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Airline cancels flight to Vienna to avoid being seized over $275 penalty owed to Austrian citizen

Adria Airways canceled a flight Thursday from Ljubljana, Slovenia, to Vienna, Austria, over concerns the aircraft would be seized due to a 250-euro (the equivalent to $275) penalty and instead transported passengers by bus, according to Slovenia’s STA news agency. ( Más...

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canuck44 3
There has to be more to hat story for only $275...the bus they rented cost more than that.
william baker 1
The airline new enforcement agents were at the airport and they can take assets and what better assets that an Aircraft for they canceled the flight to keep the Aircraft safe.
Roger Anderson 1
I wish there was more insight to this story, but I suspect this went well beyond the mere $275 to the point where seizure was enforceable.

Pat Tolaj 1
Definitely has to be more...

That being said, I few with Adria before, from Frankfurt to Eastern Europe and then back towards Munich.

Very sub-par.


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