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Unruly Russian hockey team kicked off NY flight

CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. — An unruly Team Russia has been booted from a flight at the Buffalo airport while trying to get home after winning the gold at the World Junior Hockey Championships. ( Más...

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Matthew Skok 0
NY drinking age is 21
klimchuk 0
They probably don't know drinking age even exist
SF Johannsen 0
They may have won the World Junior Hockey Championships-but their Juniors! They are a group that is under the age of 20yrs, right? Hmmm. What's the drinking age in NY.
Matthew Skok 0
One of the members was vomiting in the "Sky Priority" lane, they were seeming unfit to fly.

jason stuewe 0
Delta did the right thing
Greg Anderson 0
"Skates on a Plane" funny, no really that is brillant :)
99NY 0
It's probably better they tried to fly out of Buffalo rather than Toronto. Had they been booted off in Toronto the entire team may never have been seen again. :-0
loufrankel 0
Is this considered an incident of "Skates on a Plane"?


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