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Two Dead in North Myrtle Beach Plane Crash

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dmanuel 0
Hardly a week goes by, in our area, without a car going off road and hitting a house (one home on multiple occasions) or businesses. Occasionally, these accidents result in post crash fires. Strangely, I never hear reporters spout that these streets need to be closed because they are too near occupied facilities.
Michael Yockey 0
Tail number is N2100V.
jim garrity 0
It WAS a c-172S, I just pray for those affected.
bamasand 0
What's the aircraft N-number, make, and model?
Rich Brown 0
Yesterday was IFR at least at my house here near KMYR. Agree with Justin, GA under assult again.

Thomas Little 0
Local media reports indicate the a/c had been performing touch & go's @ KCRE. Witness accounts who heard the plane, saw it impact the treetops before crashing into a nearby RV Park.
Justin Miller 0
People on cnn were having a heyday with "ban general aviation" comments. This should be a reminder that we all need to help AOPA out here.


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