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MD-82 almost stalled at low level after go-around thrust overlooked

Bulgarian investigators have revealed that a Boeing MD-82 almost stalled while nose-high at low level, after the crew did not engage go-around thrust during a missed approach at Tarbes-Lourdes airport. ( Más...

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joel wiley 2
"Investigators have recommended that Bulgarian Air Charter introduces a specific simulation session, which replicates the Tarbes scenario, for MD-82 crew training."

Maybe the simulation can include a randomly selected 'omitted landing procedure step' to keep the crew on their toes?
linbb -5
Just another third world airline with poor pilots nothing new.
bentwing60 1
Can't make this stuff up, as HF said. Goin tooo fast, 94% to the dirt, twice. goin tooo slow, leave em at flight idle!
Frank Harvey 3
Wow, AoA 39 degrees at 116 kn and it didn't stall ! I guess at 70 feet agl it must have been in ground effect ?

bentwing60 1
Starts around .5 X wing span. 107' for an MD83
Frank Harvey 1
Thanks Bentwing60. So at 70 feet agl he would have been slightly above it (53 foot 6).


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