reports revealed that over 300 people were onboard. ( Más...

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James Simms 1
Operation Solomon in 1991 set a world record for most passengers on an aircraft when an El Al 747 carried well over 1,000 people to Israel. The record itself is uncontested, but the number of passengers is unclear: Guinness World Records put the number at 1,088, including two babies who were born on the flight. It noted that contemporary reports cite numbers as low as 1,078 and as high as 1,122.
Matt Knighton 3
I applaud the effort to extract those refugees in a time of significant danger. The dynamics are extremely tense and unpredictable.
Michael Hamann 2
My ad-blocker remained in place and there were NO problems w. pop-up warnings. I'm also using a VPN!
Juan Jimenez 8 sucks.
James Simms 1
Never had a problem
AD7K 3
I keep an "unencumbered" copy of the Opera browser on my computer, and use it for AeroExplorer ... works good as a "workaround"!
Indeed! They didn't like my adblocker, and kicked me out!
Annmarie Kelly -6
So let’s get this straight. This plane was chartered by members of Parliament and wealthy business folk who likely caused most if not all problems in this poor country. Only to leave the most vulnerable to suffer the atrocities that will befall them. Gee and how was the plane paid for? Foreign aide? Yup I get it. Every rich Man and Politician for themselves.
God Bless the people left behind.
James Simms 1
Foreign Aid
JP OBerry 10
No. It was chartered by the wealthy, but was being used to move evacuees out of the country. It was overloaded with 300 people onboard.

Probably handy to actually read the article before getting indignant about "the rich".
JP OBerry 1
No. It was chartered by the wealthy, but was being used to move evacuees out of the country. It was overloaded with 300 people onboard.

Probably handy to read actual article before getting indignant about "the rich".
Rex Bentley 8
When your butts in a bind, you do what you have to do.
21voyageur 8
Indeed. Very desperate times call for desperate measures. Easy for some to pontificate from the comfort of a non-war zone.
jose Barrera 3
And 'Pontiffs' we got!!
Joseph Sede 3
The title of the article makes it sound as if the Boeing 727 had issues. I guess that was to grab attention.
Doug Haviland 3
That was exactly my first thought.
mike boden 1
Looks like a 40 flapper, guy did his best. Must have been some fence speed.
This kind of overloading was common on evacuation flights from Darwin, Australia after the city was destroyed by Cyclone Tracy in December 1974. My great uncle flew out 296 people on a 154-seat Ansett 727-200, and a Qantas 747 reportedly carried 674 on one trip.
This kind of overloading was common on evacuation flights from Darwin, Australia after the city was destroyed by Cyclone Tracy in December 1974. My great uncle flew out 296 people on a 154-seat Ansett 727-200, and a Qantas 747 reportedly carried 674 on one trip.
jbermo 5
"straps and ropes used to keep cargo pallets secured inflight are what enabled 300 passengers to fit into an aircraft meant to carry 150" . . . "During the flight, all . . . passengers would have held onto the ropes and straps as makeshift seatbelts." Yeah right- ropes and straps ought to do it.
Keith Brown 10
I was a C-130 Loadmaster back in the 80s. Believe it or not, we had a mass evacuation procedure where we would sit people in rows on the bare cargo compartment floor and run 5,000 lb cargo straps across the laps of each row and tie them down. I kid you not.
96flstc 1
more like cookie sheets with bear traps secured to 9G floor tracks. Sidewalls covered in Gill liner.
Frank DeLeon 7
Paywall! That sucks.
srobak -1
Cause all windows should be free to operate - or something. Smh
srobak 0
sparkie624 3
I hit a Paywall as well...
if you work the maths out, US.03 cents a day =US$11.00 a year. I would say it's very good value!

John D 1
There is no paywall. They just request you disable ad blocker.
21voyageur 2
Agree with sparkie624. That site is focused on revenue. If serious, you just don't do that.
John D 2
I presume you work for free?
Then why do other news sites have no such restrictions? There are other ways to generate revenue. I will NOT disable my adblocker.
John D 2
Then don't and stop complaining about things you have no control over. Jeebus
srobak 1
Because running websites doesn't cost anything.
sparkie624 5
Same difference and not going to disable my Ad Blocker!
James Simms 3
I didn’t have any issues
sparkie624 5
Be nice if it was a site that allowed blockers.. Little trust in those sites!
James Simms 3
No issues for me.


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