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30 injured as turbulence hits turkish airlines

Thirty people were injured inclunding to cabin crew. Though there were injuries none were life threatening. The worst injury was a broken leg sustained by a cabin crew ( Más...

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James Steiner 1
This is from March 9th this year. -
Torsten Hoff 1
That was more than four months ago.

bentwing60 0
Early in my career I flew for a guy who wore an $18,000.00 Piaget Polo watch. If he was an hour late he was "on time", if he was two hours late he was "runnin a little late" and three hours late usually meant a phone call to say I'll be a "little late". One night at the bar on a lay over and after a couple of tongue looseners, I asked him why anybody would wear an $18,000.00 dollar watch that didn't keep proper time? His response, because I can! My response was, well, if you ever show up at the hangar on time you'll be the only one there. He laughed! I flew for that guy and company for 15 years and other than a different sense of "time" we were on the same page. Chuck Noland (castaway) he was not. And he paid me for that different sense of "time" too. Cheers!


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