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Rocket with Indian satellite explodes after launch

A rocket carrying an Indian communication satellite exploded just after liftoff Saturday in the second launch failure for India's space agency this year. ( Más...

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Marisa Nelson 0
They maybe have not killed anybody yet your right but they werent doing the space thing half a century ago, they were still riding camels...
Matt Comerford 0
hitler and usa's genius rocket maker :)
Norm Tucker 0
as a matter of fact, does the name vonBraun do anything for ya's?
Matt Comerford 0
thats a great movie!
Toby Sharp 0
we were terrible at it!!!!! watch the right stuff, the scene when all the rockets are exploding and everybody is covering their faces. hell we even killed a few guys, they havent killed any yet.
Matt Comerford 0
Norm Tucker says "Like this is a surprise... Picture a bunch of guys scurrying around the launch pad in their smocks and sandals with no safety gear whatsoever jabbering about who's turn it is to light the fuse!!!LOL " yeah only white people know how to launch rockets, right?

Robert Brady 0
One less thing in space.
Norm Tucker 0
Like this is a surprise... Picture a bunch of guys scurrying around the launch pad in their smocks and sandals with no safety gear whatsoever jabbering about who's turn it is to light the fuse!!!LOL
John Cotton 0
"I hope it's just one of those things."???


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