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Video at KTUL from Dustin Stone of AA aircraft parked

A lot of aircraft here. Dustin has some other great videos from the news helicopter. His back seater on video is great. Sorry if you aren't on facebook and cant see it. ( Más...

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pilotjag 1
Looks like mainly Boeing aircraft (including the MAXs) have been grounded. Wonder if they've started to ground any of their Airbus fleet
Somewhere today I saw a list of where AA jets were by type. I think many Airbus were in KPIT.
linbb 0
All Boeing new maxes are at Grant County in Moses Lake WA still have room for more by the way. Quite a sight to see there.

John D 1
Nice video. Thanks for sharing
On the 29th, 3 more 737-8 enroute to Tulsa. Guess domestic is starting to wind down.


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