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Boeing suspends testing of 777X aircraft

Boeing Co on Saturday announced it had suspended testing of its new widebody 777X aircraft as media reports said a cargo door failed in a ground stress test ( Más...

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patrick baker 5
they are testing, they have not stopped testing, they cannot cease testing because they want to make the aircraft safe so they can sell it. New tests will in due course be done and when the tests are done Lufthansa will get their new planes and boeing can begin to wipe the egg off their faces.The days of overbuilding components, like in case of the c-47/DC-3 are long gone, so that particular subcontractor goes back to the drawing board, err computer screen and begins anew.
siriusloon 2
It doesn't say "stopped" testing. If you could read, you'd see it says "suspended" testing. They can't continue testing until they investigate what went wrong and take remedial action. That should be obvious.
william baker 1
The stopped Load testing the 777X they are still testing the other systems etc.. They dont know when they will get back to actually load testing the aircraft due to the cargo door failure.
djames225 1
Actually it was final load tests, so yes, other testing is suspended. Probably not for long thou, as it seems it was an actual "over" test. I think Boeing, and I hope I'm incorrect, thinks this airframe can behave like the 787. Aluminum alloys do not behave like composite materials such as carbon fiber.
siriusloon 1
Boeing's own media release says: " issue arose that required the team to suspend testing."

And: "The testing issue occurred during the final minutes of the test, at approximately 99 percent of the final test loads, and involved a depressurization of the aft fuselage."

And: "The static airplane has been successfully undergoing testing since June, and this was the final test for the static test article." What else are they "still testing"?

More than just the door failed, by the way. The rear fuselage broke and that let the door burst free.
airuphere 4
What a troll headline ... the headline of the article actually reads ... Boeing suspends Load Testing on 777x.. then as you read on... suspends load testing while the door which failed the test - is beig investigated. I would imagine this is standard procedure if an element failed testing.. go back to the supplier and see what’s up.. Boeing is not stopping 777x testing - just one phase paused while they sort it out.
siriusloon 1
Boeing's own media release says: " issue arose that required the team to suspend testing."

And: "The testing issue occurred during the final minutes of the test, at approximately 99 percent of the final test loads, and involved a depressurization of the aft fuselage."

And: "The static airplane has been successfully undergoing testing since June, and this was the final test for the static test article."

What else do you think they are continuing to test while that was suspended (not "just "paused")?
MultiComm 1
“Exploded outward” - as in blew completely off the fuselage or just severe bulge causing structural damage?
MultiComm 3
Never mind, I found a different article to answer that question. The hangar was empty during the test and the door did blow completely off.

trentenjet 0
The Boeing 777X program suffered another setback last week when a static test airframe failed its final high-pressure load test, potentially resulting in a further delay to a project whose first flight date had already slipped due to earlier problems involving its General Electric GE9X engines.

The incident, first reported in the Seattle Times, happened on Thursday afternoon at Boeing’s widebody facility in Everett, Washington. The so-called ultimate load test forces the wings to bend to 150 percent of the maximum load they would likely encounter in flight while pressure gets applied to the skins of the wing and fuselage. In this case, a cargo door blew off its hinges under the extreme pressure, forcing Boeing to investigate the cause and possibly revisit design details. The overall testing program continues, however, according to a Boeing spokesman
william baker -9
FLIGHTAWARE SUSPENDS MH370ʻS ACCOUNT. I could only wish that were true lol.
Kobe Hunte 0
FLIGHTAWARE SUSPENDS WILLIAM BAKER'S ACCOUNT. You wouldn't be very happy about that if it was you.
william baker -4
Your not as bad as MH370 but your starting to be.
Robert Cowling 2
Ric Wernicke -3
Bob, please don't let English stand in the way of a toasty flame...
william baker -1
What we have here is a failure to communicate lol. Do not attempt to challenge my authority. I have eight weeks to turn you gaggle of maggots into a well-discipline cadet unit. From this day forward your sorry a**es belong to me. You will not eat, sleep, drink, blow your nose or dig in your buts without my say so. Know this, killing is my business, ladies, and business is good.
airuphere -2
It was a great break the last couple months.. guess he’s back on desk duty somewhere lol.
siriusloon -3
I can't wait to hear DonQuixote make ridiculous excuses and say this isn't important or serious, just fake news.


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