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The Air Force is interested in buying a budget-conscious, clean sheet fighter to replace the F-16

The Air Force could be in the market for a brand-new, advanced fourth generation fighter as it looks to replace its oldest F-16s, the service’s top general said Wednesday. The Air Force has started a study that will describe its preferred mix of fighters and other tactical aircraft that will be used to help build the fiscal year 2023 budget. That result could include a brand new “four-and-a half or fifth-gen minus” fighter with capabilities that fall somewhere in between the 1970s era F-16 and… ( Más...

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Derek Vaughn 1
Budget conscious? Might as well make another reconnaissance drone.

Biden will ask what Bejing will sell us for just a few trillion....Harris will then offer equal weapons to our enemies.
Frank Harvey 2
F5 F20


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