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Engine parts of Air France A380 which suffered uncontained engine failure have been found in Greenland

Back in September 2017 many might remember an Air France A380 that suffered an uncontained engine failure over Greenland. Well... a discovery in the ice and snow has led to the finding of parts from the number 4 engine. They are to be sent to Engine Alliance for inspection. ( Más...

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John Yarno 1
I am guessing that as the general area was known,they used radar to pinpoint it, but the article is a bit thin on details.

BigTuna 1
The journalism is really lacking in this article. Was it found accidentally or was it active being searched for? Was it found by Air France, EA, or volunteers? How did they find when it was buried by so much snow? Will the search continue for the remaining missing fan blades?
Thomas Frisch 3
Some engine parts were found shortly after they fell (fortuitously) on the Greenland ice cap. The location of the A380 at the time of the incident was, of course, known so there is no particular mystery attached to the finding of further debris. If the point at which MH370 dived into the sea were known, the wreckage might well have been found by now (think AF447).

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WhiteKnight77 2
I would venture to say that they will find evidence of an old crack or at least a point where a manufacturing defect of the part allowed it to fail. Was this part forged or cast? Each offers different types of defects.
Robert Cowling 0
Imagine finding engine parts in your yard. Wow...
Lou Pumphrey 1
Better than the other type..

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Thomas Frisch 12
Can we please keep global warming out of this?!?! It's pretty obvious that the engine part was covered by a substantial amount of snow that fell since September 2017 (that's called weather), which had to be dug through. There is no shred of evidence that global warming played any part in this incident.
jeff slack 1
Amazed they can find this small fan how far down in the snow and yet an entire 777 is still missing
WhiteKnight77 0
Ground penetrating radar is a wonderful tool, remember that snow is not that solid. With that amount of snow on top of it, it still has lots of air trapped in it. That they found anything from MH370 is amazing considering that hitting water at 500+ MPH is like hitting solid concrete.
Thomas Frisch 1
That debris from MH370 has been recovered is not unexpected and it's likely more will be found - all dependent on the ocean currents and the chances of discovery. Several large pieces of AF447 were found floating in the sea and that aircraft (an A330) hit the sea with both engines going full-throttle. By the time MH370 came down its engines were no longer turning due to fuel exhaustion so likely its velocity at impact was lower but doubtless it shattered into a million pieces.
John Yarno 4
Perhaps being 2000x deeper has a tiny bit to do with, along with the fact they don't have a really good idea of where to look. Just guessing.
paul gilpin 1
define missing?
Kelly McNeill 2
wingbuddy 3
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared on March 8, 2014. This was a Boeing 777-200ER aircraft
Cansojr -9
I am wondering if the AIR FRANCE uncontaineed engine failure over Greenland is similar to the QUANTAS incident overr the south Pacific after taking on tons of fuel to make it back to Sydney. That was the failure of an oil return pipe. I suspect this might be the cause of the AIR FRANCE failure. It is worthwhile looking into this lead.
william baker 5
They were both different engines. Qantas uses Rolls Royce engine on there A380s while Air france uses GP7200 engines made by both Pratt and Whitney and General Electric. Also this flight was well into cruising flight while QF32 was still climbing so the thrust would have been different and lower on this flight.
Cansojr -7
Wouldn't the architecture of these gigantic engines be similar? I'm just curious and I'm not looking for an argument :)
william baker 4
Yes they would be similar but the manutfactuing would be different. Rolls royceʻs stub pipes werent drilled evenly which in turn cause the weak spot which in turn lead to a fire that caused the explosion. Im not sure what they said caused this issue but some where i remember them saying something about a failure of a fan disk. But im not confrim thats the truth or it isnt. As far as aruging im not aruging myself.
Cansojr -5
Arguing? What is this terminology?
william baker 1
Nevermind i see where this is going.
Cansojr -4
No problem it's a typo and we can leave at that. You made a more interesting comment.


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