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Alaska will hand out 'yellow card' for passengers not wearing face masks

Alaska Airlines will hand out 'yellow card' or formal warnings for passengers that are not wearing face coverings. ( Más...

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john doe 1
"...flight crews had to deal with some passengers who flagrantly disregarded the mask mandate...
What kind of CRM is that?
Frank Austin 4
The yellow card does little to protect other passengers. Kick them off the plane.
K R 2
I think that you are missing the point. The yellow card is to "shame people" so that other people can feel better about themselves - just like in many schools where the "bad" pupil is told to stand in a corner in the classroom so that the other (rule abiding) pupils can feel good about themselves. "Who wants to be the guy in the corner; I wouldn't want to be him and I feel better that I am not him - I feel better - Yay". It's about the perception of action being an improvement to the situation. Its not about the action actually improving things - as you point out. Masks don't ACTUALLY improve the Covid19 transmission situation much (they only work for coughing or spitting) but they have a great calming, "feel good" effect on PAX (called the placebo effect in western medicine) so why not provide them. Its worked on Japanese and Chinese airlines for years where because they used them for city particulate pollution PM2.5 they then decided that that they felt better wearing them in a confined space too. The airlines (and there fellow passengers were tolerant) except after 911 when they were shamed because everybody knew that "only terrorists or robbers wear masks" to hide their face. Sigh. Humans.
john doe 1
Not sure that would be practical, Frank - seems the issue usually becomes apparent after the plane is in the air.
Jim Nasby 1
I don’t see the problem there... ;P
Craig Good 1
A more appropriate response would be that anybody not properly wearing their mask will be zip-tied and have a mask strapped to their face for them by the cabin crew. And then permanently banned from flying. On any airline. Ever.
Mask are a joke and do nothing
Frank Austin 1
Let me know which funeral home you use and I will sign your guest book.
Craig Good 3
That's bullshit. Try to keep up with the science. Stay home when you can, wear a mask when you can't.
Nathan Cox 4
OK, here goes. I am a frequent traveler as my fly for a large part 121 airline and have to commute back and forth to work via Alaska Air and also Delta as my first 2 picks. If a private carrier asks/requires customers to use a mask, that’s their prerogative, as they are not a public agency.
First off, while masks are “required” to board, I find that only about 70% on board actually keep their masks on *correctly*. I see a lot of people taking the mask down below their nose and breathing through their nose. Secondly 90% of the people will pull their mask down at some point to drink or eat. The longer you have it pulled down, the longer your “exposure” to the virus.
Realizing these first 2 points, what constitutes? “Not wearing their mask? If I sip on water the whole flight am I violating the policy? I respect airlines trying to keep their customers safe, but if people are concerned with being safe, why are they flying and potentially exposing themselves? High risk people probably shouldn’t be traveling by air. If they have to travel, consider flying privately; or driving/taking a bus if you’re not able to afford a private aircraft.
Finally, If masks work, and you wear yours the whole flight you have nothing to worry about, right? If you’re thinking of downvoting because of my final statement, re-read my first 2 points. Reality check. My $.02
K R 2
You are too deep in the details. Stick to the basics. FaceMasks work for large droplets coming from the mouth in coughing or spitting or sneezing). They don't practically (only statistically to a minor degree)work for small droplets from the nose or mouth. You would need a HEPA filter to stop the small droplets. 6ft was chosen as the longest (statistically) that a large droplet could be thrown from the mouth. In order to be infected you need to receive the droplet into your month or nose. So: if another person is putting out large droplets towards your mouth - mouth not covered and too close. Then worry. Otherwise don't.
dee9bee 1
The car, yes. The bus?? I'd far rather be on the plane. Much better ventilation on the plane and less scary. Back to the car for a second...Where would I go? I'm supposed to be driving to a convention in PHX as I write this. Postponed until next year.
K R 2
Yea. Modern planes have HEPA filters (one of the selling points of new Boeing and Airbus planes. Only publicly available places with better ventilation (to filter out virus sized droplets)are modern hospital operating theaters. NOT ICU's except for ones focused on isolation patients. If you have a modern car with a cabin HEPA filter and you operate on circulation mode them you can be close to a plane, but modern planes also can have UV light sections after the HEPA to kill anything toxic to humans (like the SARS-Cov2 that gets past the HEPA 99% efficiency. So, just like with equipment failure risk Air, better than land travel - by quite far.
Joanne Cook 1
And the longer you have it down, the longer you put others at risk. I think the policy is about protecting others from spreading it, although there is also some protection for the wearer.
K R 2
Your statement is true only if you have the virus AND you are symptomatic. Most health organizations and airlines are asking you not to travel at all if this is true. The masks are for people that exhibit some of the symptoms (coughing & sneezing) but not others (the temperature) and have not been tested for the virus; and therefore may or may not have it. Wear a mask and keep your coughing and sneezing to yourself. Even then you can have the mask down as long as you are not coughing or sneezing: but sometimes a cough or sneeze comes upon you pretty quickly so use a cloth or paper towel or crock of you arm to catch the droplets before they can get to anyone or surface in your 6ft range.
CDBrozovich 0
I'll stick with the CJ4 for quick hops.
Isolate them. Put all the non-maskers together so they can infect each other

[This comment was deleted.]

Susan Andrus 6
Since masks don't prevent infection, when you require life-saving surgery, you can let the surgeon and attending nurses know they need not bother wearing one...
srobak -9
Indeed. People don't want to realize truth. But in the same era that has given way to BLM this doesn't surprise me. People prefer creating their own fiction than to rely on facts

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

dj horton 8
The mask isn’t a political statement. It’s an IQ test. Stop being a dumb a$$ and just put it on.
crk112 1
When a political party manufactures a crisis out of a cold virus, covid and mask-wearing absolutely becomes political.

If it's an IQ test you got it backwards.. it's only the idiots that can't think for themselves wearing masks.
K R 2
N95 masks from 3M (the best) only work on the large water droplets caused by coughing or spitting from humans. They have a very small filtering (negligible) effect on the small droplets issued by normal breathing, particularly the low volume put out by nose breathing. Play the proper guilt card (a rational one) and you will have a better chance i.e. If you are coughing or sneezing you should wear a mask, otherwise I might get sprayed by you?" Or "Do you understand why spitting on people is considered a bad behavior in our society? Please don't spit on me, spit into your mask instead."

The guilt card I play back to people who tell me to wear a mask when there is no need. "If the government told you to jump into a fire - would you do it?, so surely you should have sufficient intelligence and high school training to evaluate the science and make a decision for yourself first and then others?" or "Just because this has a placebo effect on you why do you think it should have one for me?"

Engage your brain. Ask the designers of the masks what they are good for and use them that way. No one at 3M will tell you anything other than what I have put above. Don't just jump into the fire.
srobak -2
Nowhere in the article or in these comments is anything mentioned about it being political. Pay attention
dj horton 3
The people that are refusing to wear a mask on an airliner (or any other public place) are refusing to do so because they say they have a right not to. Rights imply there are laws attached. Laws are implemented by politicians. It’s not that hard to follow. Need to learn to read between the lines
K R 2
Yes, but its a priority of laws, but you do not seem to understand how law works. Constitution rules all - like Frodo's ring. Right to freedom of choice rules every other law in the land by anybody restricting that freedom. To be enforceable such a lower law should be justified to the highest standards before it is enforced against the constitution. Getting the "unsubstantiated" and "unchallenged" opinion of the CDC does not count for me as a very high standard - but this is a democracy so vote next time and get a Government that ignores them if they provide such opinions. The reason that your "enforcement" opinion is not shared by the your lawmakers is that they know that it is one shaky grounds and that there would appear a raft of expert opinion presented to the court if it got to a court - so the "law" becomes a recommendation. So my "right to choose" is written in the constitution and over many years has been validated many times by the Supreme Court. Your facemask law is a local law untested in any court. My law trumps yours by a very, very large margin. So: anyone trying to enforce this local law (trying to enforce the mask wearing in this case) is taking on a substantial risk of violating the constitutional rights guaranteed to each citizen, and a substantial risk of feeling substantial penalties (fines or imprisonment) since their technical case supporting the need for the face-mask law is so weak. Its why you see a lot of political "lawmaking" going on but little enforcement other than recommendation. Yes Alaska, as an example, can possible make it a condition of carriage for there business, but not for long. They could also anyone from California from being a PAX (by saying they were full is you typed in a California billing address): but not for long.
srobak 0
I prefer reading the actual lines in order to stick with what is actually being said. It's also how I write. You should give both a try sometime. That being said company policies are the equivalent of state or federal laws. And the only difference between the executives that create policies and legislators which create laws is the lack of a .gov email address
dj horton 2
Of course you do. Blind acceptance of written text without any further analytical thinking.

This may come as a shock to you but “Green Eggs and Ham” isn’t really about a dyed breakfast item and pork.
srobak 0
LOL... no - it's called saying what you mean, meaning what you say. You can think all you want - just do it about _what is actually written_. I don't write in between lines - I write actual lines... so that is what is to be read. Anything you do past that is your own extrapolation, and quite likely - fiction.

And with all the little keyboard warriors out there these days - reading between the lines is not really something you gotta worry about.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

dj horton 8
You seem to have stumbled on to the wrong website.

QAnon is over on facebook
ReverendLee 0
Or 4plebs. Or gab. Or...

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dj horton 7
I don’t personally know anyone that has called QAnon conspiracy theorists. That’s a title they’ve given to themselves. People I know call QAnon morons.

That said, perhaps you can enlighten us on how the world is flat, chem trails are a thing, 5G cellular network spreads Corona, and Kanye is right about everything.
crk112 -2
QAnon is a conspiracy theory. You're the only one here that's talking about it.

We are discussing a virus that is in fact less lethal than influenza.. and we don't even have a vaccine for it. Hundreds of thousands of people die every year from influenza... plenty of "at-risk" folks with underlying health conditions (sound familiar?). Death toll FROM covid (not WITH covid, big difference!) is hardly higher than a bad year of influenza.

How many millions of cases of H1N1 did we have a few years ago? Where were the face masks then?

Nobody has shown me any real evidence that I'm all of a sudden better off wearing a mask in 2020.
sharon bias 10
Because we have 50 policies on how to handle face masks for all businesses, Alaska can pretty much do what they want. I don't agree with 50 policies, but that's what were're left with. I'd play the guilt card to passengers. "Passengers, you may not want to wear a mask, but the passenger next to you might be a cancer survivor or other high risk person. Please wear a mask to protect them".

K R 1
N95 masks from 3M (the best) only work on the large water droplets caused by coughing or spitting from humans. They have a very small filtering (negligible) effect on the small droplets issued by normal breathing, particularly the low volume put out by nose breathing. Play the proper guilt card (a rational one) and you will have a better chance i.e. If you are coughing or sneezing you should wear a mask, otherwise I might get sprayed by you?" Or "Do you understand why spitting on people is considered a bad behavior in our society? Please don't spit on me, spit into your mask instead."

The guilt card I play back to people who tell me to wear a mask when there is no need. "If the government told you to jump into a fire - would you do it?, so surely you should have sufficient intelligence and high school training to evaluate the science and make a decision for yourself first and then others?" or "Just because this has a placebo effect on you why do you think it should have one for me?"
Lee Withers 2
I have two questions: 1. Why are people not required to wear a mask to enter a terminal and then past the boarding gate? 2. Why don’t the airlines share information on noncompliant passengers so they cannot use any airline?
If there are rules, why aren’t they enforced?
Masks probably are required through the terminal. But I suspect some people, for whatever reason, want to take them off once they board. They may figure that once the plane’s in the air there’s nothing that can be done to them.
Duane Mader 0
Look at the spacesuit-like positive pressure equipment virologists wear. But yeah, that bandanna should work too.
Christos Psarras 19
Read Phil's response, then do some research (from reputable/knowledgeable medical/scientific sources that is), then, if you *still* believe mask wearing is ridiculous, come back and make an educated point, otherwise, please, don't spread crap that doesn't help the team; as much as a certain percentage of folks don't like it, we're in this together and the only way to get through it (especially now with the botched response) is to drop the BS like yours and for once, behave like a society that cares for others as well, not just our own sorry a$$...
Phil Shapiro 12
It’s just to prevent the moisture droplets from spreading. That’s why it only works if everyone is wearing them because they won’t prevent transmission. Only distance the virus can cover when exhaled
patrick baker 7
yellow card? does it have printed on it " the bearer of this card is no longer welcome on our airliners?" that would be the good response .....
Albert Tseng -5
I writes, This is your final notice to comply with our policy. Next we file a report which could result in your suspension of future travels with Alaska Airlines. I literally don't care if they give me it because I don't even like Alaska. AKA closing the gate 20 minutes early and busting my only chance to fly on an MD-80
srobak 1
Don't worry you didn't miss much by missing that flight. The md-80 is not a plane to write home about. Honestly one of the worst flying experiences ever is what it would have been
dee9bee 2
#1...Paywall, Washington Post...#2...Is this something like being 'tardy' in junior high? I don't know, the paywall, remember.
ReverendLee 5
Quick hit: Going into your browser settings and finding "Always clear cookies when windows are closed" and adding WaPo's site - [*.] - will disable the paywall tracking.

For example, in Chrome it would be: Settings > Cookies and Other Site Data > Always clear cookies when windows are closed > Add > [*.]

dee9bee 13
#3, if I were flying right now, I'd be wearing a facemask.
Colin Carroll 10
To discourage passengers from disobeying a rule to wear masks during flights, Alaska Airlines will issue final warnings to offending customers: a yellow card.

Starting in July, flight attendants on Alaska flights will hand out formal notices to passengers — akin to a soccer referee, but in the urgent context of public health — who refuse to wear a face covering. The card comes with the threat of further sanctions, the company said. Upon review, Alaska could ban passengers who refuse to wear a mask for a period of time.

Safety is our top priority! Starting in early July, our flight attendants will be empowered to issue a warning to any guest who flagrantly refuses to wear a mask on board our aircraft. Learn more on our blog:

— Alaska Airlines (@AlaskaAir) June 30, 2020
The policy comes after flight crews had to deal with some passengers who flagrantly disregarded the mask mandate, prompting the company to create the formal warning system, Alaska said in a blog post Tuesday.

Other airlines have already stripped passengers of their ability to fly. Delta Air Lines told employees last week that it has barred a handful of noncompliant passengers and will ban customers from future Delta flights if they refuse to wear a mask. And United Airlines announced last month that any passenger who refuses to wear a mask onboard will be put on an internal travel restriction list, losing their privileges for a time with the company.

Like other carriers, Alaska does list a few exemptions to the mask mandate: Children younger than 2, passengers with medical problems and passengers with disabilities that prevent wearing a face covering. Customers are permitted to temporarily remove their masks to eat or drink, the airline said.

Before passengers board Alaska flights, they will also be asked to sign a required health agreement and agree to abide by the mask policy.

Thats the full article
dee9bee 0
Thank You!


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