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Flight for folks hurting in Nova Scotia

There was a tragedy in Nova Scotia on April 19th, 2020. Someone sharing some love. ( Más...

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nszonker 2
It was a nice thought! The heart is centered on the area where the tragedy started to unfold. The shooter was finally stopped near yhz, where the flight started/ended. Nova Scotians are hanging NS flags on their properties in memory of victims and their families, seeing as groups larger than 5 are currently prohibited, even for the funerals.

canuck44 2
Details are beginning to come out. Evidently it began as some sort of revenge against an ex-partner. He burned his own house and the ex-partners. While 23 are dead there may be bodies in the ruins of the fires.

Other detains are not clear. We know they caught up with him at the Irving Big Stop just down the road on 102 from YHZ. One eye witness saw a Mountie in combat gear on top of the vehicle he had stolen. This vehicle was surrounded by RCMP tactical vehicles (they used to have a detachment at the airport so equipped and a second one in Halifax 30 miles away).

First reports said the suspect was in custody. Shortly thereafter we were told the suspect was dead. Within half an hour we knew his name and had his picture, but zero details on how he died.
canuck44 2
The RCMP just held a press conference and it appears the lady eye witness was right and the perp was already dead. By pure chance another RCMP Officer was fueling his car at that gas station when the perp was spotted in a Red Mazda. He shot at he Mountie who shot him with his handgun. The tactical team then arrived likely from the YHZ detachment as they would have been nearest to back up the officer..
canuck44 2
Canada has no death penalty...unless you shoot a Mountie in which case your chances of meeting a judge are not great.
I assume you did not read about the mass shooting in Nova Scotia Canada killing 19 people. An expression of sympathy over the affected town and surrounding area
The shooter killed 22 people. He was shot and killed.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Dave Reage 2


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