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Boeing cancels 777X launch event after Ethiopian Airlines’ 737 MAX 8 crash

The ceremonial debut of Boeing’s 777x wide body aircraft, planned for March 13 in Seattle, will be postponed indefinitely, the company said, following the second deadly accident in just five months involving its 737 Max 8 plane. ( Más...

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Greg77FA 1
If Boeing does not get in front of this incident and the publicity surrounding the 737 Max, people will stop flying on them.
SkyAware123 1
This is going to cost them orders.
greg putnam 1
No they won’t, it’s all a cattle drive they wanna be somewhere they’re not right now, load the bus let’s go!!
bentwing60 1
I suspect the roll out will still occur, just without the fanfare. Boeing has stated that the program will be unaffected by this latest troubling Max 8 event and many ground run/ops. checks precede a first test flight that can't be accomplished in the hangar. No airplane goes from the production hangar to 16L/34R at PAE and I bet they start shufflin the lawyers before they start shufflin the engineers.
bentwing60 1
John Manley 0

Wayne Jeffrey 8
Hardly seems appropriate to be popping the corks of champagne bottles and patting each other on the back whilst investigators are working out why one of their other aircraft fell out of the sky. If nothing else it would be a publicity disaster for Boeing to do it this week.

Put it on hold for a week or two, let things calm down, then let the 777X team have their well deserved moment.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Chris B -7
Will also give them more time to have a flight ready unit. What if they not only rolled it out but made the first flight on the same day? That would be very positive.


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