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No, F-22 pilots did NOT walk out after vaccine mandate.

No, the made up story from a website that specializes in fake political stories did not tell anything close to the truth about the fallout of the recent vaccine mandates. No pilots have walked out on their responsibility to defend this country. If you rely on social media for your 'news', is it any wonder why people are so angry, and misinformed? ( Más...

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Patty Vanoy 1
I have often who these Fact Checkers are..,
George Cottay 6
Take it from a professional, there are excellent sources of news around.

The Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Manchester Guardian are three English-speaking examples. Many local newspapers still provide important local info. Network TV news is better than nothing. Radio news on NPR is generally excellent if mixed with some features.

In all cases we need to remember the difference between news and commentary. With commentary getting so intense this is hard, especially with TV. Fox News' Tucker Carlson is, for example, not a news reporter in any way. Getting news from that source would be like getting lunch at Joe's Garage and sending your broken car to the Mom's Diner.
Kevin Keswick 1
If F-22 pilots are not walking out after vaccine mandates it begs the question why not? By definition F-22 pilots are young and very very healthy, i.e. they are at ZERO risk of dying from covid. Because they are young , healthy and mostly male they are at risk of getting myocarditis from the vaccines. Myocarditis is no joke. According to the NIH the 50% mortality rate for myocarditis is 50% i.e. 50% of young (mostly) men who get myocarditis from the jab will be dead in five years. Their hearts will be damaged for life - myocarditis doesn't just go away from taking Advil. Health care professionals are very aware of these grim statistics which is why so many are resisting getting jabbed even though their refusal will cost many their jobs. Vaccines should only have been given to the elderly and those with comorbidities e.g. morbidly obese with diabetes. No healthy young person should have been vaccinated.
I knew it. I knew exactly what would happen if I fact checked you, Kevin, but I did it anyway. You got me.

"In a report submitted today to the Israeli Ministry of Health, they conclude that between one in 3000 and one in 6000 men ages 16 to 24 who received the vaccine developed the rare condition. But most cases were mild and resolved within a few weeks, which is typical for myocarditis."
Kevin Keswick 2
There is no such thing as a mild case of myocarditis -the heart does not repair itself . Myocarditis is the leading reason why people need heart transplants. The following is from the NIH:

The following is from the American National Institute of Health (NIH):

"All patients diagnosed or suspected to have acute myocarditis should be admitted to the hospital and be monitored for hemodynamic instability. Immediate complications of myocarditis include ventricular dysrhythmias, left ventricular aneurysm, CHF, and dilated cardiomyopathy. The mortality rate is up to 20% at 1 year and 50% at 5 years. Despite optimal medical management, overall mortality has not changed in the last 30 years".
Yes, there is such a thing because your own reference says exactly and precisely that. You skipped right over that part to get your "up to" mortality rates:


The prognosis of patients with myocarditis depends on the severity of the inflammatory process and presentation of symptoms. Patients with severe disease have a poor prognosis without a transplant. Patients with mild myocarditis usually have a good outcome.
David Egger -3
You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!!
David Egger -5
Last 4 times i checked i was a “genius “ and I’m a doctor as well. I stay Educated on that matter!
I don’t want to be told by some libtard that they know what is best for me and everyone else. Be cautious of following your false gods. The media and our government lie constantly to line their pockets. Fact ckeckers are dumb asses that can’t find real jobs. They inject their own opinion to get the results they want.
I've been a super genius the last 12 times I checked and I was a regular genius without quotes before that and I'm a doctor, stuntman, F1 driver, astronaut, author, olympic snowboarder, sharpshooter, polo player, ninja, supermodel bra and panty consultant, CIA & FBI agent, deep sea diver, scratch golfer, and helper of old ladies across the street. Plus I'm rich. So I don't just stay educated on the matter, I keep getting more and more educateder on all matters!
David Egger -2
Educateder? Proves my point again. You forgot to tell me you were the dos equis guy!
skylab72 2
No, No! I am the most interesting man in the world! The Dos Equis guy just plays me on TV. But I'd be careful if I were you, messin' with Jmartin&son. I hear his boy is a REAL badass. :}
Patty Vanoy 3
Thought people here were above average in intelligence; how quickly this turned into political debate.
David Egger -6
Let the judgemental be judged! The one thing most overlooked and ignored in religion. Thal shall not judge!
People need to make up their own mind and not follow fake gods like hollywood, media and that stupid ass Mr. biden.
I doubted that officers who took the oath and know that they are essential to the defense of our country would quit over a safe vaccine.
darjr26 5
It worries me that some people would have thought this was a true story.
Henry Hughes -9
I agree the story seems unlikely. I think most USAF officers have a service commitment (like I did) and if they walked off their primary duty they would not be released from service.

However, I also doubt the credibility of any CNN "Fact Checker". Could there be a more oxymoronic pairing of words?

Getting your news from CNN is unlikely to make you educated.
Craig Good 3
I knew it was fake because anybody stupid and selfish enough to refuse vaccines shouldn't be allowed within 100 meters of an F-22.

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"stop judging if they are not exactly like you. You inbreed imbecile!"

Yeah. I hate when they do that.
David Egger -2
U no like it so much do you?
David Egger -1
I made my point!!!!!! Nobody likes being judged😈
I agree, you inbreed imbecile.
David Egger -2
Wow you are so intelligent! You can’t come up with your own words or thought! That proves my point again!!!!!! You make it sooo easy. Why don’t you try a dumbed down site where you can feel like you’re intelligent!
David Egger -2
By the way. This sight was meant for pilots. It sounds like the only thing you should handle is a radio flyer!
David Egger -1
At least where you can attempt to sound like you have a pulse.
David Egger -1
Actually, I didn’t getting the vaccine so you’re probably already doomed. Just lay down and let go!!!!!!!!!!!
David Egger 1
That was to craig good and is vaccine mandate
Both my in-laws got the vaccine - 1st shot in February, 2nd shot in early March. Guess what they got in August? COVID. The wife and I weren't getting it before, and sure as hell aren't getting it now.

It seems as of late, whatever the government FORCES you to do, you're better off refusing.
Henry Hughes -4
Oh, you're one of those intolerant people playing that well used card. You should reconsider and allow that not everyone thinks like you. And your way of thinking isn't the only truth.
It would be called desertion , court martial-able offense .
David Egger -3
Not if it is unconstitutional! That would be the only exception!
Fritz Steiner -4
Since CNN has published msn's denial, there MUST be some truth to it... right????

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wingbuddy 1
Covid is already doing an efficient job of killing the unvaccinated.

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wingbuddy 13
Over 95% of the new hospitalizations and deaths are among the unvaccinated
David Egger -6
Illegal immigrants make up 95% of those the other Five percent are from vaccine not working.
Yes ... and the media conveniently leaves out key facts about the dead such as severe pre-existing conditions, like morbid obesity.

Both my in-laws got the 2 shots. And they were both hospitalized for COVID last month. Lots of good the vaccine did! My father-in-law was in there just shy of TWO WEEKS. MIL was in for 4 days. Follow the sheep at your own peril.
My in-laws are statistically significant <- stupid

The vaccine doesn't 100% prevent infection/disease, therefore it is not effective <- stupid

Covid19 only kills you if you're a fatty <- stupid

Steeeerike threeeeee.
David Egger -1
But..but ma mama mama says unvaccinated are the devil
David Egger -1
What’s your expertise?
David Egger -1
If you’re vaccinated then what the hell are you worried about. Mind your own f…ing business!
Facts get downvoted here! I have to laugh. This is what we've come to in America ...
Robert Cowling 17
Sarcasm, or just dickishness?

I have said, over and over again, that it's too bad the virus doesn't have a higher 'kill rate'. But with more variants coming up, there is room for improvement. Some have pointed out that the GOP has morphed into a death cult, and it's getting harder and harder to refute that opinion, sadly.

The virus doesn't care what you believe. The virus thrives on ignorance, misinformation, and people who don't have a complete immunologic response to the virus.
David Egger -2
Ignorance thrives on ignorance! Get the facts for yourself and don’t trust anyone group of people especially politicians. Both parties lie to line their pockets. So does big pharma. Do the research and question everything . Don’t be a lemming!
David Rice 30
Social Media is not "news". Reporting news requires corroboration; any first year Journalism student know this. People who think they're "journalists because they post on the toilet of Social Media are like Cessna pilots who fancy themselves F-22 pilots. Ha!
The evening “news” and “news stations” certainly are no longer news either. We have no source of facts any longer. The facts are in there we just don’t know them from the misinformation. One fact - there is a LOT of push-back on these mandates from all citizens, military and private alike.
Byron Russell 13
I just ran across this comment elsewhere: "If you don't watch the news you are uninformed. If you do watch the news you are misinformed." Seems about right.
Denelle Keeler -3
Yes, unless you watch alternative news, where you get the truth and not propaganda.
Byron Russell 15
How many supposedly "legitimate journalists" picked up the story posted on social media by an emergency room doctor about gunshot victims being turned away from his ER in rural Oklahoma because it was full of patients being treated for ivermectin overdoses? They read it. It fit the narrative they wanted to promote. And they ran with it. As you point out, any first year journalism student should know to corroborate the facts by perhaps calling the hospital for confirmation. But they didn't. Then the hospital administrator had to issue a press release pointing out that the ER doc had not worked at that hospital in two months, had never treated a patient for ivermectin overdose and his ER was not overwhelmed with ivermectin overdoses or any other patients. No wonder people don't trust the media.
Robert Cowling 33
Tell all the people that use Facebook and Twitter as their only source for news. Yes, it really is that bad in this country, and Facebook is allowing deliberate lies and misinformation to exist on their platforms. They profit off lies.

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jglazko 11
Debunked, over and over.
David Egger -6
Fact checkers are a joke! Read about them. My grandson can fact check! He’s not even one yet!
Kids these days are doing things their grandparents never even dreamed about.
David Egger -2
So clever. So funny. So stupid!!!
Tom Marrone 1
Right on. Pilots or scientists.
John Eliopoulos -5
MSN should know, since they also are part of the Fake News. It takes one to know one.
Thomas Rafferty 15
YIKES!! I just come here to look at the pictures
wingbuddy 15
Yes, unfortunately, this site has as many nuts as any other. I could go on but I’m late for my Flat Earth Society meeting..
RECOR10 -1
Double mask on your way my friend...we need to keep you safe.....

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wingbuddy 1
Yes, you got into deep doo-doo!
rbt schaffer -1
Guess you sucked down that ORANGE pill
Carl Richter 3
Politifact is not know for their truthfulness either. (Along with CNN)

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Everyday huh? What misinformation was released today?
David Egger -2
Why don’t you research yourself how many time misinformation was given on the networks and by our government.
If you can handle it cry baby.
I did. Misinformation was given four times, two by the networks and two by the government.
David Egger -2
You can count to. I’m impressed!

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Robert Cowling 18
And everything on Tucker Carlson's show apparently. He's all emotion, all lies, all about inflaming people with easily provable lies, but since he is their only source, except for social media' they are furious about the latest lie, smear, obfuscated turd he furiously polishes to a glaring shine. We very much are what we watch. Americans are the least informed people on the planet, and the lying liars on right wing media, and social media are driving us farther and farther apart.

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Robert Cowling -3
Disprovable lies...
So none of these 16 coolers will keep my drinks cold?

Ok, what about the BBC?
j brandt 14
Anyone who's worked in the media knows that the truth is a fragile and rare commodity.
Editors get their opinions posted rather than facts.

Alan Glover 1
Glenn Greenwald is an exception.


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