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'Drunk' Russian ice hockey star 'floored air stewardess

Oleg Saprykin - who has played for teams in the US and Canada including Calgary Flames, Phoenix Coyotes and Ottawa Senators - has been named by media in Moscow as the Aeroflot passenger ( Más...

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The word drunk appears in quotes here. So was he actually drunk or just pissed off? Putting a word in quotes is often a way of minimizing it.
AWAAlum 1
LOL @ "hooliganism" ... how very genteel. The guy acted like a drunken bum and should be ashamed...and especially behaving like a child having a tantrum - in front of his own children using foul language. Way to set an example big guy. Shame on him.
Kevin Haiduk 1
That was way over the top. At least he should donate a bed or chair or whatever he tore up to the jail.

matt jensen 2
The F/A refused to sign a complaint and he was fined and released. He doesn't play as a goalie for any team now. Even if placed on a no fly list, he can rent or sell his home in PHX without even going there. As for Canada, I doubt anything will result. He can charter a NetJets and drink to his hearts content.
AWAAlum 1
Or his liver's content.
Highflyer1950 2
Not without a “visa”?
SmokedChops 1
he's a dream date...nyet.
canuck44 0
Great candidate for the No Fly list. Tough journey from Moscow to a paycheck in North America if you can't fly...even tougher not being able to travel with your team.
AWAAlum 1
In a couple of different spots, when referencing teams he's played on, it was stated in the past tense. He may no longer be playing.
Highflyer1950 1
Pull his Visa?


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