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First flight for FAA-conforming HondaJet

Honda Aircraft Co. successfully completed the first flight of its FAA-conforming HondaJet, the company announced. ( Más...

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Jim Hoyda 0
It's unique because the engines are attached to the wings, not the fuselage. Furthermore, the engines are further outboard than those a typical business jet. May want to research a little before you go spouting off.

Jim Atkins 0
Ever seen a VFW-614? It had over-the-wing engines. I hope Honda has more luck than VFW-Fokker had- they only built about a dozen 614s, all told.
Jim Hoyda 0
"Jim Hoyda -you are an arrogant ass! Must be a damn kid."

You make a statement like that and I'm the arrogant one?
Matt Comerford 0
Jim you damn kid... Dennis is the old senile guy of the forum, just let him ramble :)
biz jets 0
D-ADAM VFW 614 still actively flying!!
The last of the 19 aircraft built.

HondaJet video from Dec 20/2010
Nate Duehr 0
The tons of empty Adam Aircraft-built brand-new hangars at KAPA are a shameful disgrace. Over-spending on stuff they didn't have revenue to pay for, killed 'em. They could have done what they were doing in rented hangar space, without a fancy new corporate office building back there on the road behind the airport, etc... if they'd have just matched their spending to their real growth vs. their projected growth...
biz jets 0

I was too busy watching the HondaJet video, I forgot to post the link!!
Ray Noftsinger 0
The aircraft is nice looking and clean. Should compete favorably with the Cessna Mustang. Mustang is slow and eats more fuel but it is certified for single pilot where the Hondajet requires a crew. If Hondajet were single pilot certified they would have a powerfull weapon in the market of wealthy business owners with excessive ego and desire to fly for fun. I wish them well in their jet category. I have a type rating on the Citation and the joke was to look out for birdstrikes from the rear.
Gene Nowak 1
I believe you will now find it sigle pilot certified.
biz jets 0
In 2006 the sales started at 3.65 million USD, now with 100 plus aircraft on order,
the current list price for a HondaJet is 4.5 million USD.
Nate Duehr 0
Think Jack Rousch will place an order? (Ducking...)
biz jets 0
I think he ordered a Hawker 200.
kenneth stone 0
after lloking at the diffrent websites I am for one in favor of seeing this aircraft show up some competition
Steve Girault 0
biz jets - Thanks for the link to the first flight. Very nice looking plane.
toolguy105 0
While the design should cut down on cabin noise and any vibration, I'm not really liking the design.
George Spiteri 0
I saw this aircraft prototype in oshkosh,very impressive.
Thomas Moore 0
If its a Honda, its good.. WTF ? would you choose a Harley Jet over a Honda? I didnt think so....
Thomas Moore 0
BTW ... Too Many Jim's in here
Thomas Moore 0
If ya want to fight .. Go to yahoo DAMN
George Spiteri 0
Merry Christmass Everyone
Ken Martin 0
What is a Hondajet never heard of it hear in the uk until I rad about it on Flightaware
biz jets 0
UK Formula One Champion Jensen Button is the HondaJet EU launch customer - he ordered two of them, the first delivery to Jensen is scheduled for late 2012.

The HondaJet prototype first flew in 2003 and has been attending major aviation events in the USA since 2005.

My friend worked at Avtel in Mojave - in the late 90's they bought a T-33 and modified it to test the HondaJet's wings, and a Boeing B727 as a test bed for the Honda Turbo Fan engine.

So it's been around for quite sometime, and coming to an airport near you - soon!!!!
Ken Martin 0
Thanks for the info Bizjets101 I will look out for it. Happy New Year To All.


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