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BREAKING Indian air force planes collided mid-air in preparation for the AeroIndia 2019 air show (video)

Two planes of the aerobatic team of the Indian Air Force crashed in preparation for the AeroIndia 2019 air show. Two Indian Air Force planes collided in mid-air in the southern state of Karnataka on Tuesday while rehearsing an aerobatic show, killing one pilot and injuring two others. The aerobatic team was scheduled to perform at Aero India 2019, a five-day airshow expected to draw nearly 500 Indian and foreign aviation firms and defense contractors. ( Más...

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Angelo Calleja 0
It's a bit risky flying, like crossing a road, walking the dog in the park etc. etc. we can't live in a glass bowl, unless you choose too.

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Angelo Calleja 1
Go take a hike
Tobin Sparfeld 14
Maybe we should also ban mountain climbing, auto racing, parachuting, launching TV satellites, jet skis, ATVs, and circus performers.

People do dangerous things. They know the risks. Air shows help train pilots, entertain people, and inspire the next generation. It's part of living.

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VKSheridan 2
Taylor, there are hundreds of things that can kill people unintentionally. More people are killed by boating accidents than air shows but that doesn’t mean personal watercraft are a menace to society. You have a better chance of getting injured by foul ball at a baseball game than at an air show.....
Kobe Hunte 1
very well explained! thank you!

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Kobe Hunte 3
Honestly... right now i thing you are the craziest with all this absurd trolling that you do... Get a grip...
Tobin Sparfeld 6
Crazy that people on an aviation website don't want to ban air shows!

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btweston 8
You ever watch football?


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