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U.S. Travel Mask Mandate Extended By 15 Days Through May 3

The Biden administration and the CDC has announced that it will extend its transport mask mandate by 15 days through May 3rd. ( Más...

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Nigel Rigg 45
The frustrating part about all this is that it's an inconsistent policy. As many point out it's OK to party close together in bars, restaurants and other closed spaces, but not in aircraft where the air is constantly filtered! It also makes no sense to impose BOTH a negative test AND mask wearing for inbound flights from outside the US. Those that aren't that comfortable with ending the restrictions can still voluntarily wear a mask themselves.
Peter McGrath 2
If you still think what's going on is only "about masks", you're really naieve and delusional!
Peter McGrath 1
This is all part of the left's internal mandate of "how can we destroy the economy in the quickest way possible"! It has nothing to do with Covid and everything to do with control of the people and destroying the country!
21voyageur 2
I am honestly sorry to hear you are living such a fearful, and my guess, lonely life. Nothing is perfect at these times - including your theories of grandiose schemes. IMHO, all governments and science continue to manage in react mode and are not doing a great job. After all, the virus has easily outpaced the government's snail's pace of getting things done. BUT, this does have everything to do with the close to 1 MILLION US citizens that have died from C-19 which is a far more important and sad reality. There is no master plan from the left, they are just as disorganized as the right. They are politicians. Adding politics to anything creates a toxic mix.
SkyAware123 4
follow the science.... until it doesn't support my cause must be your motto.
Michael Dealey 3
Are you aware that over 200 million Covid19 test kits were shipped to nearly every country in the world back in 2017-2018? Now, how is that possible?

Don't believe me? Have a look:

Your argument is very level headed and assumes that people in government are essential good but disorganized. That is a are very naive and altruistic assumption.

Politicians don't really control anything. They are puppets. The people calling the shots are neither "left" nor "right". They are sociopaths of the highest order and for the most part, they are people you've never heard of. They do not think like you and me. They do, however, employee far-left ideology to achieve their goals.

Just because you are not aware of a "master plan" or cannot find a one-stop shop where all of their plans are exposed in one place, doesn't mean they don't exist.

They aren't going to come out and tell you what they're doing in plain English (although, they're coming pretty close to it, lately).

That said, the World Economic Forum's website comes pretty close. You just have read what they're saying without all the rose-colored language and figure out what they're plans really imply.

I think you should should read Klaus Schwab's book "Covid and the Great Reset". And if you think this man is a nobody with no influence, you'd be mistaken. In fact, find out all you can about him. Go listen to one (or all) of his many lectures and then listen to a few by his top medical advisor, Yuval Harari.

These people are insane, and they have their tentacles (people) embedded in every major government on the globe. Check out the alumni of their "Young Global Leaders" program.

You might also find this talk (though long and a bit boring) very interesting. There is a huge paper trail outlining the long and deliberate development of this so-called virus going back almost 25 years and their desperate desire to roll out a world-wide vaccination program:

However, for whatever reason, it ended up not really being deadly. The entire "pandemic" was created out of media hysteria, manipulated statistics and a fake/fraudulent/rigged PCR test.


And all of these "deaths from Covid" - just a numbers game. They told you to your face what they were going to do:
Brad Webster 3
The deaths are very sad but the numbers don't add up to Covid.
21voyageur -2
Add a healthy margin of error and we are still talking 750,000 American deaths. Each with family and friends. WTF, go down to 1/2 million and the sad fact remains. Little value in picking about the "numbers not adding up" as the magnitude of the C-19 related deaths is staggering.
Oddly, only the weak died. Seriously, this was a VERY low-cost (man-made) plague. You want tragedy? Look at Ukraine. Maybe we could look at this a "Chronic Wasting Disease" for humans? Simply, thinning the herd.
21voyageur -4
SImply thinning the herd you say So, how many sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, acquaintances, and friends that you know have been impacted by C-19? Feels a bit different when it is someone you know.
SkyAware123 2
nothing more than a flu. And yes, that takes out the weaker humans. Always has, always will.
21voyageur -1
Well, you certainly seem to leave yourself out there. Hope your attitude is as cavalier if a family member dies.
scottaic 2
Check total deaths in the USA in 2019 vs 2020. Your virus isn’t wiping out the human race. Just because someone died that tested positive for Covid 19, doesn’t mean Covid 19 killed them.
21voyageur -1
It's OUR virus sport. Absolute elimination of the human race has never been in question. ONE MILLION AMERICAN deaths is.
Gary Ondrey 1
Hey Dan @! Check the death numbers in the U.S. for any year. They are pretty much the same for every year before covid. Funny how no one talks about cancer deaths or heart disease deaths any more. Just covid deaths, like no one ever dies of anything else any more. But that's what these evils want you to believe and so may have believed this disgraceful twisting of the truth
Gary Ondrey 1
Interesting response from someone who lives in Canada, the most locked down country in the Northern Hemisphere. Do you really think that what's going on in Canada isn't designed to destroy the country and implement a twisted Socialist agenda? The only disgrace bigger than Biden, is your idiot Prime Minister
KoolerKT 0
This world is filled with ambiguity.
angela anton 0

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Ken Jackson 4
How does one smuggle a jar of soap bubbles onboard?
Mark Kortum 4
3.1 ounces or less of soap solution is allowed. If you are on a wide-body you will need more than 3.1 oz. (aka 100 ml if you are outside the US) to test the systems in all cabins. Ask the flight attendant for an extra water. If you are on a budget airline without drinking water get some from the bathroom. Put it in a Ziplock bag. Remove a bar of ivory soap from your purse or brief case and gently shave the ivory soap into the water. Shake it to dissolve. You will have to use your nail clippers to do the shaving since a knife is not allowed. Fortunately the little plastic thing with a ring on each end is allowed in your carry-on luggage. You are now all set. Walk up and down the aisle, quickly blowing as many bubbles as you can as fast as you can. If the flight attendants try to stop you obey their directives. If you don't they will duct tape you to something and men with a new white suite for you will meet you on landing.
strickerje 4
I thought smoking was banned because lighting fires in enclosed spaces is dangerous.
Michael Dealey 2
but somehow, you can take your cigarettes and lighter with you as carry on.

just give everyone a joint as they board and the problem is solved:

Cannabis inhibits viral replication - and if it doesn't work, well.. no one will really care anyway.
zuluzuluzulu 2
They killed the smoking section and stopped serving peanuts on airliners becase both were a threat to the health of other passengers. So much for the great filtration on airliners
Charlie Roberts 37
"Just two weeks to flatten the curve" - anthony fauci......
Mike Mohle 17
Years, or, Decades........
mixhael lewis 12
Fauci should have been fired long ago.
Cleffer 28
They will never let this go.
John Prukop 4
This is the CALM before the storm. Check out Joe Imbriano at The Fullerton Informer. Here's his latest on the Shanghai Lockdowns from a couple of hours ago:
Justthefacs 22
Wonder if all the govt. people flying on govt. planes wear masks. Just asking.
Peter McGrath 7
Well, John Kerry, the climate "weenie" wouldn't wear one so he bitched and moaned until Biden got him a private Jet to fly all over the world supposedly preaching "climate change"...but jets are bad for the climate for everyone else. Oh, yeah, also Cow Farts!
21voyageur -2
Mr. McGrath. US society is so galvanized at this point in time that it is unlikely that your conspiracy rants will convert anyone although your cries have apparently stirred up your brethren on this particular thread. No more from this end on this thread, little to achieve.
Joe Keifer 36
It's all about control and those in power are looking for another way to rig the US midterms.
Fact Monger!!!!! These days, when I see folks (outside of folks @ work in a medical facility)...I start smacking my gum and is kinda like spooking deer.
Steve Stein -2
You sound like a stellar individual.
Jaime Terrassa 3
you got that right Mr. Keifer
avionik99 12
There ya go! That'll save the world!
sparkie624 22
Extend Extend Extend... UGH!
Andy Ridings 22
masks don't work and never did
They do however demonstrate complete compliance
Nooge -1
Andy do you mind sharing your academic and professional credentials ?

“The CEOs of Southwest and American Airlines both said today in Senate testimony that masks on planes serve no purpose,” said one tweet shared more than 3,500 times.

Kelly said the airline adopted a mask requirement aboard its flights in May 2020, before the federal government required it, and that employees and customers “have felt it has been an important layer of protection, and I certainly agree with that.” He said the airline would “continue to rely on the advice of our medical experts regarding the necessity of masks.”

Parker later said on social media he “agreed with my fellow CEOs that being onboard a plane is proven to be a safe and healthy indoor environment.” But he said that his statement at the hearing was unclear and that he supported the federal mask mandate “Full stop.”

While HEPA filtration systems are highly effective at reducing the transmission of viruses, they do not completely eliminate risk aboard flights, according to Linsey Marr, an aerosol scientist at Virginia Tech.

“The issue is that they only work on the air as it passes through the filter,” she said in an email. “If you are sitting near someone who is releasing lots of viruses into the air, you could end up inhaling them before they have had a chance to pass through the filtration system.”

Marr said it takes a few minutes for air to completely pass through the filtration system. She said requiring everyone to wear a mask reduces the amount of virus an infected individual can release into the air, and helps reduce the amount of virus someone wearing a mask might breathe in.

Leonard J. Marcus, director of the Aviation Public Health Initiative at Harvard University, agreed.

“Yes, the ventilation system on airplanes are incredible. They’re comparable with what you might find in an operating room,” he said. But “it is the multiple layers, it’s not one thing alone.”

Marcus said that masks are particularly important when people are boarding and exiting airplanes or moving around the aircraft cabin. Rising COVID-19 cases and the threat posed by the omicron variant also make mask-wearing on planes essential, he said.
Russ Nelson 10
People who want to wear masks should wear masks.
People who don't want to wear masks shouldn't wear masks.

If your mask is so great, why do you need me to wear one?
strickerje 6
All of this is weasel words like "might", "could", etc. without any supporting data. The actual data show little to no difference between states with strict preventative orders (including mask mandates) and those without.
Duane Mader 3
My state South Dakota, no mandates or lockdowns. North Dakota, all that excrement. Almost zero difference in infection and death rates but our economy kept humming. Theres your giant scale case study.
Steamjet 7
You obviously failed at math, particularly decimal points let alone microns…. But I’ll make it easy for you. The typical mask has about as much chance of stopping the Covid-19 virus as a chicken wire has at stopping a mosquito. If you can smell through your mask or you can see your breath with a mask on, it’s not stopping a virus particle
sparkie624 4
You are exactly right... The molecule of the Covid-19 Virus is smaller than the smallest hole in the masks... The only masks that actually will work are the N95 Masks of which far less than 10% are N95. These Masks will help keep grass from getting into your mouth and nose while you mow the grass, but it isn't going to stop Covid... The masks are about filtering... It is about Control! and that is all that has been going on is controlling most of the people... Look for the game
Lemmings and once you understand that, you will understand the mask mandate!
sparkie624 2
Correction - Should be: "The masks are not about filtering.." (Sorry, wish we had an edit feature for our own posts)
Duane Mader 3
Logic. You’re banned!
AAaviator 5
Anyone can find a presumed “expert” to tell them what they prefer to believe (confirmation bias). Most of the time you have to follow that money, or follow the politics, and then you find they’re one in the same!
Michael Dealey 2
What about your credentials, John Stooge. People don't need a scientific or medical degree to have common sense, or to understand the results of scientific studies.. But since you're asking..
James Simms 3
Add in a good deal of people w/a scientific or medical (throw in your professional athlete also) background have very little Common Sense.
Steve Stein 0
Damn those surgeons and surgical staff.
Tim Dyck 2
Surgeons and staff don’t wear cheap, poorly fitting, unrated masks.
aurodoc 3
Actually we surgeons have always worn cheap fitting surgical masks. For me the main purpose of the mask is not passing contamination from me to the patient but from preventing blood, pus, and other body fluids from splashing up into my face. That said, in any crowded area where viral spread is more likely, wearing a mask might give me more protection than not wearing one. Since I am vaccinated and boosted, I am much more liberal in going mask free.
Brinck 33
Extending the airline mask mandate is nothing more than the current administrations desire to controll the public.Airline travel is the one of the last places where they can exercise control over the general population. They don't care about our health, they only care about their control over us.
John Prukop 1
YOU are exactly over the target! And remember, before the FALSE-FLAG 9/11 event in 2001 (which had nothing to do with Muslims and Red Bandanas), our Nation's airports weren't like a prison complex as they are today. Enter the Patriot Act - which had been written and waiting in the wings for the PLANNED 9/11 event - and WA-LAH! There are loads of corroborating evidence, especially from Neo-Cons like Paul Wolfowitz and the PNAC (Plan For A New American Century), which set the stage for regime change and country take-downs in the Middle East - but they had to have a "New Pearl Harbor" to kick things off - which 9/11 was. For a fairly complete rundown, go watch the 9/11 Trilogy Resolution videos at under the "Is It Live Or Is It Livery" tab. After reviewing those videos, you'll know more about 9/11 than you ever have from the lying mainstream mass media.
Michael Dealey 2
Oh John, that must be a "conspiracy". Except It seems all these conspiracies end up to being facts and the amount of time it takes for the conspiracy to be proven true, keeps getting shorter and shorter.

Yes, everything you said is a fact. Multiple people have attested to it with documentation to prove it. Oh, and the common denominator for all those countries we've invaded? They refused sign onto the Private Western Central Banking System. For some reason, they wanted their money backed by a real asset like gold (sort of like what Putin just did).

It's all about money and control.

As a meme I saw states: "We should stop calling them Conspiracy Theories and start calling them Spoiler Alerts".
Greg Cotten 11
Easy solution here. All of the Dutch carriers announced they would read the government requirement during the Safety brief, but would not enforce it. Let the passengers fight each other rather the flight crew!
angela anton 15
Many people have died. Regardless of whether anyone has personally met someone who got ill and died, that is meaningless; the numbers are there. We saw hordes in the hospital system. Many people wore masks (“But I did everything right!”) & still got ill. But that was then. This variant is not making people significantly ill. In our area we have had 5 cases per 100,000 people two weeks ago, and 2 the last 7 days. It’s nonexistent. This facemasking is nonsense, especially where the air is so highly filtrated
Dale Ballok 9
I noticed you used the “past” tense in your post. Very true, but you and everyone else need to understand that we’re are in the “present”, and have overcome about 99% of Covid issues! We need to move on, and move ahead with our lives. Nor forgetting what we went through, but staying aware, not scared!
RECOR10 10
That does not take away the fact that the masks did not save a single life.
Ken Lane 13
Nope. They do not work.

And, the lockdowns by all the tyrants did far more harm than good. Some harm won't even be realized for months or years to come.
mixhael lewis 5
How true, states with lockdowns did the same as states that were open.
Nooge -6
Parker later said on social media he “agreed with my fellow CEOs that being onboard a plane is proven to be a safe and healthy indoor environment.” But he said that his statement at the hearing was unclear and that he supported the federal mask mandate “Full stop.”

While HEPA filtration systems are highly effective at reducing the transmission of viruses, they do not completely eliminate risk aboard flights, according to Linsey Marr, an aerosol scientist at Virginia Tech.

“The issue is that they only work on the air as it passes through the filter,” she said in an email. “If you are sitting near someone who is releasing lots of viruses into the air, you could end up inhaling them before they have had a chance to pass through the filtration system.”

Marr said it takes a few minutes for air to completely pass through the filtration system. She said requiring everyone to wear a mask reduces the amount of virus an infected individual can release into the air, and helps reduce the amount of virus someone wearing a mask might breathe in.

Leonard J. Marcus, director of the Aviation Public Health Initiative at Harvard University, agreed.

“Yes, the ventilation system on airplanes are incredible. They’re comparable with what you might find in an operating room,” he said. But “it is the multiple layers, it’s not one thing alone.”

Marcus said that masks are particularly important when people are boarding and exiting airplanes or moving around the aircraft cabin. Rising COVID-19 cases and the threat posed by the omicron variant also make mask-wearing on planes essential, he said.
Michael Dealey 4
Yes, John Stooge - any mainstream news outlet (whether print or on-air) is going to echo your sentiment because they are all owned by the people pushing the fake pandemic narrative ...

Find out who the biggest advertisers of national news outlets are.

"Brought to you by Pfizer".

So please quit quoting mainstream (fake news) articles. This is how we got into this mess to begin with.
Shawn Jipp -1
Michael, you seem mo discard science and make it all political. Why do you think doctors wear masks when they are operating on you? Just for fashion?! Why do Asian countries do better with Covid than we do overall, they are used to masking and distancing if/when ill. Even with colds and flu.
Tim Dyck 3
Doctors don’t wear cheap poorly fitting unrated masks.
As for Asian countries you better check the numbers over there and make sure you take into account all the factors that change country by country.
Michael Dealey 1
Because it is political. More accurately, it's geopolitical. It was planned long ago.
You seem to think "scientists" are somehow not humans with all of the same faults as anyone else.

Science and academia has been totally bought off in this country. No one dare challenge the status quo if they want to keep their job. Just look at any doctor or virologist or epidemiologist in the past two years who was crucified in the media and in many cases ousted from their jobs for daring to have a different opinion about this "pandemic" and the virus that caused it.

There have been so many contradictions in the "science" over the past two years, there isn't room here to list them all - especially regarding masks - and the double standards and hypocritical actions of the politicians demanding they be worn everywhere at all times, only to be caught over and over again without a mask in settings the general public was compelled to comply.

Clearly, they weren't actually concerned about a virus or they would have followed their own dictates *without fail*.
21voyageur 0
So, where is your source of facts to back up your absolute claim Dr?
Michael Dealey 5
I think you're going to find out over the next year or so that the number "people who died from Covid" is completely made up.

The CDC just removed the "cause of death as Covid" for 70,000 children, claiming it was a coding error.

Italy has stated that nearly 80% of deaths first reported as Covid related, were actually caused by something else.

Some county in California (I think Anaheim) recategorized ~25,000 Covid deaths as some other cause.

The CDC's own data states that 95% of people they claim died from Covid already had an average of four other serious health complications.

Then you have tons of video from everyday people visiting hospitals at the supposed height of the pandemic, only to find absolutely no one there - despite the news telling them the local hospitals were inundated. This is easy to find online. Happened everywhere. No one in waiting rooms, ambulances sitting parked with no attendants, Covid testing centers completely empty. It was all just a made for TV movie.

Why didn't the homeless population get wiped out? They should have been the first to go. They live in close quarters in filthy conditions. Most of them have substance abuse problems and are malnourished - two things that contribute most to a repressed immune system. But there was never any news vast swaths of homeless people getting wiped out by this supposed pandemic.

And they told you to your face on live TV that they were going to count deaths from any cause as a covid death, so long as they tested positive with a faulty PCR procedure.

How did the flu completely disappear for the last two years. In the 2019-2020 flu season there were 35,000,000 cases of flu. In 2020-2021 only 2,136. That's nearly a 100% decrease.
Answer: it didn't. They just counted flu cases and deaths as Covid.

It's all a lie, an exercise in behavioral psychology to get you used to willingly accept any control measures the government dictates. And it will not stop until people demand that it stop and cease to comply. As someone else here said, governments never give up new-found control once they have it.

How many people here are old enough to remember that the illegal search procedures we all have to endure at the airport these days were only supposed to be temporary? That was 21 years ago now.
Shawn Jipp 0
Look at the number of deaths from 2018-2019-2020-2021-2022....Hey! We have a million more deaths than normal. It was Covid! Flu cases dropped because of masking and distancing. N-95 will filter down to 3 microns if fit properly. The virus rides on moisture particles. Many are larger than 3 micron so mask will stop them. And finally, your chance of infection is based upon viral lode. If person coughs with mask on then fewer particles will reach your mount nose eyes and throat. The lack of medical knowledge of people leaving comments here is astounding!
Michael Dealey 1
If masks worked to stop the flu, they would have worked to stop Covid. They're both airborne respiratory viruses.

All they did was count flu cases as Covid.
Tim Dyck 0
People are not wearing N95 masks and even an N95 will not stop an airborne virus. Airborne viruses do not require water particles to travel and although N95 masks filter particles down to.3 microns (not 3 microns) but the SARS-CoV-1 virus is .1 microns in size. Your lack of knowledge in both respiratory protection and viruses is astounding.
Shawn Jipp 2
Yes, I missed the decimal in front of the Micron. Even better for the point I was making. Always trust science. Without science there would be no aircraft or aviation! Here look at this:
21voyageur -2
Good luck , , , you are preaching to zombies!
John Prukop 3
The only "VARIANT" that exists is the VARYING LEVEL OF THE COVID LIE! There is NO transmissibility because there is no virus - and even if there was, a mask like an N95 or surgical mask wouldn't stop it! There has NEVER been a virus. Get the 'experimental' JAB and you get the poison and become a victim. Wake up people. THINK!
Steamjet 2
The numbers you cite we exaggerated…..even the CDC had to finally admit that they could be off by 94%.
rmchambers 11
Masks offer little protection against COVID so as to be just about useless, but hey, good job Brandon best to continue pissing off the public who have in most places become mask free.
Shawn Jipp -1
Your doctors and scientists will tell you you are wrong. Trust the experts. You are not an expert on medical science.
Mark Kortum 11
It is time for one of the big three to break ranks and stop enforcing this illegal bureaucratic mask proclamation.
Bill Thompson 4
THIS - They can make any absud law but if they want it enforced, make the FAMs do it. If air travel was that bad every pilot & flight attendant would have had it by now. We worked through the entire epidemic including when they told us NOT to wear masks.
Michael Dealey 2
And let's be clear.. there is no LAW. The CDC does not make laws. "president" Biden does not make laws. Mandates are not laws

The airlines voluntarily enforced these mandates.
The can just as easily stop enforcing them. No permission needed from anyone at any level of government.
Shawn Jipp -1
In 2020 and before vaccine, Delta lost 50 flight attendants (death). Most people that die now from Covid are not vaccinated and there is a high probability they are Republican. Less people to vote for Orange man I guess. Republicans don't even seem to care.
scottaic 1
Makes sense. In Canada the unvaccinated are sexist and racist, Trudeau even said so.
Russ Nelson 2
It's an unfunded mandate. It's the converse of taxation without representation. It's forced action without compensation.
Nooge -3
Lets get rid if the no shoes no shirt no service mandate

I do want to carry dog poop bags anymore!! Freedum fighters unite!!!
Russ Nelson 7
I love the people who call it "freedum". They show such disrespect for all the people who have fought to preserve American freedom. Why do I love them? Because they make it easy to identify the cowards.
Tim Dyck 3
I agree 100%. These people mock those who put their lives on the line for them. They don’t deserve the freedom they have but we grant it to them anyways.
Nooge -5
Where did you serve fighting for my freedom?
Ken Jackson 5
I served in the streets of Berkley in 1966 and 1967, expressing my freedom to oppose the Vietnam War.
scottaic 0
You’re an idiot. Move to china!!
strickerje 1
None of those are government mandates, just company policies.
Nooge -2
I think it will be Miami to break ranks

Chicago and Hawaii no way !! but Mo Ron DeSantis state would

Trump Hotels Impose COVID-19 Mask Mandates as Republicans Condemn Them

Anumber of former President Donald Trump's properties are imposing COVID-19 mask mandates amid strong Republican opposition.

Trump hotels in Miami, Chicago and Hawaii have all issued mask mandates as the Delta variant continues to surge in the United States.
strickerje 5
What's your point in posting a snippet from almost a year ago? And again, this is company policy, not government mandate.
John Prukop -3
Trumpty Dumpty Trojan Horse TRUMP is the one who brought you "Operation Warp Speed" with the JABS, the MASKS, and the CARES Act - ALL on the backs of the Taxpayers - who have been paying for their OWN destruction. Safe and Effective? Only for the tyrants!
Michael Dealey 3
Let's also remember Trump suggested alternative treatments FIRST, and the media crucified him for it.

The Lancet (a supposedly reputable medical journal) put out a paper with all kinds of bogus information about the dangers of hydroxychloriquine, which had to be retracted after numerous researches from around the world asked for the data backing up their claims. They had none.
They made it up.

But by that time, the damage was done and everyone believed it would kill you. The media never corrected themselves.

Then we find out from leaked documents from the Department of Defense that they were very aware, as early as March and April of 2020, that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine were very effective against Sars-CoV2 (even calling them "curative)".

Trump gave the people what they demanded (Jabs), because people didn't bother to research anything but instead, formed their opinions based on LIES from Fauci, the CDC, and corrupt medical journals and "experts" - all backed up by an inept and corrupt media.
Shawn Jipp 0
Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine have never been shown to be beneficial against Covid in large peer reviewed studies. Sorry. No such data. You have been duped.
Michael Dealey 1
There is a never ending list of "peer reviewed studies" online claiming HCQ and Ivermectin are useless against Covid but be careful who you believe.

The number one question you should ask (and get an answer to) when looking at theses studies is, WHO PAID FOR THEM?

You will find, if you follow the paper trail far enough, that most of these studies were funded directly or (more commonly) indirectly by money from big pharma. And you have to dig to find this out. You will almost never see a pharmaceutical company listed as the funder on any of these studies, when in fact they are.

That said, you statement is false. There are many peer reviewed studies showing the benefits of both drugs against Covid. They're just buried by Google.

By the way, the top shareholders of both Google (Alphabet Inc) and the three largest drug companies (Pfizer, J&J and Merck) are the same people.

And if you aren't aware of the utter corruption in the peer review process, go do some research.
Even Google gives decent search results on that topic.
Tim Dyck 2
I don’t know if Ivermectin works for COVID 19 or not but the disinformation from the media and politicians was disgusting. Ivermectin has been used safely for decades to fight parasitic infections and to hear it called dangerous or the implication that it is only for veterinarian use raised a lot of concerns. Why not stick to the truth? Why slander a medicine that has saved millions of lives around the world just because a few people claimed it worked for something it was never ment to be used for. Test it and if it works use it and if not publish the data showing it doesn’t work.
Mike Mohle 27
But they are gonna lift "Title 42" to allow illegals to again swarm into the US (no Covid test required).
Michael Dealey 2
Yes, because that's following the science, Mike. ;-)
Shawn Jipp 1
Immigrants are tested.
AAaviator 9
99.9+ % survival rate with previous, more severe variants, and now, sub variants to the milder omicron are even milder still - like a cold for most, and asymptomatic for many - with only adverse reactions occurring in immunocompromised and/or serious underlying health conditions, and even in that demographic, few are admitted to hospitals. It takes very little intellectual capacity to discern who is making this policy and why, to the exclusion of facts and science. Sad.
Shawn Jipp 1
the British medical association is now estimating 1 million plus people in UK now have long covid...we are till finding out how covid affects bodies. Some doctors are reporting more people having hear attacks after having covid.
JW Wilson 20
Another PMA-CIM (Politically Motivated Action - Colossally Idiotic Maneuver) Brought to you by the Buyden Administration and associated cronies. Follow the Money.
tcavin 7
So effing stupid…and airlines go along because they took so much money
Mark Kortum 5
The devil knew just how to buy the Airlines' souls.
So we HAVE to wear the damn mask whilst in the tube. Once you get to your DESTINATION city TAKE THE MASK OFF and walk out of the terminal.....wanna bet no one challenges you? And if they do tell them you are leaving....they'll leave you alone. This is the dumbest thing. I take peanuts aboard and eat them one at a time for the duration of the 2 hour flight. As I say, this is not a life saver on the plane.
Tim Dyck 2
This just in…
SkyAware123 2
What about getting rid of the ridiculous 24 hour testing requirement before a flight from oversees?
All this crap just to keep fauci relevant. What else is he going to do ? Masks don't work. But hey, libtards like to use 'the science' UNTIL it no longer supports their cause.
Kyle Shopinski 2
Seems like the Consensus on this Thread is to end the Mask Mandate. Honestly one of the few Places Online where ending it is more popular than keeping it, which is more in-Line with the General Public. Mask Wearing is almost nonexistent outside of Airports and the biggest Cities.
Pa Thomas 2
Boy, the stupid really came out in this thread.
35 years with airline ending on B777. Started as FE on B707.
The Recirc Fan system saves fuel using less bleed air from engine fan section.
Yes, the Recirc system filters are effective. Pressurization air is even cleaner with air in and then out bypassing the Recirc Fan system.

Reports from former pilot union is some crew are showing low O2 issues with mask on in cockpit.
I wonder if Cabin Pax are also showing low O2 issues with mask on in flight.

Over the years in flight Recirc Fans were shut off due to Galley oven smoke. So cabin air cleaned quicker with recirc fans off for a time. Cabin altitude was raised 1000 feet or more depending on actual aircraft altitude. Experience on Boeing was typical to have 5000 to 8000 ft cabin altitude. If flying above FL410 raising Cabin altitude may be temporary.
Ken Lane 5
More Biden stupidity. When will it end?
Mark Kortum 13
It will end when American voters stop electing tyrants and fools. I don't see it ending soon.
Nooge -7
Well we voted out the ranting Tyrant
All that is left is to prosecute him
Tim Dyck 2
You call Trump a tyrant and wile I think he was a loud mouth Buffoon he was not a tyrant. And if he was a tyrant then what is Biden with all his executive orders?
Michael Dealey -1
No we didn't. I suppose you aren't keeping up with real news regarding election fraud.
But of course, you wouldn't and there will be no convincing you.

I pity the meltdown you and other leftists will go through when states start decertifying their elections. It's on the verge of happening now.

Trump prosecuted? For what? This is laughable. The democrats have been trying to prosecute/impeach Trump since BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN, and they still have nothing. You are living in fantasy land.
Shawn Jipp 2
Um he was impeached twice. No election fraud, the states said so. Trump should be impeached for instigating some of his CULT OF TRUMP followers to attack the Capitol.
Michael Dealey 0
Where do you get your news, Shawn? I'm sorry for the shock you'll have experience. Better take a look at what's going on in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia.
Better use a search engine other than Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo.

And no Trump followers attacked the capitol. FBI/ATF/ANTIFA/BLM in coordination with Capitol Police and Nancy Pelosi. Why wont' they release video footage of the incident?

Their practice run was the Kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Allegedly a far-right wing group of Trump supporters hatched a plot to kidnap her.

Charges dropped for nearly all involved. Turns out it was all planned and instigated by FBI informants. Did the news report anything about the outcome? Nope, only the original accusation.

Wait and see what happens when the January 6th psy-op falls apart too.
mixhael lewis 0
True, true.
Nooge -6
6 more years
Michael Dealey -1
Dude, Biden will be gone before the year is out. Mark my words.
Michael Dealey 3
meanwhile, title 42 will be canceled for illegal border crossings because you know, Covid only affects people on airplanes, but knows to stay away from imaginary lines in the sand.
Trust the science, folks!
Steamjet 2
Biden and his Party are buffoons and both the FDA a d CDC haven’t been about public health for decades; they are simply a front and defense entity for Big Pharma and Fauci is the gangleader

The only “science” Fauci has followed is the one he made up.

Masks have as much quantifiable effect as the vaccine did!
Shawn Jipp 1
You know so much less about medicine than Dr. Fauci. It is truly amazing.
Michael Dealey 1
Fauci is just a bureaucrat. He's not a virologist. He's not even a PhD.
He's a paid puppet pushing an agenda.
msetera 2
U.S. Travel Democrat Face Diaper Mandate Extended by 15 Days
There, fixed the title.
The COVID-19 mandates are threatening pilots, as they become hypoxic while flying high with hundreds of passengers. Captain Kurt Schuster joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to discuss the dangers of the masks, the pilots banding together suing the CDC, and more. Schuster detailed the threats our pilots face, and how they are fighting back.

Visit Quest for 243’s website to find more information on the 10 pilots suing the CDC, their legal leader Lucas Wall, and more:

Also visit the pilots’ Go Fund Me to support the lawsuit against the CDC:

Shawn Jipp 1
So surgeons wearing masks for many hours while operating have no problems and those of us that spent 30 years in clean rooms making Integrated Circuits have no problems yet pilots can't breathe. This is laughable!
Shawn Jipp 1
William Smith 1
Mask mandates are retarded. COVID is a manmade condition. In reality, it is really Cobra Snake Venom poisoning. It is in the water, it is in the "vaccines" and in the Remdesivir. (See Why else do you think the so-called "Fact Checkers" are down playing or completely refuting snake venom. It is because this is a war on your mind. Every other treatment option that is available is suddenly not approved. Fact is, they are effective and have been used used to treat snake venom poisoning around the world for decades. But because we are being poisoned without our knowledge through the very drinking water in the taps in our homes.

Even if COVID-19 was a virus, masks are about as effective as trying to keep mosquitos out of your back yard with a chainlink fence.
Dave Underwood -4
My son's at Rice University where the flu, not Covid, has all the kids sick, is spreading fast across campus. I'll keep wearing my mask, thank you. It's flu season now, so consider that, you angry Fox News Gramps!
Ken Lane 5
And, how is it the masks work? What's your evidence?

Some idiot who's been in government for fifty years?
Shawn Jipp 2
Google it. Ask your doctor. Go to a medical school and ask. Duh!
Tim Dyck 0
Your free to wear your mask and no one should be telling you not to. At the same time you should respect the right of others to not wear one if that is their choice.
Shawn Jipp 0
So smokers should be ok to breathe into the face of non-smokers? Well when someone walks down the aisle coughing and is seated next to you, you can wish you had brought a mask!
Michael Dealey 0
And your mask won't stop the spread of flu, just like it didn't stop the spread of covid. But hey, if it makes you feel better, go ahead. You might just make yourself sick.
Shawn Jipp 2
Talk to your doctor for some personal education.
Shawn Jipp 0
That's what they are ...probably all old white men too!
Larry Kreuger -2
One can’t help but wonder how much of this content is simply political…mine included. If, as a country we had responded following the rigorous pandemic protocol we developed after the SARS epidemic, which we now know Trump threw out and after ignoring the early warnings he simply left it up to individual states to basically reinvent their own protocols, we might have experienced a completely different outcome.
Shawn Jipp 2
AAaviator 6
Sure, except nothing after your first sentence is true.
Michael Dealey 1
What should have happened was nothing - because we're talking about what amounted to the common frickin' cold for 99.97% of the population.

Nearly half of everyone infected were "asymptomatic", a newly made-up condition to account for all of the non-sick people who tested positive with a fraudulent test.

Imagine having a disease so deadly that you need a test to even know you have it.

And the whole notion that we're still in a pandemic is laughable. The notion that it was still a thing by the end of 2020 is laughable. Pandemics do not last for 2 years.
They run through a population very quickly, kill the people they're going to kill, leaving the rest of the people immune and then die off. Six to nine months tops.

The reason this thread is so political is because the pandemic is/was a tool for a political agenda. Find my other posts in this thread for links proving this.

And why this?:
mixhael lewis -1
Stupid, just stupid. No more masks!!

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

James Simms 6
Have never voluntarily masked, nor received the vaxx, nor tested positive for it. For the past two years, no one that I know of has gotten the chinese flu. I was part of a large contingent of service personnel vaxx’d prior to Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Too many have had life altering reactions or death from them. Just another reason to not fly anywhere anytime soon.

They may have fooled me & others once, but won’t fool me/us twice. If I catch it, fine. If I die from it, then so be it.
Cleffer 6
I am one of those people.
rmchambers 3
Me either, and had it twice. A small cough for 3 days with the first wuflu and congestion for 4 days with omicron.. I'll take that with a healthy immune system over potential side effects from a jab you can't do anything about once it's on board anyday.
Nooge -4
hence the need for masking around morons
James Simms 0
We’re all gonna die @ some point, why make your life (& others around you & your ilk) more miserable by wearing a mask?
Shawn Jipp 1
So why wear seatbels right? And no helmets for motorcycles? and no crumple zones for new cars? and no GFI circuts? No ADS-B? No weather reports? Because we are all going to die?! You have some odd logic...
Pa Thomas 1
Michael Dealey 1
You apparently aren't aware of how these so-called statistics of the unvaxxed are completely rigged. Despite what the CDC is telling you, the vaccinated make up the vast majority of new cases and hospitalizations - All over the world.

As usual, the CDC is finagling data to suite their desired narrative. Did you read the fine print associated with this graph? I bet not.

First of all, the CDC only considers you to be fully vaccinated after 14 days from the time you received a shot. If you get vaccinated and die of basically anything a week later, you will be considered an "unvaccinated" death.

Second: they state "Rates of deaths by vaccination status are reported based on when the patient was tested for COVID-19, not the date they died".

In other words, you may have tested positive for Covid, recovered, and then die of heart attack two months later, and you will still be counted as a Covid death.

Third: They admit they automatically assume (based on nothing) that in every data set, 5% of the reported cases are unvaccinated. Why?

Across the pond:

Man, quit letting other people do your research.
Dale Ballok 1
Wow! When did you come out of your basement and rejoin society? So, you were vaxed in the service (BTW, thx for your service), but you’re comparing apples and oranges! You obviously weren’t vaxed for Covid back then!
strickerje 1
This is how we handle everything else (most of which is far more deadly). I tested positive back in January, and it was indistinguishable from my seasonal allergies.
John Prukop 1
You tested for nothing! Better read-up what Kerry Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test had to say! The PCR TEST is a NOTHING BURGER and proves nothing.
Nooge -5
If I catch it, fine. If I die from it, then so be it.

Let it be let it be
You know, of course...the masks are worthless, right? They protected you from halitosis and not much more.
Mark Kortum 9
They do NOT protect you from your own halitosis!
Tim Dyck 1
I’m betting that oral hygiene increased when people started wearing masks and smelling their own breath.
Mark Kortum 1
I know mine did! I had to wear one all day. I was either in an airport, airplane, or hospital 10-12 hours at a time!
Ken Lane 1
Based on what evidence? They do not work.
Ken Jackson 1 for starters. Read the bios of more than a dozen of the smartest people you’ve never heard of.
Michael Dealey 1
That is the most cringey site I've seen in a while.
Russ Nelson 0
Pandemic policy has never been based on evidence.
Nooge -5
And your Academic and professional credentials are?
So now we need credentials for common sense? Interesting ...
Russ Nelson 2
You don't need credentials to read academic papers that say that masks don't stop viruses. Oh, maybe an N95 mask stops some, but you need to use it only once and then throw it out. Most of the germaphobes are wearing surgical or cloth masks, so N95 capability doesn't help them.
Michael Dealey 0
John Stooge keeps asking for peoples credentials as if he has any himself.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Dave P -1
Came for the “masks don’t work” crew. Wasn’t disappointed. Bonus was 1/6 attackers weren’t that bad or something out of touch with reality.

Listen, I also think the mask mandate should be lifted. But repeating things that aren’t true is childish and cringey at the very least.
zuluzuluzulu -9
I’ll never board another aircraft without a mask again. Passengers are gross. Airports and airplanes are gross.

I have not caught a cold since the pandemic started and the flu spread is next to nil. You people look at it as surrendering control. I look at it as retaining what shred of control I have while going through tsa and sitting in coach five miles up!
Mark Kortum 16
You should always have the option to wear a mask if it is your choice to do so. Neither I nor some Federal bureaucrat should tell you what to do.
Nooge 3
And you should not wear a seat belt too
I don't! Haven't for 5 decades, except when mandated by the trucking company I briefly worked for.
Joe Keifer 12
As a nation we are dying by a thousand cuts.
Nooge 0
Its hard hearing all the Jan 6 committee findings every day !!
And then people bend over backwards to overlook the lawless arrogance
Dale Ballok 2
Why don’t we spend the same amount of time, effort, and $$$, investigating the Covid outbreak that affected the WHOLE world??? We need to know the W’s: who, where, when, why, and “What the hell”!
Speaking of lawless arrogance, how about all the people wrongly jailed without due process for just being at that particular event? Did you know many are STILL in jail, but have not been charged with any crime? Your side is silent on this - if it were some leftist professor that bombed the FBI in the 70's, you guys would be screaming INJUSTICE at the top of your lungs. This REEKS of corruption from your side of the fence. And what about the entire summer of ANTIFA and BLM looting, and burning our cities to the ground? Why no similar outcry about that?
Ken Jackson -1
Welcome to Smitty’s alternate reality.
Alternate reality? So that's what you leftists call facts now? Unreal ...
Ken Jackson -2
I watched the assault on our Capital live. THAT was lawless arrogance. Everything else you said is delusional. Full stop.
More stories you missed.
Michael Dealey 2
You saw what the whore media wanted you to see.

This could all end very easily if Nancy Pelosi and the capital police would release ALL video surveillance footage of the incident.

Why won't they do that? Wouldn't that shut up all us right wing conspiracy nuts?
They could prove their case so easily by showing us the video of what they say happened.

That's right, because it didn't happen and video doesn't lie. So they will continue this J6 committee sideshow, investigating things that have absolutely nothing to do with January 6th.

Who was in charge of security that day? Who offered National Guard protection? Who refused it?

Let's see Pelosi's email and texts that day between herself, the Capitol Police and the DC Mayer. Not relevant?
It damn sure is. She was in charge.
Why was she not prepared? She was certainly warned.

And why were there FBI and ATF agents embedded in the crowd that day?
Who is Ray Epps? Better look into him.
Have you forgotten John Sullivan? The Dumbass even recorded himself with a CNN reporter in tow.
He's certainly no Trump supporter.

If you want the truth about January 6th, have a read:

Sorry if it doesn't fit your preconceived narrative.
Michael Dealey 1
Why hasn't anyone been charged with insurrection?
Yep, no argument there. But, for the corporate media and leftists talking heads to call it an "insurrection" when NOBODY was armed, and the only death was on the PROTESTORS side, isn't that worthy of questioning? Sounds like you've got your mind made up based on the party line, just like our useless media.

Ever ask yourself why there wasn't the same outrage when ANTIFA and BLM burned most of our cities to the ground? Some federal buildings with officers INSIDE!! Where's the outrage? Don't you find this odd there isn't MORE outrage against these left wing attacks on our country?
John Prukop 0
If YOU watched in on Tel-A-Lie-Vision, well then, IT MUST BE TRUE! NOT.

You watched 9/11 on Tel-A-Lie-Vision too - and IT was also a lie.
Here's some of the story, Ken, since you obviously missed it. Now what do they have to hide by allowing these representatives access? And WHY is NONE of the corporate media saying a peep about this? Reeks of one-sided politics.
Dale Ballok 5
Suit yourself! You do realize that your chances of contracting germs are greatly increased when in close proximity to other people, regardless of the location, don’t you? If you don’t want to get sick, stay away from crowds, or better yet, stay home!
Ken Lane 6
I guess you're under some demented belief that masks work. They do not.

The Danish study proved this.

And, an airline cabin is cleaner than most hospital ORs. It's closest match may be a microcircuit cleanroom using laminar airflow with repeated high level HEPA filters.

But, you're welcome to live in your dementia along with Joe.
Ken Jackson 1
Cleaner than an OR? That, sir, is an unmitigated fabrication.
zuluzuluzulu -1
They killed the smoking section and peanuts in airliners becase both were a threat to the health of other passengers. So much for the great filtration on airliners. Wear your damned masks you cry babies.
Shawn Jipp -1
These cry babies should all be sent to Ukraine. Then they would have something to cry about!
John Prukop -2
WHY? There's NEVER been a virus called "COVID-19" - This all part of the dystopian New World Order, Klaus Schwab GLOBAL RESET plans for TOTAL CONTROL. Ditch the masks... and for DAMNED SURE, DO NOT TEST with their phony PCR test and DON'T TAKE THEIR E.U.A. Experimental JAB - or YOU'll be sorry.
Shawn Jipp 0
Michael Dealey 1

I'd say he's right on target, then. Everything he said is provable. However, you're too lazy and biased to research it objectively (i.e. without emotional investment).
John Prukop -7
PSYOP ALERT! WATCH the Water, the Air, the Food, the Medicines, the Hospitals, the Doctors, the Flu Vaccines, etc. Check out State of the Nation:

And for a REAL, truthful ride, no bars hold review of the entire COVID HOAX, do watch this video from Dr. Amandha Vollmer from Ontario, Canada (a Naturopathic doctor A+):

For more of her forthright, unequivocal, truthful enlightenment, see all of her Holistic Living Videos here:


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