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Textron announces Cessna 172/182 can use 91UL, 94UL, or 100VLL

WICHITA, Kan. (Oct. 26, 2021) – Textron Aviation announced today that many Cessna piston-powered aircraft are now approved to utilize a more environmentally friendly aviation gasoline (AvGas). Owners and operators of Cessna 172 Skyhawk, 182 Skylane can utilize 91-octane unleaded (91UL), 94UL or 100VLL (very low lead) fuel in their aircraft wherever it is available. The 206 Turbo Stationair HD aircraft is approved for 100VLL. Unleaded and lower-leaded fuels burn cleaner than higher-leaded fuels… ( Más...

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doug staab 2
Necessary octane is directly related to compression ratio. We all think we need more than we actually do. 100 LL wont make your 700 HP Dodge Hellcat run any faster. Why? Cause it doesn't need it. A 9:1 Lycoming does not need 100 Octane at most cruising altitudes and power settings that we all utilize. Lead is the biggest reason to run aviation fuel. Why? Lubrication. But, do we need it? What are TBO's based on? OLD INFORMATION!!! In the 70's cars lasted 100.000 miles given the best of care. Oils and fules have made a little progress since then, TBO's have not taken this in to comsideration. Coupled with technologies used by mechanics(borescopes, 60 years history, and fuel and oil analysis) we should be able to run our low compression low RPM engines just a little longer than the standards we all are paying for at annual.
I beg to differ with that statement about 70's automobiles. My family routinely watched the odometer start at zero at least 3 times before passing the vehicle along to the next guy ... and who knows how many more times it rolled over. The bodies would usually rust out before anything, so we'd hose the undercarriages down with used motor oil. I still do this to my modern junks. My grandfather drove all over the country, and my dad pulled campers and everything else with his trucks for hundreds of thousands of miles. The key was MAINTENANCE. Oil, filters, points, coolant, and timing - keep all of those in good tune, and the engine will never stop.
doug staab 2
Sounds like you had a great mechanical influence in your life.

Yeah, dad and grandpa taught me everything I know about the older stuff. Constantly learning with modern junk. Stuff is so frustrating today. It's like engineers hate mechanics now, and are all taking revenge ...
ToddBaldwin3 1
Lubrication? Lead in gasoline, usually in the form of tetraethyl lead was added to control the ignition properties of the fuel. At high power settings, the fuel was prone to pre-ignition of some of the fuel/air mixture.
doug staab 0
perfectly quoted from google.
ToddBaldwin3 1
No, actually based on my experience as a Chemist, and my work in my early career in aviation fuels.
It also cushioned the impact between the valve and seat, AND kept valves sliding nicely in their guides.
doug staab 1
Google again!!! Resourcefulness is a great attribute..
Bill Seward 2
I know some stations selling 93 octane 100% unleaded for boats and such. Maybe we could just stop at those and fill up. :-)
Walter Roberts 4
This is where I get most of my mogas since my based airports do not sell mogas. I think you meant 100% alcohol free fuel. I do test every batch for alcohol and have found alcohol contamination occasionally. To use mogas you need an STC either from the EAA or Peterson. I got mine from Peterson back when 87 still had lead in some stations. Since there's no longer leaded mogas either one works.
Carl Staib 1
80 Octane ... 91/94 ... UL 94 ... 100/100LL ... 100ULL and so on.... talk about an accident looking for a place to happen.
Wayne Wickline 1
Why no O-470-U? Did I make someone mad?
Cleffer -1
Sounds expensive.
bentwing60 1
Actually, I won't claim to know how Textron got this in the mix, but if you are a piston driver and utilize these fuels, pay very close attention to EGT, CHT with high power settings and aggressive leaning techniques. Either can be indicative of detonation and That is what tetra ethyl lead as an additive is all about. Detonation will completely wipe out a Continental or Lycoming powerplant in short order, so if nothing else, brush up on your off field glider landing technique.
Colin Seftel 2
Textron Aviation owns the Cessna and Lycoming brands.
Parker Merrill 3
It’s all about installing placards near the fuel fillers.

Textron Aviation says “Operators may begin use of the alternative fuels once they are compliant with Service Bulletin SEB-28-04” which lists the applicable aircraft. SEB-28-04 says: 1) REASON - Use of very low lead and unleaded fuel is approved for use and fuel placards can be added to assist with identifying approved fuels 2) DESCRIPTION - This service document provides parts and instructions to install fuel placards for very low lead and unleaded fuels. 3) COMPLIANCE - OPTIONAL. This service document can be accomplished at the discretion of the owner. 4) FLIGHT CREW OPERATIONS - No Changes

There is no discussion of any changes to operation of the aircraft or engine. Textron would not have issued approval for these new fuels if it would tend to make their aircraft turn into gliders. The lawyers would never have allowed it.

Operate the aircraft and engine per the Owner’s Manual when using 100LL or one of the approved alternative fuels.
cmdrkarl 1
I suppose that’s for the new ones only?
Walter Roberts 2
In other news, the FAA has just issued an approved model list of engines that can use the GAMI G100UL fuel. Any engine on the list which covers more that 600 aircraft and engines can use G100UL. This includes many engines. Curiously, I did not see any of the IO/O-500 series engines on the list from either Continental or Lycoming. Also missing was the O-470-U although all of the low compression 470s including STC'd fuel injected versions were included.
dbaker 1
Mike Mohle 3
Says for Lycs, apparently not Continentals.
Mike Mohle 5
And where would one find these fuels? I have never seen any of them offered during my travels.
Walter Roberts 3
I have used 94UL which was available at two airports I use. Airnav will report some of these if you do not select any option when searching for local fuel. There are a few in Wisconsin, but one switched back to Mogas, which is also unleaded and ethanol-free at airports. The Swift Fuel UL94 (according to Swift) meets/exceeds specifications for AvGas 80 which went out of production sometime in the 1990s. It can be used without modification in all 80 Octane aircraft. In others (100/100LL or 91/94) an STC is available from Swift.


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