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US woman claims airport pat down was more 'fondling' than 'frisking'

A woman in the US, who was left humiliated during an airport security pat down, has claimed that it felt more like fondling than frisking. Nancy Campbell, 33, an urban planner from Brooklyn, was frisked at La Guardia Airport last week, and she said she was left traumatized by a touchy-feely female TSA agent before her flight to Washington. ( Más...

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Drag0nflamez 0
TSA really turned into a sexual offending agency...
andy streit 0
It has been said many times, and will continue to be said; these "enhanced pat-downs" are essentially sexual assault. Police officers frisking someone in the line of duty cannot even go as far as the TSA is. Its besides me that genitalia can be groped and fondled by TSA without a search warrant or due cause, and its allowed.
Matt Comerford 0
I don't get what the big deal is, I sort of enjoy when they "encounter resistance" ;)
Roger Deeringer 0
TSA may have really stepped into the pile this time. A random pat down OUTSIDE the security check area??? I see some boundry tapes being set up where TSA agents cannot operate outside the security check area. Any further security issues will go to Law Enforcement that operate througout the airports.
Toby Sharp 0
I completely agree with Matt Comerford. I think it's hilarious watching the weekly TSA circus. It's only a matter of time before something changes it seems.
Matt Comerford 0
Did u get the pun, Toby?? They say they will feel up your legs until they "encounter resistance". Hehe double meaning! Ok I'm kinda sick, either way it's funny!
P.J. Gibson 0
TSA..............Touch Sexual Areas
Ronald Padgett 0
I can't wait for someone with bigger... uh, more guts... than me to have a squeeze bottle strategically placed just waiting for an unsuspecting TSA agent.
Matt Comerford 0
That would probably get you arrested for being a terrorist.
Amy Dillon 0
TSA officers routinely perform unpredictable screenings after passengers have passed through the predictable screenings. It has been found to very effective in finding additional threat items. It is never done without a 2nd (or more) TSA officer present as a witness. Breasts are only touched on the underside or underwire bra area with the back (not palm) of the hand to check for hidden threat items, and the crotch is never allowed to be to be touched.

She should file a complaint if the rules were violated, and I am certain that all TSA witnesses were asked to file an incident report, if that were the case.

Blame the nutty terrorists who have tried to bring liquid explosives in contact lens solution bottles, or the attempted shoe bomber, underwear bomber, and many others for all the screenings. Unfortunately, it is security sensitive information to disclose how many threats are actually found, but there are alot each day. Be happy to fly safely. I know it's a pain, but it's better than winding up dead.
Ronald Padgett 0
"Blame the nutty terrorists... Be happy to fly safely. I know it's a pain, but it's better than winding up dead"

Says who? Ben Franklin, George Washington, Patrick Henry, John F. Kennedy, John Adams, Lee, Sherman, Grant, ME... need I go on?

I'll pass, thank you for your concern.
Amy Dillon 0
Happy to see you'll pass on flight security measures, Mr. Padgett. Enjoy that bus!
Bob Green 0
I'm always amazed to see people attributing their desires to defend something with phrases like "it has never been done.." or "only touched on .." or "found to be .." without being able to site specifics. (especially if it is a 'security sensitive' issue. Kind of like the 'if you didn't do anything wrong, why do you worry about us spying on you?' take on things. Doesn't fit in my admittedly old way of thinking about the US.
Charles Jensen 0
Ever since they started these aggressive pat downs, the airlines have noticed a big uptick in Cougars flying to most anywhere.
Matt Comerford 0
10 points Charles! :)
Robert White 0
Thanks Islam! Look like you have won! Allah Akbar ! God is great I guess that is why he/she need people to kill for him. Remember that when your standing inline at the TSA frisk-a-thon
Gotta love tolerance
Robert White 0
Thanks Islam! Look like you have won! Allah Akbar ! God is great I guess that is why he/she needs people to kill for him. Remember that! when your standing inline at the TSA frisk-a-thon
Gotta love tolerance
Matt Comerford 0
Robert, which god is better? The murdering Islam god or the child molesting christian god? The TSA must be catholic!
shawnjewell 0
Sorry, but TSA's actions are nothing more than knee-jerk. They only start "new" procedures as a result of someone who already got past them and attempted "something." Yes the terrorists are the instigators, but TSA is a joke. They are completely reactive not proactive. They have done nothing to make me feel a bit safer.
toolguy105 0
I can't remember ever agreeing with the ACLU; once you clear the security check point TSA's authority to is over. If someone has a question or concern about an individual passenger it is then a police matter, who can then bring the person back to the security check point to be re-screened. Something is very wrong with this picture. This lady should be filing some type of action against the TSA over this.
Jon Braun 0
Airports don't even have to hire TSA. That could be a great opening for smaller airports to get business... WE DONT HAVE THE TSA, FLY HERE! So simple. People still afraid of terrorism is so silly, I wonder who is STILL winning this war on terror?
toolguy105 0
New name for TSA - To Sexually Assault
Jon Braun 0
TSA = Touching Sexual Appendages
Robert White 0
Jon - islam HAS won; we are subjugate by them already. Just check the American federal deficit.... Please 1 billion dollars a day to destabilize the middle east? You think were doing that to help? No we are afraid, of Islam forming a new caliphate; if/then American will be under sharia law within 20 years all in a manner that will conform to the constitution and current laws o this nation!
Robert White 0
TSA= Teaching Suplication to All
Wally Strader 0
shawnjewell hit the nail on the head. However, I believe the next big "event" will come via the ramp.
Jon Braun 0
That's too bad if you think Islam has won. In my opinion that's how they win, by making you think they've won. Last I checked they don't rule my life. Maybe because I'm a Canadian. We're pretty free up here.
Matt Lacey 0
Don't TSA patdowns fundamentally violate the presumption of innocence principle? The only other time a LEO can do such a thing is when someone is under arrest. Enhanced security assumes everyone is guilty. It seems to be a rather simple court argument.

Steven Winslow 0
While I don't support "enhanced" pat downs, there must be another side to the story. What did this woman do to provoke the TSA agent? Something had to have transpired to have caused this situation. We're only reading one side of the story.....the side the press likes to exploit. Can't wait to hear the OTHER side of the story....
toolguy105 0
Steve you have a point. The problem I see is correct procedure would have been to take her back to the checkpoint for re-screening. Not to pat her down in what appears to be the middle of the gate area.
Patrick Key 0
I wonder how many of you asked the question "how could this have happened" on Sept 11 2001. It amazes me how many people are so eager to question the motives of those that are hired to protect you. In society you are going to have a few morons that will take advantage of those around them but come on, blaming the TSA. The terrorist rely on our being outraged any time one of our principles are violated. We live in a new world, accept it.
shawnjewell 0
Wally2, you are right, if the next big attack even comes via the airport at all. The "attempts" since 9/11 have not been well orchestrated as 9/11 was. I doubt they will ever try and use a means that is now under such heavy observation.

keypatrick, I partially agree. The big problem with TSA is 1. they don't have a good focus or direction (hence my reference to them as reactive)and 2. they have more than a few morons doing the job...they are made up primarily of morons. I believe that may actually be listed as one of the top job requirments. Also, the terrorists don't rely on our being outraged, they rely on us being distracted...which is what we (or at least the TSA) are.
toolguy105 0
Complacency: This is and has been the problem that lead this country into disaster. At the beginning of WWII after Japan bomber Pearl Harbor a Japanese Admiral is quoted as saying something to the effect; We may have just awoken a sleeping lion.

We become complacent, the idiots in Washington decide to pull back funding. We hire the unqualified because we lack the funding to hire people qualified and willing to give a job a 100%. Yes security is a boring job. Airport security is a necessary evil. TSA need to better train and better recruit people who are willing to do the job. The criticism works against us as it gives those who wish to do us harm comfort.

What to stop the criticism TSA must hire and train a better workforce; a workforce that must remember that they are not law enforcement but security officers and must act in a customer friendly manner while still securing our airports.
The joys of air travel - TSA - surly flight attendants - lousy service. TSA needs to focus on the real or potential threats instead of the one size fits all sledgehammer approach. Guns making it through in tests, thefts from bags, cargo not checked?? Focus!! We are not the enemy TSA and airlines. Some of us need to fly.
toolguy105 0
Funny you mention cargo. TSA has not been checking cargo. From what I understand they only now spot check cargo.
ken young 0
TSA is out of control. A bunch of ten dollar per hour high school dropouts on a power trip groping innocent people for no apparent reason.
Here's a solution....If you do not have to fly, DON'T! Screw the airlines. Fares have skyrocketed. Carriers have added fees for breathing. To hell with them. It is my hope that at least leisure travel falls to ZERO.
Matt Comerford 0
Lol Ken... You live in an alternate universe. As long as there are plentiful $99 one way fares, EVERYONE and grandma will fly.
Amy Dillon 0
TSA does x-ray screening and random bag checks on all cargo luggage. You would be surprised at the level of safety that is ensured by these procedures. If you want to complain, call your Congressman who represents you to suggest the changes you prefer; that's what your tax dollars pay for...

Glad I don't work at the Pentagon. I don't want to know the global threats that they are aware of, and protect us from at best every day.

TSA does not hire high school drop-outs, either.
ken young 0
and which $99 fares are those?
Just checked so -called low fare carrier SWA out of GSP to ALB on off peak days.....Thurs out Tuesday back....fare is almost $500.....$99, my fanny.
Oh US may have those juicy last minute fares. For what, maybe 10 seats on the aircraft?...Please. The day of affordable air travel for infrequent or leisure travelers are over.
Can't really blame the carriers though. They are of course, in business to turn a profit as well.
Amy Dillon 0
Spirit Air used to run some great low fare specials. Depends on your destination, though. Not sure what they are offering these days. Check their website.
ken young 0
Amy....Wanna bet? Have you talked to some of these people(TSA)?..Have you seen the way they carry themselves? Heard the way some of them speak? Observe the way they conduct themselves at the mere hint of a perceived objection to their authority?
How can anyone trust a person who's initial gut reaction to a passenger who asks why this is happening, is anger?
Look, you and anyone else is free to stand up for these workers. Bottom line is these stories and accounts of TSA personnel acting in bad faith are well documented.
BTW Spirit Air does not fly anywhere near here and I would not give my money to a carrier that charges the highest bag fees in the industry.
Amy Dillon 0
Sorry you had a bad experience with some TSA officers. Please ask to speak to a lead, supervisor, or airside manager if you encounter any altercations in the future. You can also post a comment on the TSA website, noting the details. I wish you the best... The Tampa TSA agents are almost always very kind and helpful to each passenger, unless you opt to get testy first.
Edward De Bruin 0
Your government officials is a joke!


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