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United Airlines launches a pilot academy to address staffing shortage

** VIDEO ** Amid a pilot shortage, United Airlines is helping to grow the next generation of pilots with its Aviate Academy. The new initiative will increase the number of women and people of color flying planes. Errol Barnett has the details. ( Más...

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Brian Freeman -8
Are they going to hire any "people of color" undocumented immigrants that are streaming across the border and overpopulating the areas surrounding this flight academy??
srobak -2
if brandon has his way - you betcha! can't wait to see the qual rate at the end of the first group through. LOL
The political comments just get more inane. There is an upper limit to human intelligence but no lower limit to stupidity.
srobak 0
I was responding to a politically charged question. Sorry that you don't like on-topic answers, nor the validity and accuracy of them.

Stupid comment.
srobak -3
nah - was perfectly legit.
Another stupid comment
srobak 1
So how's that mandatory mandate workin' out for ya, United? lol...
Reily Stafford 3
all 6 pilots got fired. I'm sure that's really going to cripple United. LOL.
David Beattie 4
Yes. 6 out of 14,000! Absolutely crippling! 😂The pilot shortage started before COVID and will continue after COVID is gone.
srobak -6
there were more than 6 who were shown the door, and hundreds which left of their own accord. In case you missed the headline and point of the story - UA is experiencing a sudden pilot shortage. Gee - wonder why that is. lol indeed.
Reily Stafford 2
NO, it was 6 out of 13,000 pilots or about 0.07% who were separated due to failure to comply with the company mandate. Meanwhile they said that unvaccinated workers cost them millions in lost productivity. It was about 600 TOTAL employees were separated, not 600 pilots.
David Rice 1
Way to go Reily! Bounce srobak’s head off the floor. He deserves it.
srobak 1
lol.... except it's tripe. but ok - whatever makes you feel better.
Edward Bardes 3
I'm actually surprised they're still in business.
MrTommy -3
If the 'vaccine' mandates were flushed, suddenly shortages would disappear, in all kinds of businesses.
bobina2652 8
The vaccine mandates are still in full force at United Airlines even though the govt mandates were shot down. United is a public company and they can run their business as they see fit. So they decided to keep the mandates in place.
Reily Stafford 3
really? where did you get that gem of information? So when the pandemic is over you're saying there will suddenly be enough pilots? LOL
srobak -6
no - when the mandates are rescinded or struck down there will suddenly be enough pilots, again.
Reily Stafford 5
Sorry to bring you bad news, but they will not be struck down. The Supreme Court upheld the rights of private companies to enforce vaccine mandates just this year. Also they ruled that the federal government can require health care workers to get vaccinated. Finally, they upheld the right of state and local governments to require vaccines even without an exemption for religious grounds. So basically there is no chance for the United Airlines mandate to get "struck down" because it was upheld.
srobak -1
That was under the umbrella of the suit against brandon - and only because the commercial entities themselves were outside the scope of federal employees, once the "federal contractor requirement" part was reversed - that isolated the fed from the company and consequently the employee. There are still hundreds - if not dozens of suits out there against companies (including airlines)... most are quite broad, or class action, or from unions and such, with several individual suits as well. Most companies don't want nor can they afford the expense of a court case, nor do they want the bad press - so several have and will continue to cave, while still others have lost outright. All I had to do was threaten mine with legal action when they came asking for my proof, consequent to their mandate - and they slinked back into their corner. Now - government subsidized and bailed out companies like UA (private my ass) have deeper pockets and will put up a bigger fight and might even get the ruling in their favor because of it... but between pilot, maint and ground crew shortages which were caused by this mess - it is only a matter of time and attrition before the airline's sustainability comes into question and begins forcing the airlines' hand. Parked planes and empty gates don't make any money.
Reily Stafford 3
Sorry, but this supreme court ruled *this year* that private companies have the right to require vaccination even without a religious exemption. Also, they ruled that local and state governments can mandate vaccination. I'll give it to you in Trump-speak: I know it makes you have a snoflake meltdown but you lost, get over it.
srobak -1
Yes - they ruled *this year* in the case against biden - which encompassed 3 aspects, including the ones you mention. They ruled on those in that fashion _because_ they were out of scope for the fed case. It was essentially a ruling by omission because of that scope and that is why they are still being challenged individually and outside of the scope of that case. I can give you the case number if you want it.
sparkie624 3
Hopefully coming soon...
James Cox 8
The problem is not many people want to pay $80k plus to get a pilot's license to go work jobs that don't even pay half that. Sure airline pilots get paid well but you need to get to 1500hrs doing "something" before that can happen.
srobak 5
It's a better investment to return ratio than 4 years of college & deep into 6 figures just to come out of it and start at 40k a year.
David Beattie 0
Time for an update SR. First year at UA now $80-100. Even Skywest is starting at $60K plus bonuses. Captain’s pay after 5 years is $350-400K.
srobak 2
Yeah but you are not landing in the bigs straight out of school.... you will be flying regionals for 3-5 first. You're not getting 80k there.
David Rice 2
SkyWest pays their Captains $80k, yup.
srobak 1
you don't come out of flight school or even academy as a Captain
sparkie624 1
Before that you will be in the GA Arene flying Corporate Single or Multi Engine and then move up to King Air's or similiar.
David Rice 3
Not really. Top students at places like Western Michigan (not the most expensive school for this) get into “Propel” (or United’s equivalent), and have a FO slot guaranteed (assuming hiring is “on”, then guarantee kicks in when hiring turned back on). Everyone at WMU Aviation gets into a FO job at 1000 hrs. Graduates usually have about 1200 if they worked as an instructor during college. The days of struggling between collage and a FO job are really over, at least for people who learn in a Part 141 university program.
David Beattie 1
Oops. Misread that! $40K for OTHER career. Never Mind.
mikeenderle 4
It sounds about the same to me. Lot of money up front for about the same job stability and pay potential.
srobak -1
80k in less than 1 year & start working, or over 200k over the span of 4 years, spending half the year not even being at school and a quarter of the year drunk - just to end up managing a mcdonalds after?

Not the same at all. Get to fly at school, get to fly for pay right after school. Gee - hard choice. :)
mbazell 14
I can remember seeing an add in Flying Magazine in 1960. United Airlines was recruiting private pilots to attend their academy in Denver. United would pay for your training from commercial/instrument rating all the way thru ATP. It included training on the Lear Jet. The add read "earn one million dollars in your lifetime. Come fly United." There was a critical shortage of pilots back in the 60's also. The Viet-Nam war sucked up all the available pilots out of college and the left over WW II pilots didn't meet the needs of the rapidly expanding airline industry at that time.


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